Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3981: Never retreat

Ji Tianxing stayed in place, the Primal Chaos Clock, like a streamer, crashed into the meteorite from the side.

Thousands of years ago, he tried, manipulating natal artifacts in the void, which could be tens of millions of miles away.

The Primordial Chaos Clock has been sacrificed by him for many years, and it has now become one of his natal artifacts, which can exert its power by 12%.

In other words, he stood still, but could manipulate the divine clock to fly tens of millions of miles away.

Although, that meteorite is still 100 million miles away from him.

But the meteorite flew obliquely, and it was only 70 million miles away from him.

What he has to do is to calculate the meteorite flight trick, the angle and timing of the collision of the **** clock.

This must be very precise, without making any mistakes.

If the angle is wrong, or the speed of the magic clock is slow, it is impossible to hit the meteorite, it will only pass by.

Fortunately, Ji Tianxing's mind is very powerful and his calculations are accurate.

After the Primal Chaos Clock flew 70 million miles, it crashed into the huge meteorite.

Despite the large size of meteorites, the impact is very powerful.

After the Primal Chaos Clock flew 70 million li, the connection with his mind was very weak, and it could only exert 70% or 80% of its power.

But he manipulated the divine clock to become as large as tens of thousands of miles in radius, and hit the meteorite from the side again.

Therefore, his plan was very successful.


Amid the earth-shattering sound of breaking, the meteorite was knocked out of a huge gap, bursting through dense cracks, and splashing thousands of pieces of debris.

Although, the meteorite did not collapse.

But its impact was more than half cancelled, and it deviated from the original flight trajectory, flying towards the depths of the void.

Its speed is reduced by half, and it will not hit fourteen stars.

Eventually, it will hit the waste star deep in the void and become fragments floating in the void.

The second meteorite was also resolved by Ji Tianxing, and the Primal Chaos Clock returned quickly like a stream of light.

Then, the third meteorite whizzed in again.

This meteorite is on the right side of Ji Tianxing, more than fifty million miles away from him.

If this meteorite is not blocked, it will fly another 300 million miles away, and it will hit the seventh star behind Ji Tianxing.

But the Primal Chaos Clock was still on the left, too late to return to Ji Tianxing's side.

At the critical juncture, Ji Tianxing repeated his old skills, calculated the trajectory and speed of the meteorite, and threw the Thunder Hammer over.

Under the control of his mind, the hammer was like a five-colored thunder that cut through the void and smashed toward the right side.

When the magic hammer flew more than 5,000 miles, it happened to meet the meteorite and collided fiercely.


A loud noise that shook the world and the earth exploded, and the meteorite with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles was torn apart on the spot by a huge hammer like a mountain.

The meteorite turned into thousands of fragments, scattered in the void.

Compared to the Primordial Clock of Chaos, the attack power of the Thunder Hammer is significantly stronger.

After all, the focus of these two superb artifacts is different.

One is strong defense and the other is powerful and violent.

Ji Tianxing easily solved the meteorite on the right and looked straight ahead.

At this time, the fourth and fifth meteorites followed one after another.

He discovered that of the many meteorites that followed, 30% were head-on attacks, and 70% were advancing side by side.

Seeing this situation, he didn't take back the Primal Chaos Clock and Thunder Hammer at all, leaving the two artifacts to stay in the void on the left and right.

The Primal Bell of Chaos is 50 million miles to his left, and the Thunder Hammer is 50 million miles to his right.

Whenever meteorites hit the left and right sides, he manipulated the magic clock and the hammer to crush those meteorites.

As for the meteorites that hit oncoming, he relied on the invincible defense of the indestructible golden body, and waved the Heaven Burying Sword to smash them.



"Boom bang bang!"

As time passed, one after another huge meteorites were crushed by Ji Tianxing one after another, turning into countless debris scattered in the void.

The meteorite clusters are getting denser, making people overwhelmed.

Ji Tianxing has gradually run out of time to rest, so he must work hard and go all out.

He swung his sword to resist the meteorites on the front, and at the same time manipulated two superb artifacts to intercept the meteorites on the left and right sides.

Fortunately, he did not intercept all meteorites, but selectively defeated those meteorites that threatened the fourteen stars.

This is the case, the number of meteorites he wants to resist and intercept is as many as seven to eighty thousand.

An hour passed.

Ji Tianxing intercepted tens of thousands of meteorites one after another, his complexion was already pale, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

He has a solemn expression, his eyes are clear and focused, and he does not dare to be distracted.

Although his divine power was consumed hugely, only half of his divine power remained, and his spirit was tired.

But he supported it with strong perseverance, and took the time to take out one after another king-level divine pill, and quickly took it to supplement his divine power.

In this way, he was tired and worried, and two more hours passed.

More than 30,000 meteorites were intercepted by him.

At this time, he was already pale as paper, his body was sweating like rain, and his hands were shaking.

Even if he continues to take the divine pill, it is difficult to replenish the divine power that has been intensively consumed, and now only 30% of the power is left.

The most important thing is that his mind is extremely tired and his soul has become very weak.

He had a splitting headache, his eyes became blurred, and his breath was disturbed.

The interception of more than 40,000 meteorites in a row was already beyond his ability.

Now he can still clenched his teeth, relying solely on strong perseverance and belief, and he has tremendous potential.

Regardless of the previous life or this life, this was the first time he intercepted such a huge meteorite group.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is not something that the Peak God King can accomplish.

There is no peak **** king who can intercept the entire meteorite group with his own power like him.

Almost everyone will choose to avoid their edge, retreat and avoid.

Seeing him weak and still struggling to support, Funeral couldn't help but growl: "Don't hold on any more! If you continue, you will be seriously injured or even killed!

You have paid enough for the trillions of creatures, give up! "

In fact, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Buried Heaven Sword has been intercepting meteorites that hit frontally.

It is not a superb artifact, but a king-level superb sword.

Ji Tianxing used it to defeat more than 10,000 meteorites. In fact, it was also traumatized, and the blade was full of cracks and nicks.

At this time, it is also in a weak state, and its strength is not as good as before.

Ji Tianxing still didn't step back, his voice was low and hoarse, and he roared, "Half-ninety people who walk a hundred steps, although I have intercepted more than 40,000 meteorites.

But the meteorite group is only halfway through, and more than 40,000 meteorites are coming.

Among them are more than 30,000 meteorites, and they will definitely hit those fourteen stars.

Those stars and trillions of creatures will still be destroyed!

If I give up now, all my previous efforts will be in vain! "

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