Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4014: 2 All losers?

For a strong **** king, refining a clone or incarnation is by no means easy.

Not only has to spend a piece of his own effort and soul, but also spend dozens or hundreds of years.

The deity of the Nether God Emperor has been busy studying the mystery of the gray mist, and has no time to deal with government affairs.

Most of the time, he relied on two external incarnations to handle all kinds of affairs.

These two incarnations, it took him more than a hundred years to develop.

After all, the avatar can also use the power of heaven, which is very against the sky and incredible.

The two incarnations of the Nether God Emperor have made a lot of credit for thousands of years, and almost completed all the tasks for him, and they are inseparable from him.

If this incarnation continues to fight with Ji Tianxing, it will run out of power and collapse on the spot after a few hours.

That was definitely a huge loss for the Nether God Emperor, and it would take decades to make up for it.

And now, the plan of the five **** emperors to study the mystery of the gray mist is at the most critical moment. How can it be lost?


The light and shadow flashed, and the Nether God Emperor entered the void outside the domain and galloped toward the depths of the starry sky.

Ji Tianxing did not hesitate to catch up, leaving Shenhui Cave Sky and entering the void.

Although, the Netherworld God Emperor made a decisive choice and retreated in time to preserve this incarnation.

But Ji Tianxing would never let his clone escape, and he was bound to destroy this clone.

Although, with his current strength, he could not threaten the deity of Nether God Emperor.

However, he was very happy to destroy a clone of the Nether God Emperor and teach the Nether God Emperor a lesson.

After the two left, Shenhui Dongtian returned to calm.

The divine light that obscured the sky and the sun gradually dissipated, and the loud noise that echoed between the sky and the earth slowly disappeared.

In the distance, the tens of thousands of alien masters who were in a panic and fleeing in a panic showed their expressions of relief and aftermath.

"Finally gone!"

"Yeah! They finally left, we are safe!"

"Is that mysterious black-robed man the Supreme Lord?"

"Why do I feel that something is wrong? The Supreme Master didn't kill that guy and escaped into the void?"

"The white-robed youth is the pinnacle **** king, isn't the Supreme Lord beyond the realm of the **** king? Shouldn't the white-robed youth be killed easily?"

"It's weird! Could it be that the domain master lied to us? Actually, the Supreme Lord is also the Peak God King?"

"Yes! There is only this explanation, otherwise, how could the Supreme Lord not be able to beat that guy?"

"You said, they fled into the void, will they come back?"

"I don't know if they will come back, I just want to know who can win?"

"I hope that Master Supreme can kill the white-robed young man, even if he can't be killed, he will be severely injured, otherwise we will be miserable."

"Yeah! If the Supreme Master loses, the white-robed youth rushes back, I am afraid we will all be killed!"

"Then what are you doing in a daze? Take this opportunity to run away!"

The masters of foreign races scattered in all directions were discussing the battle between Ji Tianxing and the Nether God Emperor, sending out similar emotions and doubts.

No one knows who will win or lose in this battle.

Of course, no one can enter the void and check the results.


The Nether God Emperor galloped in the void, like a meteor piercing the starry sky.

His speed is extremely fast, and every breath time can span tens of thousands of miles.

If he hurried normally, he would not spend such extravagant divine power, and would definitely sacrifice his divine ship.

It was a superb kingship, with incredible speed.

The pinnacle **** king has been on his way for seven or eight years, and his **** ship can arrive in only three months.

After all, the best king-class divine ship can jump in space between stars, spanning hundreds of millions of miles at a time.

It was for this reason that he left the gray mist mystery and arrived at Tianshi Star in only three months.

But now, Ji Tianxing is tens of thousands of miles behind him, chasing after him.

If he sacrifices to the godship, I am afraid that he will be overtaken by Ji Tianxing when he enters the godship.

To be on the safe side, he had to get rid of Ji Tianxing first, and then use the divine ship to drive.

It's a pity that God Emperor Nether has a good idea, but the reality is too unsatisfactory.

Ji Tianxing flies in the void, always feeling like a fish in water, like a dragon riding in the wind.

Ordinary Peak God Kings can only fly in the void, flying out 20,000 to 30,000 miles per breath time.

He flies in the void, and his breath can reach six to seven thousand miles.

The most important thing is that he can break the rules of heaven and teleport in the void.

In addition to the king-class superb divine ship containing the power of heaven, it can jump in space in the void.

It is impossible for other divine tools or **** king powerhouses to teleport.

Ji Tian acted to hunt down the Nether God Emperor, without hesitating to consume divine power violently, teleporting continuously in the void.

After a while, he actually caught up with the Nether God Emperor!


With a flash of light and shadow, Ji Tianxing teleported to the front of the Nether God Emperor, blocking his way.


The Nether God Emperor immediately changed his face, a cold light burst into his eyes, and he cursed in a low voice.

He did not stop, but accelerated to the front left.

He didn't want to waste time, and wanted to speed up to bypass Ji Tianxing.

Just now, in order to save divine power, he didn't use teleport.

Now, in order to get rid of Ji Tianxing, he can't take care of it.

"call out!"

The light and shadow flashed, and the Nether God Emperor teleported 20,000 miles, passing by Ji Tianxing's side.

But Ji Tianxing reacted extremely quickly, as if he expected the Netherworld God Emperor to teleport and flee, and then teleported 20,000 miles, appearing behind him.

This time, before the Nether God Emperor teleported away again, Ji Tianxing sacrificed the Primal Chaos Clock and suppressed it immediately.


The divine bell instantly expanded hundreds of millions of times, turning into a giant bell larger than a mountain, covering a radius of thousands of miles.

The Wanli area was blocked, and even if the Nether God Emperor used the power of the heavens to forcibly teleport, it was resolved by the power of the **** clock.

He failed to teleport and was trapped in the Primal Chaos Clock.

Want to escape the suppression of the **** clock, only to blast the bell wall of the **** clock.

"Netherworld, since it's here, just stay!"

Ji Tianxing also appeared in the divine clock, holding the divine hammer in his hand, rushing towards the Nether God Emperor with murderous aura.

This sentence ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was said to him when the Nether God Emperor appeared.

Now, he returned this sentence to God Emperor Netherworld.

The Netherworld God Emperor was so irritated, as if he was slapped severely by Ji Tianxing, embarrassed and angry.

Although he is wise and decisive, he is not a self-sufficient person, and he values ​​face and majesty more than anyone else.

Since Ji Tianxing stalked and refused to give up, he also let his heart go, and must fight Ji Tianxing to the end.

"Sword God, this emperor admits that you are stronger than you were before, and you are indeed somewhat capable.

But you and I continue to fight, no one can beat anyone except a waste of time.

Since you are aggressive and entangled, don't blame the emperor for being polite!

Today, this emperor is desperately destroying this avatar, and will destroy you! "

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