Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3979: Catastrophe is approaching

Remember in one second【】

The fourteen stars headed by Thousand Blue Stars have always been peaceful and peaceful.

Although, the trillions of creatures on these fourteen stars are all slaves enslaved by the star master and the heavenly sun domain master.

They not only have to search for cultivation resources day and night, and turn them in on time and quantitatively, but also at the beginning of each month, go to worship the Heavenly Sun Territory Lord and the Supreme Deity.

When worshiping, they not only have to crawl on the ground, respectfully salute, pray and recite scriptures, but also keep them for three days and three nights.

In short, they must devoutly worship the domain master and supreme deity.

Only in this way, the domain master and the supreme **** statue can protect their peace.

Although, this kind of boring and boring day, in the eyes of the creatures in other stars, was oppressed, hardships and hardships.

But these ordinary alien creatures have never been to other stars, let alone other star regions.

Therefore, they are in suffering, but they don't know it.

Over the years, most alien creatures are used to this kind of life.

Many younger creatures think that life is like this.

Today, the people of the Li people of 14 stars are working hard as always.

Everyone is busy, most of them are mining, collecting medicine, planting sacred food, etc., a few are healing their wounds or practicing in retreat.

Suddenly, hundreds of people discovered that the sky became blazing white and dazzling.

The stars in the high sky disappeared, and the gloomy void was invisible.

They can only see the boundless white light, shining from the void, covering everything.

Ordinary creatures who have not become gods cannot look directly at the terrifying white light, their eyes are blind, blind and bleeding.

The creatures who have become gods can only vaguely see that there are tens of thousands of light spots in the boundless white light.

Only a master who has reached the realm of the gods can see the truth of Bai Guang clearly.

"It's a meteor shower! Tens of thousands of meteors are cutting through the void!"

So, after a while, this exciting news was posted on various stars.

The ignorant alien creatures sang and danced in excitement, and gave out surprise cheers.

Because, in their cognition, this is a rare miracle in a thousand years!

It is precisely because they devoutly serve the Heavenly Sun Territory Lord and Supreme Deity statues that they can witness such a magnificent, brilliant miracle!

Those who can see the meteor shower with their own eyes will get good luck and the wishes in their hearts will come true!

For a time, the fourteen stars were full of joy, and the people of the Li people cheered.

However, the powerful **** kings who control the stars and continents panicked on the spot.

They reacted quite differently from the people of the Li people. They knew that it was not a miracle at all.

It's a disaster, a catastrophe!

Because these kings and powerhouses all know that the so-called meteor shower is actually a huge group of meteorites.

Those meteorites flying at high speed and piercing the void are just fragments of other stars!

Every meteorite contains a terrifying impact, and often a meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of feet can destroy a city.

As for those meteorite groups in the sky, the diameter of each meteorite is not less than ten thousand li!

It is conceivable that once their stars are hit by a group of meteorites, they will inevitably fall apart and be destroyed on the spot. …

Even more terrifying is that the dazzling meteorite group is approaching at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the direction of the meteorite group, they will inevitably hit the star where they are!

As a result, all the **** king and strong were panicked.

At the fastest speed, they sent out a jade slip to report the news to the star master, and asked for instructions on how to respond.

At the same time, all the stars of the stars were shocked by the meteor shower.

No matter what they are doing, they immediately put aside the affairs at hand, summoning their confidants and relatives and friends to discuss how to respond.

After a brief discussion, everyone came to a conclusion.

Faced with this massive, catastrophic meteor shower, everyone was helpless.

Even the eight-fold and nine-fold star masters of the Divine King Realm could not stop the attack of the meteor shower.

As for the domain masters and supreme idols they believe in, they are even more useless, and it is absolutely impossible to protect them.

Therefore, the fourteen star masters all issued the same order.


Take advantage of the meteor shower has not yet arrived, abandon the star and escape at the fastest speed! "

As a result, the star owner, confidants, relatives and friends all emptied the treasure house at the fastest speed, brought the training resources that they had searched over the years, and boarded the godship.

"call out!"

After the divine ship was activated, it broke through the sky desperately, plunged into the void, and fled into the distance violently.

As for the hundreds of billions of creatures on the stars, they can't control or save them.

Moreover, from the moment of escaping, every star master guessed the result.

Their stars will inevitably collapse under the bombardment of the meteor shower.

Fortunately, they brought relatives, friends and confidants, and also took away endless training resources.

After the star masters fled, the kings and powerful men who controlled the continents and the top powers also had a foreboding of death.

Their reaction was the same as the star master, taking their relatives and wealth, and fleeing as quickly as possible.

About an hour later.

I don't know who leaked the news.

Still in excitement and

^0^Remember in one second【】

The Li people in the carnival finally knew the truth of the matter.

It turned out that the seemingly beautiful and gorgeous meteor shower turned out to be a disaster!

Thousands of meteorites are flying towards the stars that everyone depends on.

If there is no miracle, then at most two hours later, they will disappear with the stars.

The entire star and all the creatures will be destroyed, and no one can survive by chance except for those who have escaped from the king and the master!

This news spreads across the stars at the speed of light, and within half an hour, it spread throughout the entire star.

After all, the common people also use the jade slips to communicate with each other.

As a result, all fourteen stars fell into panic and despair.

The people who were cheering with excitement a moment ago became extremely frightened and desperate!

On each star, you can see people running in panic and chaos everywhere, and screams of crying and wailing echo from the heavens and the earth.

The desperate and helpless people, knowing that they are bound to die, put aside their fear.

They angrily cursed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and cursed the landlord and star master who abandoned them.

There are also some foolish people, frightened and desperate, running to worship the Domain Lord and the Supreme God.

They kowtow, pray frantically, kowtow the blood to the extreme, and are extremely religious.

Unfortunately, the idol did not respond.

They are regarded as gods, as the domain masters and supreme gods of faith, and they cannot be saved!

Seeing, the meteor shower in the void is getting closer.

The blazing white light in the sky became more and more dazzling, making it impossible to look directly at it.

Even the stars have become vast and vast, and those with weaker powers can no longer see.

Over trillions of alien creatures can only welcome death in despair and madness.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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