Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4003: 3-step shock

The secret room where Tianshu retreats and practice is of course heavily guarded and strong defense.

He had never thought about anyone who could break in without knowing it.

Moreover, that cold man's voice was still so strange.

Not only did Tianshu's nerves tense, but his heart also lifted.

At this moment, a white light flashed on the ground three feet away in front of him.

A human youth wearing a white robe, black hair and black eyes appeared out of thin air.

This person is Ji Tianxing.

What he revealed was not the appearance of the Dragon Youth "Dragon Heaven", but his true face.

His hands were empty, so he looked at Tianshu in his spare time, his face was cold, and his mouth was sneered.

Tianshu stared at him sharply, and when he saw his face clearly, he was obviously taken aback.

His first feeling was that the young man in white robe was familiar and dangerous.

Following that, he searched the vast memories of the sea, looking for clues related to this white-robed youth.

Then, his memories were pulled back to the battle that Fa Tianxing almost perished a hundred years ago.

All kinds of tragic pictures of blood and fire raging to the sky and charcoal of life flashed through his mind quickly.

He recovered in an instant and understood the identity of the white-robed youth.

"It's you! You are slaughtering our people... That **** Ji? Heaven?!"

Tianshu held the magic sword tightly, his eyes were bloodshot and he stared at Ji Tianxing, his whole body was filled with anger and murderous aura.

Ji Tianxing sneered and said, "Unexpectedly, after a hundred years, you still remember me."

Infinite anger and killing intent filled his chest, Tianshu's angry face was distorted, and he gritted his teeth and roared: "Ji Tianxing! You horrible beast, executioner!

You severely wounded the Heavenly Star, killed tens of billions of people of our race, and killed my mother and queen...

How can I forget such a sea of ​​blood and deep enmity, I do not share the same spirit with you? "

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and asked: "Who told you that I killed your mother Yun Shuyan?

It must be the Nether God Emperor, right? "

Tianshu was taken aback, and asked, "Isn't it?"

"Haha..." Ji Tianxing sneered contemptuously, and said, "I didn't kill Yun Shuyan, she was forced to death by the Nether God Emperor!

At that time, the passage between the two realms shrank, and the Nether God Emperor was unable to support it, so Yun Shuyan offered sacrifices to support the passage between the two realms.

In this way, the Netherworld God Emperor can take you out of the mortal world and return to the upper realm.

It's a pity that you passed out a long time ago and didn't see that scene. "

"Fart!!" Tianshu cursed hoarsely, not accepting this answer at all.

"Master is so powerful, how can he not return to the upper realm?

After you killed my mother, you have to defend yourself! "

Ji Tianxing looked at him sympathetically, shook his head and said: "Tsk tusk tusk...It seems that you trust the Nether God Emperor very much and you have deep feelings.

The Nether God Emperor used the Fatian Clan to force your mother to death.

But you worship him as a teacher and treat him as a father.

This is probably to recognize the thief as the father, right? "

"Shut up!!" Tianshu roared angrily, stood up, holding a knife and pointing at Ji Tianxing, and roared: "No matter how my mother died, you will be killed!

This hatred, I will give you back ten times, a hundred times! "

Ji Tianxing still smiled and said, "Although, you pretend to be angry and mad, shout desperately, and release your breath of supernatural power, wanting to alert the guards outside.

But let me tell you, this kind of caution is useless.

The secret room has been sealed by me, and no one can detect the situation here. "

Tianshu, who was still furious and mad just now, instantly calmed down, and a deep jealousy flashed through his eyes.

After experiencing so many setbacks and hardships, he has long since been the stunned man who was easily irritated.

He knew that if Ji Tianxing could break into the secret room quietly, he was definitely a strong **** king.

Therefore, he was acting just now to attract guards.

But he did not expect that Ji Tianxing would seal the secret room long ago.

The little trick failed, so he could only calm down and think about how to deal with it.

At this time, Ji Tianxing went on to say: "By the way, you were brought here by the Nether God Emperor, surely you still don't know the ending of Sky Star, right?"

Tianshu frowned, and said in a harsh tone: "I remember that you and your companions were all killed by the master... why are you still alive?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "I can't tell you this. I can only say that Ji people have their own natural appearances, and I should not be killed.

After the Nether God Emperor took you to ascend, I spent decades recovering from injuries.

At that time, the Qi Tianxing was greatly injured, and the dragons had no head and fell into chaos.

So, I repeated my old tricks and completely destroyed Vatianxing.

This time, no one can stop me.

Fatianxing has long ceased to exist! "

Hearing this news, Tian Shu's eyes instantly became bloodshot and turned dark red.

A **** flame was also rising from his whole body, and his body trembled.

This time it's not acting, but really angry.

He didn't doubt that this was Ji Tianxing deliberately angering him.

Because he knew that Ji Tianxing was still alive and had become a god-king powerhouse, Nafa Tianxing must have been destroyed.

Tianshu was furious and was on the verge of rampaging.

But reason told him that he is not Ji Tianxing's opponent, and must find a way to save himself.

So he decided to delay time.

"Ji Tianxing, you should be in the God Realm after you ascend, how come you came to the Tiens Star Territory?

Also, are you looking for my revenge when you come to Tiens Starfield?

How do you know that I am not in the God Realm, but in the Tianshi Star Territory? "

If Ji Tianxing answers these questions, he must tell a long experience.

In this way, Tianshu can successfully delay dozens of breaths.

But he miscalculated, Ji Tianxing had already seen through his mind.

"Haha...Want to delay time?

Stop dreaming, no one can save you!

If it weren't for the Nether God Emperor's move back then, you would have died.

Today, he can't make it back! "

Ji Tianxing sneered and stepped forward, step by step towards Tianshu.

With every step he took, the coercion burst out from him doubled.

He stepped out with one step, and Tianshu was enveloped by invisible coercion. He knelt on the ground with a ‘poof’, and the magic sword in his hand fell to the ground.

Taking the second step, Tianshu's armor and body guard's light collapsed, and his body began to deform.

When Ji Tianxing took the third step ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tianshu couldn't even make a sound, and his body collapsed directly, turning into a rain of blood and exploding.


In the muffled sound, there was no bones left of Tianshu's bones, and red blood was scattered everywhere.

Even his godhead collapsed into a dozen pieces, scattered on the ground.

Ji Tianxing did not use weapons, nor did he use any magical powers.

Just relying on the coercion of the invisible strong man, Tianshu was killed by an earthquake!

This is absolute strength, absolute crushing!

The gap between the two is really like the nine-day moon and the underground ants.

After easily killing Tianshu, Ji Tianxing dissipated the coercion and supernatural aura, and became invisible again.

He quietly left the secret room without disturbing anyone, and quickly rushed to the secret room where the Tianshi Domain Lord was.

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