Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3999: Will meet eventually

The Nether God Emperor did not stop casting spells.

He freed up a hand, took the message of the jade slip, and read the content inside.

When he finished reading the message, his face turned black on the spot, and his eyes flashed with gloomy cold light.

"Sword God! You **** thief again!

Back then on the island of reincarnation, let you escape by chance and escape to the dragon world.

Unexpectedly, you are now entering the outer starry sky and want to destroy this emperor's plan.

This time, the emperor will never let you succeed, your death date is here! "

After cursing a few words in a low voice, the Nether God Emperor put away the messaging jade slip, and summoned several confidant generals.

There are five comers, the leader is a pinnacle **** king, and the other four are the strength of the **** king nine layers.

Everyone came to the front of the Nether God Emperor, and after saluting respectfully, they asked: "Your Majesty, what is your command?"

The Netherworld God Emperor said in a majestic tone: "Set off immediately and rush to the Tianshi Star Territory with the Emperor to deal with an enemy."

He didn't explain too much about the **** kings under his command. These **** kings only need to execute orders.

However, the leading peak **** king was taken aback for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, can you leave here?"

The Netherworld God Emperor glanced at him, and said blankly: "Of course the deity can't leave. This is a top priority. How can you ignore it?

The emperor naturally sent an external avatar to take you there! "

It was then that several **** kings suddenly realized that they hurriedly bowed to take their orders.

Afterwards, several **** kings followed the outer incarnation of the **** emperor, left the gray mist mystery, and rushed to the Tianshi star field.

Near the gray mist mystery, there is still a busy scene without any influence.

After all, the Netherworld God Emperor has more than one Peak God King, and there are more than two hundred upper God Kings.

The external incarnation of the Nether God Emperor, driving a divine ship, with five divine kings on the way.

On the way, the avatar of the Nether God Emperor took out another message of jade slip and sent a message to the domain master of the Tianshi Star Region.

This message is to remind the Tianshi domain master to take precautions and prepare to fight.

At the same time, he also informed the Tianshi domain master that his avatar would take five **** kings to sit in town.

In addition, he also mentioned a person.

Learn from the side of the Tianshi domain master and serve as the Tianshu of the gods.

This person is the young master of the Fatian Clan, one of the best geniuses in the mortal world, who was rescued from the lower realm by the Nether God Emperor and accepted as a closed disciple.

The Nether God Emperor had important tasks, and couldn't bring Tianshu around to teach him, so he left him in the Tianshi Star Region and let the domain master cultivate it with all his strength.

Every ten years, the Netherworld God Emperor would send a message to inquire about Tianshu's situation.

This time the subpoena mentioned Tianshu and also asked about Tianshu's strength development.

It didn't take long for the Nether God Emperor to receive a reply from the Tianshi domain master.

The Tianshi domain master said that he would spare no effort to guard against the Sword God's conspiracy.

As for Tianshu, he is now a middle-ranked god, and his strength is progressing very rapidly.

Upon hearing this news, God Emperor Nether felt a little comforted.


After two months.

Tianyang Star Region changed to a new domain owner, and the situation gradually returned to stability.

The new domain owner has never been able to find out the cause of death of the previous domain owner, nor can he recover the lost tribute.

Therefore, the new domain owner can only issue an order to let the star owners of thousands of worlds pay the tribute again.

The rules were the same as before, and each star turned in resources worth 40 trillion yuan.

As soon as this order came out, nearly a thousand worlds were fried, countless star masters cursed angrily, and hundreds of millions of people complained.

For a time, many star owners united and protested to the new domain owner.

However, the new domain master relied on the support of the Supreme Lord, and did not listen to the complaints of those star masters, just blindly persecuting.

The undercurrents of the major stars surged, and the resistance of the star owners and the people became more intense.

Although, they dare not blatantly rebel against the new domain owner and his forces.

But they united and secretly agreed that no one was allowed to be soft, and they would delay time.

As for how the new domain owner will respond, it is unclear.

However, the Tianyang star field is not destined to be calm, and it will definitely become more chaotic in the future.

At this time, the Heaven Burial Sword had already left the Tianyang star field, crossed the vast galaxy, and drove into the Tianshi star field.

Along the way, Funeral Sky found many waste stars with rich mineral veins.

But Ji Tianxing is not interested in this, and has been practicing in retreat in the tower, trying to improve his strength.

He is only one line away from becoming the Peak God King, and he may break through at any time.

However, after the Heaven Burying Sword rushed for two months, he had been in retreat for eight years, but there was no sign of breakthrough.

Ji Tianxing understands that blindly practicing in retreat, I am afraid it will be difficult to break through the shackles.

To become the pinnacle **** king, he must get some chance, or go through danger and hardship.

Three months later, the Heaven Burial Sword came to the central area of ​​the Tianshi Star Territory.

Ji Tianxing also ended his retreat practice and appeared in the void.

There is a big star ahead, with space barriers and divine light, and it must be a world inhabited by creatures.

So, he descended on the star to find out some news.

He stayed on this star for ten days, using various methods, and inquired about the news from several powerful gods.

Only then did he know that the domain owner of the Tianshi Star Territory lives in the prosperous Tianshi Star, the famous Shenhui Cave.

The star is in the middle of the star field, and it will be there after more than a dozen stars continue forward.

The Tiens Territory Lord is a powerful **** king of the Ninth Realm. There are tens of millions of elite soldiers and powerful generals under his command, who firmly control the entire star region.

Of course, the situation in this star field is very similar to the Tianyang star field.

All stars are controlled by the domain master, and billion trillion creatures are the slaves of the domain master and the Supreme Lord.

They have to continuously collect training resources, turn them in layer by layer to the star master, and then the star master will hand in to the domain master.

In addition, on every star, every continent, and every city in the kingdom of God, there are statues of the domain master and the supreme lord.

The creatures of any race must believe in the Supreme Lord to be protected.

When Ji Tianxing was inquiring about the news on that star, he also saw the idol of'Supreme Lord' several times.

Although, the supreme lord carved out of the idol's face is a little fuzzy.

But he could still tell that it was exactly the appearance that Nether God Emperor used to use.

I have to say one thing here. Many gods can use magical powers and spells to change their appearance at will~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But most of the strong have a habitual appearance.

Just like Ji Tianxing, he used to be a human youth in the God Realm.

After arriving in the Dragon Realm, he became a young dragon from the dragon clan, looking like Long Tian.

And now, "Long Tian" is his usual image.

After inquiring about the news, Ji Tianxing returned to the void and drove the Heaven Burial Sword to the Tiens Star.

On the way, Funeral Tian remembered what happened that year and reminded: "When you were in the God Realm, you went to the Dragon Realm through the two realms passage of Reincarnation Island.

The Nether God Emperor may know that, the matter of your rebirth is probably exposed.

Although, the Netherworld God Emperor's body is deep in the void.

But his clone projection can move around everywhere. I hope you go to Tiens Star this time and don't meet his clone. "

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