Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3976: Autistic

Today is the most humiliating day of Jinyuan Longdi's life.

Even decades ago, he was severely injured by Ji Tianxing and fled, he was not so embarrassed today.

This is humiliating!

Once this heavenly oath was established, he was firmly framed.

Although in name he is not Ji Tianxing's servant and subordinate, but it is basically the case.

In the process of reciting the heavenly vows, Jinyuan Longdi paused several times.

You must take a deep breath every time and tell yourself to calm down again and again to calm your grief and anger.

As the vows were recited more than halfway, the golden source dragon emperor's head appeared inextricably light, and there was a touch of invisible Taoism.

After a quarter of an hour, Jinyuan Longdi finally finished reciting the oath of heaven.

At this time, thousands of divine lights were intertwined and hovering, and the rhyme of Taoism also showed a hazy sight, and there was a dull thunder in the high sky.

There is no doubt that the oath of heaven has been established and has been approved and supervised by heaven.

Jin Yuan Longdi originally thought, but he just swears to the sky, even if he violates the oath, it doesn't matter.

But when he saw thousands of divine lights and felt the appearance of the misty Daoyun, he was completely desperate.

He certainly understood what this meant.

After the oath is established, he must strictly abide by the oath and must not violate it.

Otherwise, without Ji Tianxing's action, Tiandao will punish him and directly obliterate him.

After reciting the heavenly vows, Jinyuan Longdi sat on the altar in despair, depressed, like an eggplant beaten by cream.

Ji Tianxing took back the jade slip, stood up and looked at him, and said in a calm tone: "Don't cry, don't let you sell yourself as a slave, so bitter and deep?

As long as you remember the content of the oath, never retaliate against the Ten Thousand Monster League, never be an enemy of this king, and obey this king's instructions, you will be safe and secure.

Moreover, this is only good for you, not bad. "

His comforting words sounded somewhat reasonable.

But Jinyuan Longdi would only be more humiliated when he heard it, and it would be impossible to relieve his heart.

Regardless of whether his emotions calmed down, Ji Tianxing went on to say: "Well, you have made the oath of heaven, so this king can believe you.

Now, you have to do this king a favor. "

Jinyuan Longdi was silent, still slowly dissolving his anger.

Regardless of whether he agreed or not, Ji Tianxing directly commanded: "Use all the manpower and power under your command to investigate whether Emperor Feng Tianlong had been to the Sirius Star Territory thousands of years ago.

Even if there is no exact news, as long as there are similar clues or deeds, I want this king to report it.

This king will give you one month to supervise you in this matter.

If you are perfunctory, you should know the consequences! "

Jinyuan Longdi, who had been silent for a long time, raised his head and frowned and asked, "Are you going to stay here for a month? Supervise this emperor?"

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "Yes! From now on!

You, now, execute immediately! "

After speaking, he sat on the jade chair and drank tea leisurely, in a posture of staying here.

Regarding his almost rascal behavior, Emperor Jinyuan Long was furious and wanted to scold his mother.

But he had just taken the oath of heaven, and now he broke the oath, it is too hard to think.

He didn't want to use his own life to verify the power of the punishment of heaven.

After taking a few deep breaths, Emperor Jinyuan Dragon suppressed the boundless anger, nodded and said: "Okay, this emperor will pass on the order now."

He took out a few briefing jade slips, sent a summons to a few henchmen under his command, and ordered them to start an investigation immediately.

Not long after, Ji Tianxing's spiritual sense detected that the several upper **** kings in the temple began to get busy.

Those confidant generals, including the Marshal Yunchuan God King, began to summon people and send out many jade slips.

Believe that the order will soon reach the star masters of each star.

Seeing Jinyuan Longdi faithfully executing the orders, Ji Tianxing stopped saying anything, sitting in a chair with his eyes closed and rested, waiting patiently.

Jinyuan Longdi's emotions could not be calmed, and he could not heal his injuries with peace of mind.

He was sitting on the altar, staring at Ji Tianxing angrily, without speaking or moving.

But Ji Tianxing ignored him, and continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

Time passed quietly.

The whole day passed, Ji Tianxing did not change his posture, he was still so leisurely and comfortable.

Dragon Emperor Jinyuan stared at him all day, but it didn't work at all, and he couldn't help feeling a strong sense of frustration.

He knew that, thicker than his face, he had already lost to Ji Tianxing.

It doesn't make any sense to continue to consume it. He can only calm his emotions and start to heal his injuries.


Time passed day by day.

Every three or five days, the stars of each star will send some scattered news.

These news were summarized by several confidant generals and reported to Jinyuan Longdi.

Jin Yuan Longdi didn't even want to look at it, so he gave it to Ji Tianxing.

Looking at the various clues and news, Ji Tianxing felt his head was as big as a fight, and couldn't help but vomit for a long time.

"The Golden Dragon Emperor, do these generals and confidants under your command only grow their bodies and not their heads?

What this king is looking for is news about Emperor Fengtian.

That is the pinnacle **** king!

You see for yourself, what are these star owners reporting?

Your confidant generals don't know how to screen them, and they all give you a brainstorm and let you judge?

Those star masters don’t have to think about it. You regard them as confidant generals and marshals, so they perfuse you like this... This king really feels sad for you! "

"Look, this is the way the alien kings do things, it's incomparable with the elites of the dragon world.

To put it ugly, a pig is smarter than them! "

"Is this wasting my king's time? This is an insult to your IQ, Golden Dragon Emperor!"

Ji Tianxing looked distressed.

However, Emperor Jinyuan Longdi put on a posture that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. No matter what Ji Tianxing said, he turned a deaf ear.

Anyway, I took care of what you confessed, but if it can't be done, then I don't care.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing is more magnanimous and doesn't care about him.

After watching the scattered news for a month ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he had no choice but to give up.

"Forget it, you don't need to work anymore if you send the order to the banquets under your command.

In the past month, this king has read as many as tens of thousands of news, and almost listened to the legend of every star.

Among so many news, none is reliable.

It seems that Master did not visit the Sirius Star Territory back then. "

The one-month period finally ended.

The Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, who had been silent for a long time, finally got relief and was no longer autistic.

He opened his eyes to look at Ji Tianxing, and asked: "Everyone knows that Tianlong Emperor has fallen for a thousand years, why are you looking for him?

He can't be alive, you are all useless. "

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