Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4002: You have no chance

Suddenly hearing this news, Tianshu was stunned on the spot.

Even Ji Tianxing was taken aback, a flash of sorrow flashed in his eyes.

Of course he knew that the supreme lord the Tianshi domain master said was the Nether God Emperor!

At this moment, several questions popped up in his mind.

For no reason, how could Nether God Emperor suddenly come to Tiens Star?

Does the Nether God Emperor come to the deity or doppelganger?

Shouldn't his deity stay deep in the void and study the mystery of the gray mist?

Could it be that my traces have been exposed and were speculated by the Nether God Emperor?

At this time, Tianshu finally returned to the country, showing a look of surprise, and shouted in a very excited tone: "Really? Master is coming back to see me?


Although, in the past 100 years, Master has sent messages and pointed me several times.

But he only came back to see me once, 80 years ago!

When Master returns, I will be very pleased to see that I have become the upper god! "

Although Tianshu has lived on Tiens Star for nearly a hundred years, he has already integrated into this world.

But he has no support, no relatives and no reason, and his only backing is the Nether God Emperor.

He regarded the Nether God Emperor as a master and father, and naturally wanted to see the Nether God Emperor often.

But he also knew that the Netherworld God Emperor was carrying out a great plan that was earth-shaking and could not get away.

Just like 80 years ago, the Nether God Emperor came to Tianshixing to visit him, it was just an incarnation.

Thinking of this, Tian Shu couldn't help asking: "Master Domain, is the master coming here, or is it the same as last time, is the incarnation coming again?"

The Tianshi domain master stroked his goatee and smiled and said: "The nature that comes is an incarnation, how can the body of the Supreme Lord appear?

Don't talk about you, even this seat has never seen the body of the Supreme Lord. "

Hearing that the Netherworld God Emperor was coming again as an incarnation, Tianshu was unavoidably disappointed and regretful.

The Tianshi domain master saw his emotional changes, and smiled and comforted: "Tianshu, the Supreme Lord is so busy, the deity can't show up, you should understand and considerate.

When the Supreme Master returns, you have to behave well..."

Tian Shu quickly nodded his head to express his understanding, and then asked: "My lord, the Tiens Star Territory has been quiet recently, and nothing major has happened. We paid the tribute on time.

How could Master come back at this time? Isn't it just to visit me? "

I have to say that Tianshu is not stupid and he is very self-aware.

Although he was a closed disciple of God Emperor Netherworld, he believed that in the eyes of God Emperor Netherworld, he was not that important.

The Tiens domain master stroked his beard and said with a smile: "It's no wonder that you can be favored by the Supreme Lord. You are not only talented, but also smart.

That's right, Lord Supreme returned this time to deal with a strong enemy.

Although, the Supreme Lord did not specify who that person was in the transmission.

But that person has already entered the Tiens Star Territory, and it is likely to come to Tiens Star to kill.

The Supreme Master told us to take precautions, but not to expose the flaws to alert that person..."

Hearing this, Tianshu frowned suspiciously and asked: "Master is already one of the strongest in the world, who is qualified to be his strong enemy?

By the way, where is Master now? When can I reach Tiens Star? "

The Tianshi domain master shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Sovereign Lord has always been mysterious, how he behaves is not our turn to ask.

But Master Supreme sent a message two or three months ago, and it must be about to reach Tiens Star. "

"Oh, that's good." Tianshu was relieved, and proactively proposed: "Lord of the domain, then let the guards of all ministries take precautions strictly..."

"No need!" The Tianshi domain master waved his hand and said with a smile: "This seat has already arranged everything, so don't worry about it.

You just need to stay in the shrine and wait patiently for the return of the Supreme Lord. "

Tian Shu's eyes were a little sad, and he nodded blankly, and said in obedience.

In fact, he knew in his heart that he was just a high-ranking god, not much better than those guards.

Even if the master's formidable enemy came, he could only be a cannon fodder, and he would not have much effect.

The reason why he was able to become a great general and possess such a high status was because of the master's face.

All in all, the master and the domain master have arranged everything, and he only needs to watch.

"If this is the case, then I will leave."

The two chatted for a few more words, and Tianshu bowed and left the secret room.

Ji Tianxing also left the secret room, followed Tianshu secretly, and walked outside the shrine.

"Unexpectedly, it really made the funeral right!

The Nether God Emperor guessed that I would come to Tiens Star, so he sent an incarnation to come, and asked the Tiens Domain Master to take precautions!

No wonder the defense force at the entrance of the cave is not weak..."

After listening to the dialogue between the Tianshi domain master and Tianshu, Ji Tianxing understood everything.

It's just that he couldn't understand for a while, how could Nether God Emperor know his whereabouts?

"Can a strong man in the Divine Emperor Realm really use the power of heaven to predict and predict the future?

Did the Nether God Emperor calculate this result, or did the Nine Sun God Emperor remind him?

If Nine Sun God Emperor reminded him, then it means...

The Nine Sun God Emperor has already analyzed that both the Changfeng God King and the Tianyang Domain Lord were killed by me!

These few **** emperors should not be underestimated, one is deeper than the other! "

Through these few things, Ji Tianxing can also be regarded as having indirect contact and competition with the two **** emperors.

Only then did he realize that the two **** emperors were not only powerful, their magical powers were vast, but their scheming was deeper than before.

For the future revenge plan, he felt more pressure.


After half an hour, Tianshu returned to the shrine where he lived.

He is an arrogant and very conceited person.

Although the Tianshi domain master spoke in a very way, it did not embarrass him.

But he still felt despised, and he was very upset.

He returned to his residence without worry, ignored the guards and servants, and went straight into the secret room.

Sitting cross-legged in the secret room, he did not practice exercises, but muttered to himself: "Even if this young master is a top genius, he will become a high-ranking **** in a hundred years, so what?

In Tiens Star and the entire star field, the upper gods are cannon fodder, a trivial existence!

Only by becoming the king of God ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can you be called a strong person and be valued and respected by others.

This time the revered master returns, I have to ask for the cultivation technique of the **** king realm, and strive to become the **** king within 30 years!

In the future, when I reach the ninth level of the Divine King Realm, I will be able to replace the old domain master and take control of the Tiens Star Territory!

At that time, I will be respected by my teacher and become his confidant! "

Speaking of this, Tian Shu secretly clenched his fists, his steadfast eyes revealed the flame of ambition.

However, a low, icy voice broke his illusions and longings.

"No, you have no chance!"

Tian Shu was shocked, his nerves tense immediately, subconsciously offering a magic sword, and looking around vigilantly.

"Who? Who is talking?"

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