Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3982: He is different

"But you have run out of strength, if you hold on for three more hours, you will die!"

Funeral roared anxiously.

For a long time, as a sword soul, it was calm and reticent at all times, and spoke coldly and without emotion.

But today, it has a lot of unexpected words and emotions.

"It's okay, I have the best artifact body guard, I will never die.

The most is the exhaustion of divine power, and enters a state of weakness and dormancy. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and continued to wave his sword to intercept the oncoming meteorite.

If it were before, this meteorite with a diameter of 20,000 miles could be broken with one sword.

But now, he can only split it in half to resolve most of the impact.

The meteorite shattered in half was still as fast as lightning, dragging a long white flame, passing him, and crashing into the thousand blue star behind him.



After a few dozen breaths, the two fragmented meteorites severely hit the space barrier of Thousand Blue Star.

Suddenly, the blue light mask on the surface of Thousand Blue Star was blasted out of two huge holes, splashing out countless pieces of divine light.

Those two meteorites fell on the Thousand Blue Stars, and one destroyed millions of miles of mountains and forests.

The other blasted into the vast sea, smashing a huge vortex of 100,000 li in a radius, rolling up a huge wave, sweeping millions of li.

Several countries by the sea, hundreds of cities, were swallowed up by the sky-shattering tsunami, and millions of creatures were destroyed on the spot.

Ji Tianxing only glanced at Qianlanxing's situation, but did not observe carefully.

A solemn flash of his eyes, continuing to watch the meteorite group in front of him, manipulating two superb artifacts to intercept more meteorites.

His divine power is gradually exhausting, he can only draw on the power of the Five Elements World to quickly replenish himself.

As time passed, his state and combat effectiveness quickly recovered.

But even so, the Five Elements World supplemented him with divine power, but it couldn't keep up with the speed he consumed.

Forced to do so, he drew the power of replenishing the dzi beads.

Although, relying on the power of the Five Elements World and the Replenishing Sky Bead, he supported another two hours.

But the power he had previously added to the world of the five elements was basically exhausted this time.

The world of the Five Elements, which was flourishing and expanding rapidly, has also become stagnant and calm as a pool of stagnant water.

Even the brilliance of filling the dzi is not as dazzling as before, and it is a bit bleak.

During these two hours, he intercepted another 30,000 meteorites.

More and more meteorites had no choice but to give up, watching them rush into the depths of the void and hit those waste stars.

One after another wasted stars were blasted into slag, and a terrifying star storm broke out, spreading fourteen stars.

There were many meteorites, but Ji Tianxing could not defeat them, but only cut them in half to resolve the huge impact.

Those fragmented meteorites flew by from his left and right sides, hitting Qianlan Star and several other stars.

The space barriers of those stars were blasted out of many holes and pits.

The meteorite with its tail flame fell as a meteor, causing huge disasters on those stars.

I don't know how many tens of millions of miles of mountains and rivers were destroyed into ruins, and how many cities and kingdoms were destroyed and burned to a piece of scorched earth.

The number of alien creatures who died tragically under the impact of meteors amounted to hundreds of millions.


Distorted time and space, Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Ji Wushuang and others have already finished their cultivation.

They all gathered together, standing on the jade platform under the sacred tree, using their magical powers to look at the scene in the void.

When they saw that Ji Tianxing was soaked, disheveled and weak, but still stubbornly supporting it, their eyes were blurred.

Ji Tianxing risked his life and desperately resisted the meteorite group, just to save the trillions of creatures he didn't know each other.

This made everyone deeply shocked, respected and admired.

Especially Chao Qingyu, Lan Er, Yan Ke, and Bai Feng, etc., have very complicated inner emotions.

"The son, for the sake of unrelated alien creatures, was able to save his life and save a dozen stars.

Such a heart and sentiment is really rare in the world, unparalleled! "

"I used to think that the stronger the god, the less emotional and selfish.

But Gongzi proved with practical actions that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. "

"Mortals always devoutly believe in gods and pray that gods can shelter them.

And too many gods are selfish and indifferent, and they are not worthy of faith and respect.

Only a **** like the son is worthy of the worship and admiration of hundreds of millions of creatures! "

"What the son did, I can only use two words to describe it, great!"

"Although our strength is low, we can't help the son, and even a meteorite can't stop it.

But I feel that we can no longer stand idly by, and we have to help the son! "

When everyone was talking with emotion, Wushuang was also full of tears, his fists clenched, and he was extremely worried for his father.

"Mother, why is my father so stupid?

Those alien creatures do not know him at all, and are not related to him. Why does he risk his life to save them? "

Ji Wushuang held Yun Yao's arm and begged his mother to let his father give up.

She didn't care whether those stars and alien creatures would be destroyed by it.

She only cared about her father's safety, she didn't want to see her father so embarrassed, and she didn't want to see his father hurt.

Yun Yao stared at the light curtain in front of him, at the magnificent void and the embarrassed figure of Ji Tianxing.

There was also a layer of mist in her eyes, and her throat was also mentioned in her heart.

But she could still remain calm and calm, and said earnestly: "Wushuang, your father has never been an ordinary person, he is different!

He shoulders the mission of human rejuvenation, as well as the mission of saving the dragon world and the world of the five elements.

After he restored the Divine King Realm, everything he did was to save the world.

In his eyes, alien creatures are ignorant, but they are also creatures under heaven.

He has the ability to turn the tide and save the common people, it is impossible to die without saving...

His fraternity and selfless mind are unmatched by any **** king! "

Ji Wushuang nodded without understanding, and then said, "Although I also know that my father is great, but I really don't want to see him hurt.

Moreover, it would only be life-threatening for him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is no benefit at all! "

Ji Ke took Wushuang's hand, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted: "Shuang'er, with your father's current realm of strength, he doesn't care anymore.

Moreover, apart from God, I am afraid that no one is qualified to give him any benefits and rewards.

There is an old saying in our human race, people are doing it, and the sky is watching.

You have to believe that God has eyes. What your father did is a great achievement in saving the common people. God will definitely reward him with great merit. "

Ji Wushuang frowned and asked, "Heaven will write down his father's merits and reward him?

But what is the reward for merit? "

Ji Ke showed a slight smile and explained, "Bonus is something that is unclear and unclear.

But intuitively speaking, it should be the power of Tao Yun and Heaven. "

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