Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3992: First hold 1 hand

The Tianyang Domain Lord thought for a moment, then put the mountain of treasure boxes into the space ring.

Next, he convened a dozen confidant generals to discuss matters and explain something to everyone.

When the confidant generals arrived, he announced to everyone that he had something to go out next.

This time I went out for 40 to 50 years, and 20 to 30 years.

During this period, everyone should take good care of the Lieyang Star and the Tianyang Secret Realm, and at the same time maintain the peace and stability of the Tianyang Star Territory.

If anyone makes mistakes and omissions, he will be punished severely when he returns.

More than a dozen confidant generals hurriedly said to obey orders, expressing that they would perform their duties loyally and would never neglect their duties.

The Tianyang Domain Lord nodded in satisfaction and motioned everyone to withdraw.

Several confidant generals took the opportunity to flatter him and told him to be careful on the way and be sure to pay attention to safety.

How many generals took the opportunity to ask him if he needed a large number of escorts and fleet escorts? When will you leave?

The Tianyang domain master said that he would perform a secret mission to serve the Supreme Lord.

For the sake of low-key and confidentiality, he will leave the Tianyang Star Territory alone, leaving early tomorrow morning, without anyone following.

Those generals still want to make more sets and say more words of concern.

But the Tianyang Domain Lord didn't want to reveal the secret, so he ordered the generals to retreat.

After everyone left the hall, the Tianyang Domain Lord also left with satisfaction.

He didn't know that Ji Tianxing quietly returned to the palace a few hours ago.

Ji Tianxing could see clearly the scene in the hall just before the discussion.


Originally, Ji Tianxing was still thinking about the fact that if he attacked the Tianyang Domain Lord in the secret territory, it would definitely attract dozens of **** kings to besiege.

The foreign **** kings who stayed in the secret realm were basically the middle **** kings, and there were a few upper **** kings.

Unlike the fleet he had destroyed before, although there were more than one hundred **** kings, most of them were lower **** kings.

If he shoots in the secret realm, he will definitely succeed, and there will be no life-threatening, but he cannot keep it secret, and it will definitely shock everyone.

Now it's alright, the Heavenly Sun Domain Lord actually wants to **** a batch of tributes to the depths of the void.

Ji Tianxing didn't need to hesitate any more, he had a plan immediately.

"The Tianyang Domain Master left Lieyang Star alone without his entourage and guards, and escorted this batch of tributes, mostly to the Nine Sun God Emperor.

Then I will wait for him to leave Lieyang Star before starting in the void. "

After making up his mind, Ji Tianxing waited patiently.

Tomorrow morning, he will follow the Heavenly Sun Domain Lord secretly and leave the secret realm and Lieyang Star.

But when he was bored in idle time, he quietly explored what the Tianyang Domain Master was doing in the study.

The result surprised him.

The Tianyang Domain Lord also told his confidant generals just now that he must handle a batch of government affairs first and leave early tomorrow morning.

Unexpectedly, the Tianyang domain master did not return to the study to handle government affairs at all.

After leaving the conference hall, he concealed his whereabouts and flew out of the temple quietly!

Although the Tianyang Domain Lord was a false peak god, Ji Tianxing simply didn't look at him.

However, the domain master of Tianyang had concealed all the people in the temple and was not discovered by anyone!

Ji Tianxing hurriedly followed, followed the Tianyang Domain Lord, and flew towards the exit of the secret realm.

On the way, he was still thinking.

"How could the Tianyang domain master be so cunning and treacherous? He secretly left the secret realm without telling everyone?

Did he perceive the danger and realize that I was watching in secret?

Or, did he know that the fleet was destroyed?

Or... he is just too suspicious, guarding against the generals and strong under his command? "

Ji Tianxing figured it out for a while, feeling that it was impossible for the Tianyang Domain Master to find him spying in secret.

It wouldn't be known so soon that that fleet was destroyed.

There is only one answer, that is, the domain master of Tianyang is too suspicious, guarding the generals under his command!

"Huh... these sinister and cunning aliens are all suspicious and unbelievable."

This thought flashed through Ji Tianxing's mind, and he was very contemptuous of the Tianyang Domain Master.


After the Tianyang domain master left the secret realm, he quietly flew to the sky.

It didn't take long for him to cross the space barrier and enter the vast void.

When he arrived in the dark and icy void, he showed his figure and sacrificed a king-class divine ship.

This two-thousand-meter-long golden divine ship is very luxurious and exquisite, and is equipped with numerous defensive divine formations.

It can be seen that the Tianyang Territory Lord is very spared his life, and has built his divine ship into a mobile fortress.

Before, the Tianyang domain master told his confidant generals that he would not bring entourage and guards, and would perform the task alone.

But in fact, there are six powerful kings and three hundred elite high-ranking kings in the ship.

These talents are his most trusted entourage and guard.

The Lord of the Heavenly Sun entered the Divine Ship and meditated in a secret room to adjust his breath.

The two **** kings who are responsible for driving the godship control the godship to fly into the depths of the void.

Everything went smoothly and very hidden.

But the Tianyang domain master didn't know that, tens of thousands of miles behind the divine ship, there was a dark as ink divine sword, which was following without rush.

That divine sword merged with the void, with no light, no breath and power fluctuations.

No matter how careful the Tianyang domain master was, he couldn't detect its existence.

Time passed quietly.

Unconsciously, seven days passed.

The divine ship of the Tianyang Domain Lord had flown 1.5 billion li, far away from Lieyang Star.

He was completely relieved when he saw that the journey was calm and there were no accidents.

After giving orders to the two **** kings driving the gods, he was ready to retreat in the secret room to practice.

If nothing happens, he will retreat for twenty years.

At that time, the divine ship should also reach the depths of the void, and he could also see the Supreme Lord.


In fact, knowing that the Tianyang Territory Lord escorted the tribute to the Nine Sun God Emperor, Ji Tianxing also considered whether or not to make a move.

If he doesn't take action, he can follow the divine ship of the Tianyang Domain Lord, go to the depths of the void to see the gray mist mystery and see what the five **** emperors are doing.

But after careful consideration, he decided not to contact the five **** emperors for the time being.

After all, the five great **** emperors had long known that he was reborn.

It's just that they are dragged by the gray mist mystery ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and they can't get out and leave.

In this way, he can live unharmed until now.

But he went to the vicinity of the gray mist mystery, which was basically equivalent to giving away his head.

With the disposition of the five great **** emperors, once his existence is detected, he will definitely be completely annihilated at all costs.

He is not even the pinnacle **** king now, how can he resist the killing of the five **** emperors?

With this in mind, Ji Tianxing decided to stabilize his hand first, not seeing the five **** emperors for the time being.

He first knocked on the side drums, undermined the layout and conspiracy of the five **** emperors, killed the running dogs under the **** emperors, and weakened the power of several **** emperors from the side.

When the time is right, he will come into direct contact with the five **** emperors.

So, after seven days, he started on the godship of the Tianyang Domain Lord.

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