Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4012: Heavenly Book and Zhutian Diagram

Ji Tianxing fought with the Nether God Emperor again by dozens of moves.

The two smashed tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth, but it was still difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat, and no one could hurt each other.

Of course, the divine power consumption of the two is very intense, and their strength is slowly declining.

It's okay for Ji Tianxing, he can take the time to take Shen Dan to quickly replenish the lost divine power.

The incarnation of Nether God Emperor was a bit embarrassed.

He was unable to recover the consumed divine power through cultivation and taking divine pills.

This incarnation of him is equivalent to a container that stores a lot of divine power.

The divine power can only go out, and fight with Ji Tianxing at most for a day, and the power will be exhausted.

At that time, his divine power was exhausted and could not be recovered, only to collapse and collapse.

Therefore, the Nether God Emperor only wanted to make a quick fight and kill Ji Tianxing as soon as possible.

However, Ji Tianxing is protected by a king-level superb artifact and has rich combat experience.

The two sides fought for nearly a hundred moves, shattering tens of thousands of miles around the world, but it was still difficult to distinguish the outcome.

Not to mention killing Ji Tianxing, Nether God Emperor wanted to hurt Ji Tianxing.

The only change is that the power consumption of the two is more intense, and their strength is invisibly declining.

The battlefield between the two is shifting, getting closer and closer to the ruins of the shrine, only about 30,000 miles apart.

Around the ruins, the tens of thousands of cheering foreign masters finally began to panic.

They all clearly saw that in the beginning, several strong men besieged Ji Tianxing.

As a result, now there is only one black robe powerhouse fighting with Ji Tianxing.

Moreover, judging from the situation of the two sides fighting, no one took advantage, it seemed to be equal.

What made everyone more frightened and anxious was that the aftermath of the battle between Ji Tianxing and the Nether God Emperor was really terrifying.

With them as the center, a radius of 50,000 li was shrouded in divine light, and the shock wave spread like ripples.

The world is collapsing, shattering, and is occupied by the dark void.

The shock wave that ruined the world flattened all mountains and rivers and turned them into scorched earth ruins.

Those tens of thousands of foreign masters couldn't resist the shock wave at all.

There were many unlucky guys who were severely injured by the shock wave when they were still more than 40,000 miles away from the battlefield, and Qiqiao spurted blood.

Seeing other people, where would you dare to stay?

When Ji Tianxing and the Nether God Emperor kept moving on the battlefield, getting closer and closer to the ruins of the temple, tens of thousands of foreign masters hurriedly retreated to the depths of the cave.

These people's psychology is somewhat contradictory, causing their actions to hesitate.

They had to avoid the scope of the shock wave, but also wanted to see the result of Ji Tianxing's fight with the Nether God Emperor.

In this way, they all retreated some distance, and after being temporarily safe, they stopped in the sky to watch the battle.

When Ji Tianxing and Nether God Emperor approached and the shock wave hit, they continued to retreat to the depths of the cave.


Unconsciously, an hour passed.

The Nether God Emperor violently attacked Ji Tianxing like a violent storm, but failed to see results.

His strength was consumed by 30%, and his strength began to weaken.

But Ji Tianxing was only slightly injured, and it did not affect the fight.

Although Ji Tianxing also consumed 30% of his supernatural power, he was supplemented by a king-level **** pill and was slowly recovering.

Now, the Netherworld God Emperor had to slow down the pace of the attack and began to think about how to restrain Ji Tianxing.

"This **** guy is really stronger than before!

And it's not stronger, it's nearly doubled!

I don't know what chance he got, and he actually owns three king-level supreme artifacts.

A protective treasure, a sacred cauldron, and a sacred hammer...

With this emperor's incarnation and the sword of death, how can I help him! "

The Nether God Emperor thought silently while dealing with Ji Tianxing.

His eyes were gloomy, his mood was very irritable, and his whole body was filled with fierce murderous intent.

"It stands to reason that the incarnation of this emperor can also use the power of heaven.

The power of the Heavenly Dao has a natural suppressing power on all the creatures under the Divine Emperor Realm, just like the punishment of the Heavenly Dao.

In this way, the emperor should have an advantage and completely suppress him.

But the power of heaven has no effect on him, and there is no obvious suppressing power.

How is this going?

He is just the pinnacle **** king, he hasn't grasped the power of heaven, let alone break through the **** emperor realm, it shouldn't be so! "

The Netherworld God Emperor frowned and thought for a while, suddenly thinking of something, suddenly a flash of inspiration.

"Is it Zhu Tiantu??

Zhu Tiantu was not left, but in his hands?

It is precisely because of Zhu Tiantu's protection that he can be immune to the suppression of the power of heaven?

Yes, it should be for this reason! "

Back then, the Five Emperors besieged the Sword God in order to **** Zhutian Tu.

Only when they have obtained the Eternal Book of Heaven, can they see through the secrets of heaven, practice the power beyond the realm of the gods, and control the power of heaven.

But the Eternal Heaven Book and the Zhutian Diagram are one body, and the two are two parts, the upper and lower parts, which need to be combined for practice to reach the end.

What the end point is, the five **** emperors don't know.

After only cultivating the first half of the eternal heavenly book, they became the emperor of God, above all their lives, and could ‘walk for the sky’.

This makes them have to speculate, if they practice the Zhu Tiantu again and reach the realm of Consummation, they might be able to replace the Heavenly Dao, or become the Heavenly Dao!

Because of this, after the fall of the Sword God, the five great **** emperors did not give up looking for Zhu Tian Tu.

In the past, they had always thought that the sword **** had fallen, and that Zhu Tiantu must have been left in the world.

Perhaps in the God Realm, or in the Lower Realm, but more likely to be in the void outside the realm.

It was for this reason that the five great **** emperors left the God Realm one after another and went to the outer starry sky for activities.

As for the mystery of the gray mist, it was the surprise they discovered unexpectedly when they explored the endless void and searched for the Zhutian map!

The Nether God Emperor's city mansion and mind are the deepest.

When the five **** emperors searched the outer starry sky, but could not find the whereabouts of Zhu Tiantu, he cast his sights on the lower realm.

Although, he was limited by the rules of heaven and could not find it in the lower realms himself.

But he used the power of the Divine Emperor Realm to interfere with the rules of the Heavenly Dao, and secretly supported the Celestial Clan in the lower realm.

He wants to cultivate the Sky Clan, with the strength to sweep three thousand worlds, to help him search the entire lower realm and find the whereabouts of Zhu Tiantu.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his conspiracy seemed to succeed, but it was destroyed by Ji Tianxing.

Now, the Netherworld God Emperor saw Ji Tianxing with his own eyes and understood that he was the reincarnation of the sword god.

All the truth is revealed, the Netherworld God Emperor has enough reason to suspect that Zhu Tian Tu is still in Ji Tianxing's hands!

At this time, the Netherworld God Emperor had another fight against Ji Tianxing.

Amid the earth-shattering explosion, both of them were retreated by the violent force.

The Nether God Emperor yelled abruptly: "Sword God! Have you practiced Zhu Tian Tu?"

"What?" Ji Tianxing had just withdrawn from Bailiyuan and was thinking about how to deal with the attack of the Nether God Emperor. .

Suddenly hearing this inexplicable sentence, he couldn't help but stunned.

The Netherworld God Emperor stared at his reaction and asked without hesitation: "If you hadn't practiced the Zhutian Diagram, how could you have resisted the power of the heavens and matched the emperor's incarnation?"

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