Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4013: Acting with each other

This time Ji Tianxing understood.

He frowned, his pupils shrunk, and a cold light flashed under his eyes.

He knew that the Netherworld God Emperor began to doubt, and the Zhutian formation was in his hands.

The two questions just now were nothing more than the Nether God Emperor's probing.

Of course, this is a matter of reason, and Ji Tianxing will not be surprised.

The **** feud between him and the five great **** emperors was caused by the Eternal Book of Heaven and the Zhutian Array.

The existence of these two treasures of heaven and earth is no secret to the six of them.

However, normal people's thinking is that after the fall of the sword god, the Zhutian formation will definitely be left in the world.

Now that the Sword God has returned from rebirth, he must be looking for the Zhutian formation.

But Ji Tianxing knew that in the previous thousand years, the five great **** emperors had searched the gods and the outer starry sky.

Even the Nether God Emperor also supported the Slashing Clan, looking for the Zhutian formation in the lower realm.

The five great **** emperors found nothing and failed to find the Zhutian formation.

He, a sword **** who had fallen for a thousand years, was reborn again.

That Nether God Emperor suspected that the Zhutian Formation Diagram was in his hands, which was also a matter of course.

In just two breaths, Ji Tianxing cleared his mind.

He sneered secretly in his heart: "The Nether God Emperor really has a deep heart, and he also covets the Zhutian formation.

Not only did he support the Celestial Clan to search for the Zhutian formation in the lower realm, but when he met me, he also tentatively spoke out.

Ha ha ha... You guessed right, the Zhu Tian formation is indeed in my hands, and I have been practicing for many years. "

Although, the Netherworld God Emperor accidentally guessed the truth.

But how could Ji Tianxing admit it?

With a shocked expression on his face, he stared at the Nether God Emperor with wide-open eyes, and shouted in disbelief, "Zhutian Formation? Didn't it be taken away by you?"

Such a reaction and the meaning expressed are clearly: ‘In order to **** the Zhutian formation back then, you joined forces to kill me. After my death, the Zhutian formation must be taken away by you!

How could you ask? Didn’t you get the Zhutian formation? ’

The Netherworld God Emperor was also taken aback, and suddenly reacted that he had revealed a certain secret.

He was quite annoyed in his heart, and thought to himself: "Looking at the reaction of the Sword God, the Zhutian formation is not in his hands. He always thought that the Zhutian formation was obtained by us?"

Sure enough, Ji Tianxing's expression was very complicated, and there was some excitement in his pain, and he roared: "You five bastards, all have surpassed the Divine King Realm and reached the Divine Emperor Realm.

I thought it was the result of your successful cultivation practice that you obtained the Eternal Heaven Book and the Zhutian Array.

Now it seems that you only have eternal heavenly books in your hands.

Even if you kill me, you still fail to get the Zhutian formation, hahahahaha..."

In the end, Ji Tianxing laughed up to the sky very happily, and it was self-evident that he was gloating.

The Nether God Emperor frowned fiercely, his expression and eyes becoming more stern.

Thinking that the sword **** didn't have the Zhutian map in his hands, he always thought that the Zhutian map was in the hands of the five of them.

And now, one of his temptations exposed this secret.

He is even more annoyed and regretful!

He began to worry, since the Sword God knew that Zhu Tiantu was not in their hands, he would definitely look for it.

If the Sword God is lucky enough to find Zhu Tiantu, the consequences will be disastrous!

Thinking of this, Nether God Emperor quickly changed his words and wanted to remedy it.

"Sword God, this emperor is only deceiving you, but you believe it.

Ha ha ha... Since we have joined forces to kill you, how can we not get the Zhutian map?

Without the Heavenly Book and Zhutian Diagram, how could the five of us break through the Divine Emperor Realm? "

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing's complexion changed drastically, and his eyes showed anger again.

The Nether God Emperor sighed secretly, and said with a sneer: "How? You must be very angry and disappointed?

I just saw the hope of revenge, but the hope was shattered.

It must be very uncomfortable, very hopeless, right? "

Ji Tianxing was angry and cursed angrily: "Netherworld! You sinister and despicable bastard, what do you want to do?"

The Nether God Emperor laughed very relievedly and said: "Haha...this emperor wants to engage your mentality, give you a glimmer of hope, and then make you completely desperate!

You can never beat this emperor! "

"Asshole, go to hell!" Ji Tianxing was really irritated, wielding the hammer in anger, performing supernatural skills, and attacking the Nether God Emperor.

Seeing this scene, the Netherworld God Emperor was sure that Ji Tianxing had already believed his words.

The big stone in his heart fell, and he hurriedly swung the sword of death, using the power of heaven to resist Ji Tianxing's attack.



The supernatural skills performed by the two collided fiercely in the sky, and burst into a deafening noise.

There was another sky with a radius of thousands of miles, which was shattered by violent power, and was quickly filled with pitch-black void.

The two fought with all their strength again, constantly shifting to the depths of the cave.


Unconsciously, another hour passed.

Ji Tianxing and Nether God Emperor moved more than tens of thousands of miles on the battlefield to reach the deepest part of the cave.

At this time, the tens of thousands of foreign masters had already fled in panic.

They no longer dared to watch the battle, afraid to stay near the battlefield, and fled in all directions.

Half of the Shenhui Cave Sky was shattered by Ji Tianxing and the Nether God Emperor, and was completely eroded by the void.

In the remaining cave sky, a void storm blew up and became extremely dangerous.

Those tens of thousands of alien masters had nowhere to hide, they could only flee to the exit of the cave, to leave the Shenhui cave.

At this time, Ji Tianxing and Nether God Emperor had only 50% strength left.

Both of them looked a little embarrassed.

Ji Tianxing's head was scattered, there were dozens of wounds all over his body, and his white robe had long been dyed golden by the blood of God.

His strength was empty, his face was pale, and he was panting.

Taking advantage of the truce between the two sides, he quickly took out the king-level **** pill to take it, and quickly restore his divine power.

The incarnation of the Nether God Emperor, the grimace mask on his face was also shattered, and he did not know where he fell into the ruins.

But after the mask was left, he couldn't see his face either.

Because this incarnation of him has no face.

The face under the mask was a cloud of death.

The black robe he was wearing also became torn and ragged and fluttered in the wind.

The sword of death in his hand also weakened a bit.

The two sides stood facing each other in the broken sky ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hundreds of miles apart.

Ji Tianxing is still murderous, his eyes firm.

The Nether God Emperor had already made up his mind to end this fruitless battle.

"Sword God, this emperor has to admit that he really underestimated you!

If I knew that you could bring such a surprise to the emperor, the emperor would not only send an avatar.

Today's battle ends here.

When the emperor's deity comes, you will undoubtedly die! "

After leaving these few ruthless words, the Netherworld God Emperor passed through the space crack, got into the void, and left Shenhui Cave.

Obviously, he didn't want to continue fighting, lest this incarnation collapsed here.

(End of this chapter)

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