Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3975: Come, swear

"The five great **** emperors of the gods actually have such a conspiracy?"

Jinyuan Longdi became more surprised and unbelievable.

For the first time today, he heard about the five great emperors of the God Realm, and did not know anything about them.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing's words are conclusive and solemn, but he is skeptical.

Ji Tianxing explained in a low tone: "Although you have not been in contact with the five great **** emperors, you should know that the domain masters on the face of the nine star regions are all alien kings.

But in fact, they all have a strong backing behind them.

Unfortunately, the five great **** emperors all supported the puppet domain master and controlled several star domains.

Although the eyes of the five great **** emperors were extremely high, they couldn't admire those star regions.

But they treated those star areas as mines, enslaving everyone in the star areas, desperately searching for cultivation resources.

The God Realm has long been enslaved by the five great **** emperors, and the major star regions cannot escape bad luck.

Then, what do you think is the next goal of the five **** emperors? "

Hearing what he said, Jinyuan Longdi felt very reasonable and couldn't help nodding.

But he still felt puzzled, and asked: "They are already precious emperors, why do they desperately search for cultivation resources?

Those low-level cultivation resources don't help them much, right? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and explained: "They search for endless training resources, of course not for cultivation, but for another earth-shattering plan.

The king knew a little about that plan, but he hadn't found out the specific situation. "

Jinyuan Longdi subconsciously wanted to ask, can you say something about it?

But he then thought, Ji Tianxing would definitely not tell him about such a confidential matter.

Even if he asked, he was boring.

After a moment of silence, Jinyuan Longdi continued: "Well, even if this emperor believes in you, the five great **** emperors will invade the dragon world and enslave all the demonic people.

But what does this have to do with the emperor?

This emperor will stay in the Sirius Star Region from now on, and will never return to the Dragon Realm. "

Ji Tianxing sneered and said, "It doesn't matter to you? Haha... Under the covering of the nest, how can there be eggs?

The five great **** emperors will enslave the God Realm, the Dragon Realm, and the Nine Star Regions. It's useless for you to hide in the Sirius Star Region!

Besides, you are also the predecessor and powerhouse of the dragon clan, the dignified dragon emperor.

Even if you don't return to the dragon world, don't you have your relatives and friends in the dragon world? "

Emperor Jinyuan Long said blankly: "This emperor has no wives, children, and relatives. The emperor doesn't care about the lives of other people."

"Hmph, really cold-blooded and merciless." Ji Tianxing sneered contemptuously, "In the final analysis, you are greedy for life and fear of death.

Even if you used to be the Dragon Emperor, you now have no backbone and dignity.

Such a poor worm is not qualified to reach the Divine Emperor Realm! "

Ji Tianxing's scolding was hard to hear, but Jinyuan Longdi resisted, neither angry nor refuting.

In short, he is not the thief ship that is not on the Ji Tianxing.

Thinking about it carefully, Ji Tianxing didn't kill him, and he meant to win him over.

And he can learn these secrets without paying anything, this wave is absolutely profitable!

However, Ji Tianxing's next sentence made him dumbfounded on the spot.

"Emperor Golden Dragon, it's useless for you to act like this king.

The king is finished, now you have to make a statement.

You should understand that this king came to see you today, but it is more than just chatting with you. "

As soon as Ji Tianxing changed his face, Jinyuan Longdi quickly changed the subject, "Long Tian, ​​you said before that there are two things to come to this emperor today.

One is to enlighten the emperor, and the other is to ask him for help.

Now that you have finished enlightening, tell me what you want this emperor to help. "

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'll talk about help later, now it's up to you to express your opinion.

Remember, you only have this chance.

Either join us to save the dragon world and fight the invasion of the five gods.

Either... This king will kill you now.

Anyway, you are unwilling to save the dragon world, it is of no use to this king, and you kill it if you kill it. "

While talking, he burst out with cold murderous intent, filling the entire secret room, covering the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

Dragon Emperor Jinyuan could clearly feel that Ji Tianxing's strength was stronger than decades ago.

At least it has been enhanced several times!

Back then, he was not Ji Tianxing's opponent, now Ji Tianxing wants to kill him, it will only be easier.

Jinyuan Longdi glared at Ji Tianxing and shouted angrily: "Long Tian, ​​you deceive the dragon too much!

Even if the emperor is not your opponent, but the emperor resists desperately, you will not be better! "

Ji Tianxing sneered disapprovingly: "If this is the case, then what are you waiting for?

This king has achieved great success recently and is about to kill a peak **** king sacrificial sword! "

After that, the tips of his fingers lit up with golden light, bursting out a violent sword intent.

The invisible sword intent locked the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and pointed directly at his mind and godhead.

Suddenly, Jinyuan Longdi was full of cold, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, a deep fear grew in his heart.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing's momentum continued to rise, the three-foot sword light condensed at his fingertips was about to explode immediately.

In the next instant, Jinyuan Longdi was about to be killed instantly by Jianguang.

At this critical moment of life and death, Emperor Jinyuan Longdi didn't hesitate to admit it.

"Stop! Long Tian, ​​you won!

This emperor recognizes the plant and is willing to join you, and work with you to save the dragon world and fight against the invasion of the five **** emperors! "

Fighting against the scourge, against the five **** emperors, that must be a dead end.

But that is the future.

He doesn't agree to Ji Tianxing now, he will die soon.

How to choose, in fact, has long been an answer.

Jinyuan Longdi chose to admit defeat and compromise with Ji Tianxing.

But Ji Tianxing's murderous intent and the sword light of his fingertips did not dissipate.

He took out a piece of jade slip and threw it to the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, and said blankly: "You have nothing to say, you are such an old and cunning fellow, this king will not believe you.

According to the content of the jade slip, swear to heaven.

You can only believe in you if you make an oath of heaven. "

"What?" Jinyuan Longdi glared in anger, only feeling extremely humiliated, "Longtian, don't go too far!"

"Don't dare to swear?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows and said with a sneer: "That means that you are ill-intentioned. Those words just now are false.

In that case, you can't keep this king! "

Speaking of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he will urge Jianguang again to slay the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor on the spot.

Jinyuan Longdi gritted his teeth with hatred, but could only endure the humiliation and anger, and picked up the jade slip.

He hesitated and remained silent for a long time before he recited the vow template in the jade slip in a low tone.

This tailor-made oath of heaven was prepared for the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor before Ji Tianxing came to Qi Yaoxing.

The content of the oath is more than a thousand words, which is very detailed and complicated, but it is not very detailed and comprehensive.

As long as Jinyuan Longdi recites this heavenly vow, he basically sells himself.

Not only could he not avenge Ji Tianxing, he could not hurt his relatives and friends, and he could not have the idea of ​​regaining the Star Origin Continent.

Moreover, he had to obey Ji Tianxing's instructions, fight **** battles to protect the Dragon Realm, and never back down...

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