Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3970: 7 Yao Xing Jing

The answer of God King Luochen disappointed Ji Tianxing.

But he believed that God King Luochen was telling the truth and should not lie to him.

Tens of thousands of miles away, the four upper **** kings rushed over in a hurry.

Ji Tianxing decided to leave.

But before leaving, he left a word to God King Luochen.

"If you want to find revenge from this king, you have to live well and work hard to improve your strength.

Don't die under Jinyuan Longdi's hand, then you will be too aggrieved. "

After leaving this sentence, Ji Tianxing's figure became blurred and soon disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, he passed the space barrier, left this star, and returned to the outer starry sky.

God King Luochen stood in the sky, looking up at the place where Ji Tianxing had disappeared, his expression complicated and silent.

He had to admit that Ji Tianxing was too powerful and too mysterious.

Facing such a strong man, he really has no confidence to surpass the other side.

Not long after, the four upper **** kings all rushed over.

They surrounded God King Luochen anxiously and asked what happened to him and if he was injured.

God King Luochen briefly explained what happened.

The four gods were shocked when they heard it, and their eyes widened suspiciously.

"The Dragon God King in white? Why didn't we see it?"

"He has been in front of you? He used that golden sword light?"

"We can't see it at all, and we haven't noticed the breath of other people!"

Seeing the reactions of the four **** kings, the **** king Luochen was also a little confused, and his heart became more shocked.

Although this is a trivial matter, a trivial detail, it also proves from the side how powerful Ji Tianxing is!

Seeing that the four **** kings were still discussing enthusiastically, the **** king Luochen was disheartened and shocked. He waved his hand and said, "You are not allowed to mention this again, let's go."

The four **** kings shut up quickly and left with the **** king Luochen.

And what happened today must be kept secret.


The Sky Burial Sword continued to fly in the void, rushing to the depths of the Sirius Star Territory.

Ji Tianxing returned to the world of swords, entered the twisted time and space, and continued to practice Zhutian Divine Jue.

Funeral's voice rang in his mind and asked: "You can kill him, why are you merciful?

No matter how self-confident you are, you shouldn't have trouble. "

Ji Tianxing replied with divine intent: "You are the soul of the sword, sometimes you don't understand people's emotions and thinking.

As I said, the stronger and the higher the realm of the gods, the less emotional and human.

As far as I know, there are a lot of pinnacle gods who are so extinct in nature. Everyone is an ant. When considering everything, interests are the first.

What morality, conscience, loyalty... are ridiculous to them.

It is rare to meet a person of true temperament, even if he is nine true and one false, I am willing to give him a way to survive.

After all, he and I have no blood feud.

Of course, these are secondary reasons.

The main reason is that I need him to stay alive and continue to fight against the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and create trouble for the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor. "

Funeral Tian said through a voice transmission: "Since you want to deal with the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, then we can find him and kill him directly, so why bother."

Ji Tianxing smiled and explained: "Not everything can be solved by killing.

Whether or not to kill the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is actually between my thoughts. I have no reason to kill him yet.

But in the future, maybe there will still be time to use him. "

Funeral was silent for a moment, vaguely understood something, and asked, "You mean the five great **** emperors and the dragon world?"

"Yeah." Ji Tianxing nodded, and said earnestly, "Even Long Yan would be worried. In the future, no one in the Dragon Realm will be able to resist the **** emperor of the God Realm. How can I not consider this matter?

Although, these peak **** kings are not the opponents of the **** emperor for the time being.

But only these peak **** kings have a slim chance to break into the realm of the **** emperor. "

Funeral said in a low tone: "So, for the sake of revenge and to protect the dragon world, you are willing to put aside personal grievances and put the overall situation first."

"You can say so." Ji Tianxing nodded, "There are no permanent enemies. The outcome depends on how the situation develops."

"What about the five great **** emperors? Is it possible for you to reconcile with them?" Funeral asked.

"Of course it's impossible!" Ji Tianxing said in a sonorous tone, categorically: "I have a deep feud with them, and we don't share it!"

Funeral understood his plan and bottom line, so he didn't say anything more.


A month later, the Heaven Burial Sword entered the depths of the Sirius Star Territory.

Although, it encountered countless waste stars on the way, and several of them contained a lot of mineral veins and metals.

But Ji Tianxing was at the critical juncture of comprehending the God Judgment Jue, so it didn't bother.

When Ji Tianxing perfected the sixth level of Zhutian Divine Art, and its strength increased significantly, it had already reached the depths of the star field.

Under the instruction of Ji Tianxing, the Heaven Burial Sword entered a certain star inhabited by creatures.

This world is not big, it is only a medium scale, with seven continents inhabited by more than 800 billion alien creatures.

Ji Tianxing randomly chose a continent, looking for a foreign **** king and powerhouse, and inquiring about which star the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor was on.

The Golden Origin Dragon Emperor controls most of the star domain, and the star owner of this star has long been loyal to the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

Ji Tianxing looked for two **** kings before he inquired that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor was in Qi Yaoxing.

As for the location of Qi Yaoxing, he also found out clearly.

In order not to leak the wind, he didn't kill the two alien kings, only let them coma for a month.

After they were sober, they wanted to report back to the star master and let the star master remind the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor that it was too late.

At that time, Ji Tianxing had already seen Jinyuan Longdi.

After leaving this star, the Heaven Burial Sword returned to the void and rushed to Qi Yaoxing at full speed.

Fortunately, the distance between the two stars is not far.

Half a month later, the Heaven Burial Sword entered the Qi Yaoxing.

This is a Tiangang star with a very high grade and a huge volume.

With a diameter of more than one billion li, there are more than a dozen continents on the stars, countless oceans, and trillions of alien creatures.

The place where Jinyuan Dragon Emperor retreats and heals his injuries is the shrine built by Mr. Deer that year, the most sacred place for the entire star.

It was in the middle of the stars, above the boundless ocean, in an alien space.

The divine power of this alien space is very strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But compared with the gods and dragons, there is still a gap.

Therefore, that space cannot be called Dongtian Fudi, it is called the Seven Lights Star Realm.

The Sky Burial Sword flew for three days before reaching the middle of the boundless ocean and reaching the entrance of the Seven Luminaries Star Realm.

The entrance is a huge whirlpool of white light, hanging high above the clouds above the ocean.

In the vast sea of ​​clouds, four floating platforms were built, and several attics were built as outposts for guards to rest.

Two middle-ranked **** kings, led by five hundred guards from the **** monarch realm, guarded the entrance of the seven light star realm.

Although, no one enters or exits the Seven Luminaries Star Realm on weekdays.

But everyone who enters and exits the star realm must undergo strict interrogation and inspection.

Of course, except for the guards and leaders who guard the entrance to the star realm.

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