Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4018: Incredible result

   Although Ji Tianxing refined Yan Jiu's soul memory, he still didn't figure out the final secret.

   But he received a lot of important information, and he had a deep understanding of the power of the Nether God Emperor.

   This is already great news for him, and the road to revenge has also taken a big step.

   Of course, the power background of the Nether God Emperor, and the manpower available to him under his command, were still beyond his expectation, which made him quite surprised.

   learned from Yan Jiu's soul memory that the Nether God Emperor not only controls the reincarnation island of the gods, but also indirectly controls the Tianshi star field.

   At present, there are as many as 10,000 masters of the gods who are stationed near the gray mist mystery by the order of the Nether God Emperor, and there are more than 200 masters of the gods.

   These people are all elite, the gods are all high-ranking gods above the seventh realm.

   There are more than two hundred **** kings, all of which are middle **** kings and a few upper **** kings.

  There are four Peak God Kings, and three of them are disciples of Nether God Emperor.

   In addition, the Nether God Emperor gave an order to mobilize more than 50,000 masters.

   He can mobilize and convene more than one thousand God King and Powerhouses!

   Of course, under no special circumstances, the Nether God Emperor would not spend much time mobilizing so many elite soldiers.

   Knowing this information, Ji Tianxing can't help feeling a headache.

   He couldn't help thinking: "Just under the command of the Nether God Emperor, there are so many elite soldiers and powerful generals.

   If I avenge the five great **** emperors, and they all mobilize their hands, wouldn’t it be more than two hundred thousand gods and thousands of gods?

   Such a terrifying power, even the **** emperor can't hold it!

   Even if I quietly rushed to the Grey Mist Mystery, I managed to sneak attack.

   only deal with the **** emperor Netherworld, I also have to face a **** emperor, more than two hundred **** kings and 10,000 **** kings...

  It seems that my revenge plan must be considered long-term, not reckless. "

After    refining the godhead, Ji Tianxing remembered the Tianshi domain master who was still suppressed in the **** tower.

   So, he went to the third floor of the tower and interrogated the Tianshi domain master.


   When he entered this cold and dark space, the Tianshi domain master was still suppressed in the wasteland.

   The Tianshi domain master was seriously injured, and was suppressed by the powerful **** formation for so long.

   When Ji Tianxing saw him, his injury worsened and his breath became weaker.

   Even his mind is in a semi-conscious and semi-conscious state.

   So, Ji Tianxing waved his hand to cast a spirit of power into the godhead of the Tianshi domain master.

   Under the stimulation of the power of the soul, the Tianshi domain lord suddenly became sober, and his spirit recovered a little.

   He was lying on the wasteland in ragged clothes, trying to raise his head to look at Ji Tianxing, his eyes showing very bitter sorrow.

   "Beast! You must die!

   The Supreme Master will return soon, and you will be crushed to pieces by then! "

   Tianshi domain master has a hoarse voice, roaring hysterically.

   Ji Tianxing couldn't help frowning, showing a trace of pity in his eyes, and said in a calm tone: "Unexpectedly, you are already in jail, and you still hold such great expectations for the Emperor Netherworld.

   But it is a pity that there is something very cruel, but this king still wants to tell you. "

   Tianshi domain master frowned fiercely, squinted his eyes, and roared: "What?"

   Ji Tianxing spread his hands and said truthfully: "Not long after this king captured you, the Nether God Emperor took five **** kings and broke into the Shenhui Cave.

   Only a hundred breaths away, you can see your savior.

   Of course, it was not the Nether God Emperor who came, but an incarnation of him.

   So, even if you see him, he can't save you.

  Because the king fought with them for half a day and killed five **** kings.

   Shenhui Dongtian was also broken by us, and now it has long been swallowed by the void and no longer exists.

   The incarnation of the Nether God Emperor was also scarred by this king.

   Seeing Shenhui Dongtian shattering, he escaped into the void and wanted to escape.

   It's a pity that this king launched a chase and fought fiercely in the void for several hours, destroying his avatar! "

   Ji Tianxing used concise words to tell what happened.

   After listening to the Tianshi domain master, he was stunned.

   He was stunned for several seconds before he came back to his senses, struggling very violently, roaring with a grim face.

   "No! This is impossible!

Who do you think you are? It's just a pinnacle god, how can you defeat the Supreme Lord?

   The Supreme Lord is the supreme and unparalleled emperor!

   Even his incarnation can easily crush you!

I do not believe! "

   Obviously, the domain owner of Tianshi could not accept this result, nor would he believe it.

   Ji Tianxing did not defend, but took out a token, a sword of death, and a few tokens, and presented it in front of the Tianshi domain master.

   Except for the sword of death, everything else was found in the space ring of the Nether God Emperor.

   The Tianshi domain lord saw these things, felt the breath of the familiar Supreme Lord, and was once again stunned.

   He was petrified, his eyes widened, staring straight at the token and a few tokens, his whole body trembled|trembling uncontrollably.

   A few seconds later, he collapsed on the ground like a deflated balloon.

   The original gaze that was still a little bit dazzling, became obscure and dim, it was obviously heartbroken, completely desperate.

   Facts speak louder than words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The result that he could no longer believe became a fact.

   After a while, he slowly closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to calm his mood.

   After the mood calmed down, he asked Ji Tianxing in a slightly trembling voice, "Your strength and methods are indeed beyond my expectations.

   You obviously have the ability to kill me easily, but you didn't kill me, and you let me live to the present.

   Let’s say, what conditions do you want, or what do you want me to do to spare my life? "

   After all, the Tianshi domain lord is an old man, and in the face of hard facts, he quickly made a decision.

   He gave up all beliefs, persistence and dignity, and calmly sought the way to survive.

   Ji Tianxing expression calmly said: "A thousand years ago, there was a Fengtian Dragon Emperor from the Dragon Realm who mysteriously fell in the outer sky..."

   He briefly recounted the identity, strength, and appearance of the Dragon Emperor Fengtian.

After    finished speaking, he stared at the Tianshi domain master and asked: "Have you ever seen him? Have you heard of his deeds?

  Or, in the Tiens Star Territory thousands of years ago, has there been any major events, weird phenomena? "

   Hearing Ji Tianxing’s words, the Tianshi domain master understood what he meant, and asked: "Are you asking about the whereabouts and clues of the Fengtian Dragon Emperor?"

   Ji Tianxing did not answer, but waited quietly for the answer.

   Tianshi domain master said calmly: "Things that happened a thousand years ago, I don’t think about it clearly now...

   Moreover, you have to investigate some unusual clues and deeds.

   I can't answer you rashly. I must remember carefully, analyze and consider carefully, before I can give you the answer. "

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