Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3980: Save trillions of living things

Remember in one second【】

"I only have six hours. After these hours, the disaster will be resolved."

In the outer starry sky, Ji Tianxing was teleporting at the speed of light.

His figure kept flickering in the void, and each flicker could teleport thousands of miles away.

Originally, it would take him a day to reach the vicinity of Qianlan Star.

However, regardless of the consequences, he exploded with the strongest power and flew to the vicinity of Thousand Blue Star in only three hours.

The consequence of such continuous teleportation at any cost was that his divine power was consumed violently and his mind was extremely tired.

The divine body suffered tearing pain, and his spirit was tightened to the limit, making him a headache.

When he flew to the vicinity of the Thousand Blue Star, before he had time to breathe and recuperate his body, he saw a few light spots in the void near the stars.

Although, those light spots are very small.

But Ji Tianxing was very knowledgeable and saw the truth at a glance.

"It's a divine ship! The divine ship controlled by the strong king of God!

I understand! The **** king on these fourteen stars found that they could not resist the meteorite group, so he fled on the **** ship! "

As his voice fell, the voice of Funeral Sky rang in his mind.

"The star masters of these stars and the continent masters are high-ranking **** kings and middle-ranking **** kings, and of course they cannot withstand the impact of the meteorite group.

However, it is indeed disgusting that they abandon the people of the entire star and run for their lives alone! "

In fact, Ji Tianxing had expected this result long ago.

In the outer starry sky, the ugliness and darkness of human nature have been brought to the fullest by many powerful aliens.

Those stars mainly don't run away alone, but stay to bury the people of the whole star. That's strange.

"Huh... the meteor shower is coming soon, I have to start preparing!"

Ji Tianxing no longer paid attention to the escaping **** kings, turned around and looked at the rapidly approaching meteorite group, and began to make preparations.

During the previous journey, he had carefully observed the meteorite group and the fourteen stars.

What gives him a little comfort is that the meteorite group is not horizontal, but vertical.

Nearly one hundred thousand meteorites are arranged into groups of meteorites 200 million miles wide and 600 million miles long.

Its shape is like an arrow and a spear magnified trillion times.

And the fourteen stars behind him are not arranged horizontally.

The azure Thousand Blue Star is in the front, and the other thirteen stars are in the back.

The fourteen stars are arranged in a shape like a huge pointed cone.

The ‘spear’-like meteorite group is about to hit fourteen stars like a ‘pointed cone’.

This has the advantage that the contact surface between the two will not be too wide, which can relieve Ji Tianxing a lot of pressure.

If the two are arranged horizontally and the contact surface is 600 million li wide, then he can do nothing but save a part of the stars.

Ji Tianxing envisioned several response plans.

In the first plan, he fully exerted his magical powers, with the power of three superb artifacts, forged a barrier that was as wide as 100 million li!

Use this barrier to keep fourteen stars and block most of the meteorite impact.

There are still some meteorites that can't stop them, but they won't hit the fourteen stars. They will rub the edges of these stars and rush to the deeper part of the void.

As for the second plan, he would take the initiative to attack and manipulate three superb artifacts to defeat every meteorite. …

This is more secure and can completely dissolve the meteorite group.

However, too much effort and strength are paid, and the risks are too great.

As for the third set of plans, he used the power of the king-level supreme artifact and then the power of the surrounding stars to move the fourteen stars away.

Just move the fourteen stars away and make way for the meteorite group, and the crisis will naturally be lifted.

But this plan consumes too much power and time is too long, it is too late.

If he was asked to prepare a month in advance, it would be no problem.

"How to deal with it depends on the impact of those meteorites first.

Anyway, the meteorite belt is 600 million miles long, and there is a gap between each meteorite. I have plenty of time to deal with it. "

After thinking about it, Ji Tianxing decided to act accordingly.

He first took a few king-level magic pills to adjust his breath and power.

After the divine power calmed down, he sacrificed three king-level supreme artifacts.


A dark, chaotic primitive clock suspended on his left hand.

A sacred hammer encircling the five-color thunder was held in his right hand.

As for the immortal golden body of the ancestor of Qiongqi, it has already been integrated into his body, and it is shining with a hazy golden light, protecting his body.

In addition, Ji Tianxing's mind is also connected with the Mending Dzi Bead and the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

If necessary, he can also manipulate these two superb artifacts at any time to resolve the crisis.

In short, whether he can resist the meteorite group and keep the fourteen stars, he still dare not draw a conclusion.

But he himself would never be killed by the meteorite group.

After just two quarters of an hour, the white light dazzling meteor shower overwhelmed Ji Tianxing's figure.

The first meteorite finally arrived and blasted towards him.

I don’t know how long this meteorite has been burning, it has already removed the impurities and turned into crystal clear crystals.

The diameter of this star crystal is more than ten thousand miles, burning with a white star flame, carrying the power of destroying the world.

Ji Tianxing sternly clenched the hammer and adjusted himself to the best condition.

^0^Remember in one second【】

When the star crystal was still 30,000 miles away from him, he yelled, holding the magic hammer in both hands and smashed it hard.


A hundred-mile-long dazzling purple thunder pillar collided with the star crystals, bursting out loud noises that shake the sky and the earth, echoing endlessly in the void.

The hammer was safe and sound, the purple thunder beam collapsed on the spot, turned into billions of electric arcs, and dissipated in the void.

But the star crystal that was over ten thousand li in diameter and destroyed the sky and the earth was also torn apart by the bombardment, splashing out hundreds of debris.

Those crystal-transparent debris, dragging a long white tail flame, scattered in the void, and flew for several million miles before gradually stopping.

Their impact is exhausted, and there is no new force to drive them, they float in the void, losing their threat.

"Fortunately, the impact of these meteorites is similar to what I expected."

The first meteorite was easily disintegrated, Ji Tianxing's brows stretched out, and he was more relieved.

Although, he only used a trace of supernatural power, one ten thousandth of the power, to solve a meteorite.

But he didn't dare to take it lightly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let alone paralyzed.

Because he knew that there were tens of thousands of meteorites waiting for him.

If he couldn't use his divine power reasonably, he would only defeat 10,000 meteorites and his power would be exhausted.

After a while, the second meteorite arrived.

This meteorite is larger, with a diameter of more than fifty thousand miles.

Moreover, the meteorite burning with white flames is irregular in shape, just like an oversized rock with a dark brown surface.

But this meteorite did not hit head-on, but on the left, 100 million miles away from Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing estimated that this meteorite would not hit the thousand blue stars, but after flying hundreds of millions of miles, it might hit the last star.

So, he manipulated the Primordial Chaos Clock to make the Divine Clock burst into the fastest speed and crash into the meteorite.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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