Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4017: Extraordinary harvest

   ten days later.

   The Burial Heaven Sword was still galloping in the void, and it had not left the Tianshi star field.

   No way, the Tiens star field is too vast.

   It takes at least two months to fly before it can leave this star field.

  Although, the entire Tiens star field is surging, chaos and war are about to break out.

   But Funian Tian and Ji Tianxing know nothing.

   In the past ten days from the outside world, Ji Tianxing has been in contortion time and space, and has been in retreat for five hundred days.

   In the past year or so, he not only healed his injuries and returned to his peak strength, he also checked the spoils.

   With the identity and status of the Nether God Emperor, there are countless God Kings under his command, and the wealth he has accumulated is really incalculable.

   Of course, ninety percent of the training resources were consumed by him when he explored the mystery of the gray mist.

   Even if he had some rare treasures and king-class artifacts, they were still in the hands of the deity.

   Therefore, in the spatial ring worn by this incarnation of the Nether God Emperor, there are only tens of trillions of cultivation resources and a lot of king-level high-grade artifacts.

   Although those king-level high-grade artifacts are all valuable and precious treasures.

   But Nether God Emperor doesn't like it, and Ji Tianxing doesn't like it either.

   These various kinds of king-level high-grade artifacts were all used by the Nether God Emperor to buy people's hearts.

   After checking the space ring, Ji Tianxing was a little disappointed, and went to check the sword of death.

   This king-level supreme artifact is different from other supreme artifacts.

   It is neither an antiquities from ancient times, nor does it have any background or story.

   It was just a trial product that was not considered successful when the Nether God Emperor broke through the Divine Emperor Realm and tried to refine the top-level artifact.

   After all, God Emperor Nether wants to refine an emperor-level artifact.

   This sword of death, although it contains the power of the heavenly path, is only the best of the king class, and it is not a **** class.

   The only thing worthy of praise is that this sword was personally refined by the Nether God Emperor, and it contained a terrifying breath of death.

   The avatar of God Emperor Nether uses this sword, which is exceptionally handy and complements each other.

   After carefully inspecting this divine sword, Ji Tianxing was also lacking in interest and put it into the space ring.

   He didn't plan to use this death sword, just because the texture of the death sword was very powerful.

   He thought, when there is time later, he will recast the sword of death.

   Or use it as a material to incorporate the Heaven Burial Sword to improve the quality of the Heaven Burial Sword.

   Finally, Ji Tianxing began to check the king-class superb divine ship left by the Nether God Emperor.

   To tell the truth, Ji Tianxing hasn't controlled the divine ship for many years and has been traveling around.

   He once also had a godship, but it was a low-end item of the Celestial class, and he had already smelted it into materials.

   Now you can get a king-class artifact, it will be more convenient to travel in the future.

   neither does he need to consume divine power, nor does he need to let the funeral sky fly all the way.

   On the speed of the road, the king-class superb divine ship definitely throws the burial sword several grades.

   The incarnation of the Nether God Emperor is dead, and the memory of the soul left in the divine ship has also disappeared.

   Today’s divine ship is nothing but a masterless thing, let Ji Tianxing refine it.

   Ji Tianxing spent four months in the twisted time and space before successfully refining the Nether God Emperor’s King-Class Supreme Divine Ship.

   The fate of the few **** kings hiding in the **** ship for healing can be imagined.

   When Ji Tianxing fought against the Nether God Emperor, the five **** kings were all seriously injured and had to escape into the **** ship.

   The two alien kings with only the godheads, as soon as they entered the godship, they began to retreat and heal their injuries.

   The other two protoss **** kings who suffered severe damage, and Yan Jiu of the pinnacle **** king realm, both reacted in the same way.

   They have blind faith in God Emperor Nether, believing that God Emperor Nether will surely kill Ji Tianxing.

   Therefore, they stayed in the Divine Ship to heal their injuries without paying attention to the situation outside.

   It wasn't until later, after a long time, that Yan Jiu realized something was wrong.

  He thought to himself, several days passed, Master should have killed the Sword God long ago and left with the Divine Ship.

   But the master has been silent, nor has he called him to control the godship.

   So, Yan Jiu finished his exercises and healed his injuries and wanted to find out.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing sensed that he was leaving the divine ship, so he severely wounded Yan Jiu with lightning speed.

   Yan Jiu was caught off guard, and the Qiqiao who was hit by Ji Tianxing spurted blood on the spot, and his body collapsed.

   Only then did he realize that the sword **** is in charge of the divine ship, and the master must have encountered an accident.

   But he has no chance to resist, nor can he escape from the divine ship.

   Ji Tianxing continued his spirit attacks again, shook his godhead seriously, and fell into a coma.

   After Yan Jiu fell into a coma, Ji Tianxing crushed his godhead and completely wiped him out.

   After a long time, Ji Tianxing succeeded in refining the Supreme Godship.

   Seeing the four **** kings of the Nine Stages, still healing their wounds in the godship, he couldn't help but smile.

   "How big are your hearts? How do you believe in Nether God Emperor?

  , let you die in a daze! "

   Ji Tianxing whispered a few words, unleashing the invisible power of the soul, and blasted the four kings fiercely.

   The four **** kings were not guarded at all, and before they could resist, they were beaten to death by him.

   Ji Tianxing did the same, obliterating the spirits of the four gods, and crushing the gods into dregs.

   In this way, the five **** kings all followed in the footsteps of the incarnation of the Nether God Emperor.

   Ji Tianxing processed the spoils, and took the fragments of the gods of the five gods, and began to refine his exercises.

   Two alien **** kings, two gods **** kings of the Ninth Realm, were all the objects he took the lead in refining.

   Two months later, Ji Tianxing refined the godhead fragments of the four **** kings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his strength increased slightly, but he learned the ten principles of the gods.

   Then, he refined Yan Jiu's godhead fragments.

  Different from the previous four gods, Ji Tianxing not only has to absorb Yan Jiu's power and the laws of God, but also refine his soul memory.

  Because, before Ji Tianxing, I heard Yan Jiu call the Nether God Emperor the Master.

   Since Yan Jiu is the pinnacle **** king and a disciple of the nether **** emperor, he must be the confidant of the nether **** emperor, and he must know a lot of secrets and inner affairs!

   So far, Ji Tianxing has fought against the incarnation of the Nether God Emperor.

   But he still didn't know much about the situation and plans of the Nether God Emperor.

   Yan Jiu's godhead fragments might surprise him.


   One month later, the fragments of Yan Jiu's godhead were completely refined by Ji Tianxing.

   The gain is not small, not only the increase in strength, but also deprived of fifteen laws of the gods.

   Now, the number of laws that Ji Tianxing has mastered has reached 1,085.

   In addition, Yan Jiu's memory of the soul has also made him gain a lot.

   Yan Jiu has been following the Nether God Emperor, moving around the gray mist mystery, and is responsible for commanding and dispatching all the people and horses.

  Although, the Netherworld God Emperor did not tell Yan Jiu the core secret.

   Yan Jiu didn't know, what exactly was that grey mist mystery, why did the five **** emperors take pains to study. .

   But Yan Jiu has a fairly good understanding of the surroundings of the Grey Mist Mystery, and he also knows the power of the Nether God Emperor and the manpower he can mobilize.

   There are also some speculations about the gray mist mystery, which are Yan Jiu's own thoughts, which have not been confirmed.

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