Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4000: Shenhui Dongtian

Funeral worry is not unreasonable.

When Ji Tianxing fought against the Fatian clan and destroyed Fatianxing, he was blocked by the clone of the Nether God Emperor.

Fortunately, he and Yun Yao and the others were lucky enough to survive.

If not, they would have died in the lower realm.

In the cognition of Ji Tianxing and Funeral, God Emperor Nether is definitely the most dangerous enemy.

However, Ji Tianxing was not worried about this, and comforted Funeral: "Not only does the Nether God Emperor know that I am reborn, he will also tell the other four God Emperors.

But they only knew that when I went to the Dragon Realm, I shouldn't have thought that I would grow so fast, let alone that I would enter the outer starry sky and would soon reach Tiens Star.

Of course, even if the Nether God Emperor could predict the prophet, it was estimated that I entered the Tiens Star.

But his deity could not leave, at most there was only one clone projection to intercept and kill me.

After so far, how much strength is left of his clone projection?

As long as I don't meet his deity, my life will not be in danger. "

Now that Ji Tianxing is confident, Funeral will no longer worry about this matter.

For the next ten days, all the way was calm and there were no twists and turns.

The Sky Burial Sword drove in the void, and Ji Tianxing retreats in the sacred tower to practice.

On the eleventh day, the Heaven Burial Sword successfully arrived at Tianshi Star.

Without any doubt, Tiens Star is also a Tiangang-class star with a diameter of four billion li.

The huge stars were shrouded in golden light on the surface, protected by thick space barriers.

There was silence around the stars, and no gods or fleets were seen.

The whole star is very peaceful and peaceful, and there is no premonition of the coming of the crisis.

Ji Tianxing ended his retreat and appeared in the void.

He stared at the Tiens Star for a moment, then crossed the space barrier and entered the Tiens Star.

He had inquired before he came, and the Tianshi domain master lived in the Shenhui Cave of Zhongtian Continent.

After Ji Tianxing entered the Tianshi Star, he discovered that there were more than a dozen continents on this star.

He could only spend two days landing on the nearest continent to find out where the Zhongtian continent was.

This question is relatively simple. He randomly found a foreign **** king, and asked a few tricks.

After getting the answer, he let the alien king fall into a coma, and only wake up after a month.

Then, he went straight to the Zhongtian Continent.

Five days later, he passed through two continents and found the Zhongtian continent in the depths of the vast sea.

Compared with a dozen other continents, the area of ​​this Zhongtian continent is not that big.

But it is located in the middle of the Tianshi star, the place with the most abundant divine power, gathering the most powerful **** kings in the entire star.

The continent is surrounded by vast seas, not bordering other continents.

After Ji Tianxing came to this continent, he hid his whereabouts and breath, and flew quietly to the middle of the continent.

He saw many kingdoms of God and countless cities along the way.

Those cities have an ancient history, but they don't appear to be broken, and they are still prosperous.

There are millions of alien creatures living in each city, and many of them are masters of gods.

Every **** kingdom has a strong man in the **** king realm, and there are nearly a hundred **** kings in the entire continent.

Although those are the lower **** kings, there are only a few middle **** kings.

But it is still surprising that there are so many gods on a continent, and Ji Tianxing is also surprised.

After flying over the mainland for a day, Ji Tianxing came to the middle of the mainland and arrived at the entrance of Shenhui Cave.

This entrance, surrounded by vast mountains, is located on the top of Qianzhang Mountain.

The top of the towering mountain peak was opened into a platform with a radius of 30 miles, and the ground was paved with bluestone to form a square.

A circle of stone pillars stand around the square, connecting with the pattern lines on the ground of the square, forming a huge defensive formation.

In the middle of the square is an altar, shining with dazzling divine light, forming a white gate in the air.

The gate formed by white light is the entrance of Shenhui Cave.

Around the altar were guarded by nearly a hundred guards from the realm of gods, and under each stone pillar around the square, there were also several gods standing.

A total of two hundred guards, armed with swords guarded here.

The four guard leaders headed by are all strong in the Divine King Realm, including two lower Divine Kings and two upper Divine Kings.

Ji Tianxing remained invisible, hiding in the sky and observing for a moment.

Seeing that the guard at the entrance of the cave was so tight, he couldn't help frowning, thinking to himself: "This Shenhui Dongtian's defensive power is too strong, right?

They are like this on weekdays? Or... they sensed the crisis and sent additional guards? "

The two Star Territory Masters that Ji Tianxing had contacted before were not so savvy.

The defense force at the entrance of the cave sky is so strong that it is about to catch up with the entrance of the cave mansion of the dragon emperors in the dragon world.

This made Ji Tianxing have to wonder whether the Tianshi domain master had noticed something.

Funeral also reminded at the right time: "If you feel something is not right, then be more cautious."

Of course Ji Tianxing knew this, so he stayed in the sky and watched patiently.

He is not eager to sneak into the Shenhui Cave, but he has time and patience.

If the Tianshi domain master really perceives something, it will definitely reveal a flaw.

One day, two days, three days...

Time passed quietly.

Ji Tianxing observed for seven days, the number of guards on the square did not change, even the position did not change.

During these seven days, occasionally some masters from the Divine Sovereign Realm would come in and out, with a hurry and serious expression.

Ji Tianxing could see that those gods should be messengers, responsible for conveying orders and messages.

In addition, there were two strong men from the Divine King Realm who entered and exited.

They should be the kings of certain kingdoms of God, and enter the Shenhui Cave to handle affairs.

All in all, everything looks normal.

Ji Tianxing gradually relaxed his vigilance, and thought to himself: "There are hundreds of god-king powerhouses in Zhongtian Continent alone. This Tiens star is extremely prosperous, and there are a large number of powerhouses.

From this point of view, the defensive force at the entrance of Shenhui Cave is strong, which should be normal. "

So he planned to sneak into the Shenhui Cave to find out.

The method was the same as before, he turned into a lichen dust, quietly attached to a certain strong person.

In the afternoon of the eighth day, a master of the Divine Sovereign Realm flew from a distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and landed on the square.

His expression was a bit anxious, as if he wanted to report something.

But the guards guarding the entrance still routinely check his identity token and question his origin and intentions.

Taking this opportunity, Ji Tianxing, who turned into dust, quietly attached to this person.

After a while, the **** was given permission to let him go, and quickly flew into the white light gate in mid-air.


A white light flashed, and Ji Tianxing followed this person into the Shenhui Cave.

Compared with the outside world, this cave sky is more powerful, with beautiful mountains and rivers and pleasant scenery.

Although, compared with the various caves in the dragon world, there are still some gaps.

But in the extraterrestrial sky, this cave is indeed a treasure of cultivation.

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