Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3993: It's you!

This time, it was the same routine and familiar formula.

Ji Tianxing speeded up to keep up with the divine ship of the Tianyang Territory Lord, sacrificed the Primordial Chaos Clock, and blocked a radius of 50,000 miles.


In the blink of an eye, the divine clock, which expanded to a radius of 50,000 miles, enveloped this area.

The divine ship was plunged into absolute darkness, and it was full of invisible suppression.

When this area was blocked, and the terrifying amount of suppression pressure enveloped the entire divine ship, the speed of the divine ship slowed by more than half.

At the same time, the divine ship lit up with a dazzling divine light, and there was a harsh howling inside.

Obviously, the two **** kings who controlled the godship found that the situation was not good, and quickly issued a warning to wake everyone in the godship.

Suddenly, bursts of shouts and shouts came from the divine ship.

A large number of guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm also rushed out of various secret rooms and rooms.

The guards and several **** kings who were originally meditating and practicing indoors were all startled.

The crowd gathered together, asked each other what had happened, and released their divine sense to investigate the situation outside the divine ship.

The movement inside the divine ship was so loud that it also awakened the Tianyang domain master who was practicing in retreat.

He had to forcibly end the retreat, his face turned black, and he stepped out of the secret room angrily.

Seeing the chaos in the divine ship, everyone looked anxious and panic, and he was even more angry.

"Be quiet to this seat! Shut up!"

The Heavenly Sun Territory master shouted angrily, the majestic voice echoed in the divine ship, and the three hundred guards and the four high-ranking divine kings were silent.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the Tianyang Domain Lord.

The Tianyang Domain Master asked in a deep voice: "Who can tell this seat what happened?"

The three hundred guards did not dare to say anything, and the four **** kings did not know the situation, but they could only bite the bullet and replied: "My lord of the domain, is still investigating..."

"Investigate a fart!" Tianyang Domain Master frowned fiercely, cursing angrily.

He released the divine consciousness to extend beyond the divine ship, and explored the situation in the void.

Seeing the darkness around the divine ship, and the 50,000-mile radius blocked by a black barrier, his expression suddenly changed.

"Who sealed this void with a divine tool? With such a powerful aura of divine power, is this the best king-level divine tool?"

The Tianyang domain master knows very well that waiting for a king-level high-grade artifact can also block this void.

But it will never be as stable as a mountain, without any omission, let alone have such a terrifying breath of supernatural power!

Therefore, it is very likely to be a king-level artifact!

"Those who can possess the best artifacts of the King Grade are mostly the powerhouses of the Peak Divine King Realm.

Looking at the opponent's posture, it is clear that he is going to deal with this seat.

Who is going to intercept this seat?

In the past few hundred years, this seat has not offended any Peak God King? "

The Tianyang Domain Lord remained silent, and these thoughts flashed through his mind, very alert and doubtful.

At this moment, the dark void outside the divine ship lit up with a brilliant golden sword light.


Before everyone could react, the ten-thousand-foot golden sword hit the divine ship severely and burst out with a deafening noise.

The people who stayed in the divine ship only felt that the divine ship trembled crazily a few times, and then it broke.

That terrifying golden sword light cut the ship of the Tianyang Domain Lord in half!

Divine light splashed around the huge fracture, and countless pieces and fragments were thrown out and scattered in the void.

There were more than 30 unlucky guards who stood near the breach and were killed by Jianguang on the spot.

They didn't even have a whole body left, turned into pieces of flesh and blood, scattered in the void.

The divine ship was destroyed, unable to operate normally, and could only float in the void.

The huge impact force caused the divine ship that was broken in two to roll violently in the void.

More than two hundred guards were stunned by the fall, and there was a strong sense of horror in my heart.

Only the Tianyang Territory Lord is calm, knowing that everyone hiding in the broken divine ship will not help, and will only become a target.

So, he shouted in a majestic tone: "Don't panic, everyone, hold on to your weapons and abandon the ship immediately!"

More than two hundred guards and six **** kings are his confidants and absolutely loyal.

Hearing his shouting, everyone did not hesitate and immediately escaped from the broken divine ship.


In a short moment, everyone escaped from the broken divine ship and merged in the void.

When everyone gathered together, it became clear that the murderer who killed them was all alone.

It was a sacred and majestic dragon man who was a thousand feet tall, covered with golden armor.

He is handsome and martial, exuding the aura of the world.

However, the golden armor concealed his face and couldn't see his appearance, making him seem quite mysterious.

Seeing that there was only one opponent, Tianyang Domain Lord and others were obviously relieved.

The worries and fear in everyone's hearts dissipated, and they all recovered calm and composure.

The Tianyang domain master waved his hand, and the six **** kings immediately understood it, and dispersed with more than two hundred guards to surround the opponent.

The golden armored young man was very conceited, seeing the crowd forming a circle, he was indifferent and had no intention of breaking through.

After the encirclement was formed, the Tianyang Domain Lord opened his mouth and asked: "Who is your Excellency? Why intercept and kill the ship in this seat?

I have never met you, and have no grievances, right? "

Although, he knew that the other party was the Peak God King.

But the other party was alone, he didn't care at all.

The golden armor youth is naturally Ji Tianxing. He stared at the Tianyang Domain Lord with indifferent eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Of course you have no grudges with this king, but you are Lu Jiuyang's lackey, you deserve to die!"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, the six **** kings and more than two hundred guards were stunned.

The same question popped up in everyone's mind, "Who is Lu Jiuyang?"

Others didn't know, but the Tianyang domain master knew that the supreme lord who had helped him was the Nine Sun God Emperor!

Suddenly, Tianyang Domain Master understood a lot of things, and his expression changed drastically.

"You are the enemy of the Supreme Lord? Decades ago, you killed the King of Changfeng, right?"

Ji Tianxing did not deny ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in a cold tone: "The King of Changfeng is dead, now it's your turn."

"Sure enough!" The Tianyang domain master frowned fiercely, thinking to himself that if he reported this news to the Supreme Lord, it would be a great achievement.

But he was stared at by Ji Tianxing, and didn't dare to act rashly, so he sent a voice message to a certain **** behind him, and asked the other party to send a message for him.

Although he didn't know Ji Tianxing, he knew that the opponent was the enemy of the Supreme Lord, and the murderer of the King of Changfeng was enough.

And the **** king was stunned, and the voice transmission asked with a stunned face: "Master Domain, you asked me to send a message to the Supreme Lord? But I don't have the corresponding message Yujian, so I can't get in touch!"

Only then did the Tianyang Domain Master react, and only he and Changfeng God King were qualified to contact the Supreme Lord.

He quickly took out a special purple jade slip and gave it to the upper **** king behind him.

The **** king hurriedly reported the situation to the Supreme Lord according to his request.

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