Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4060: Jinshuang comes

There is a word called idiom.

It should be very suitable for Nangong's body.

He just reminded the elders to take precautions and put Yanxu Dongtian on alert.

Within two days, Yanxu Dongtian welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

The five mysterious powerhouses who came before will also take out tokens and let the guard leader guarding the entrance of the cave to report.

These uninvited guests, however, were as many as a thousand people, mighty and murderous, and rushed to the entrance of the cave.


Three king-class high-grade divine ships lined up in the sky, protruding hundreds of barrels, and aimed at the large formation at the entrance of the cave.

"Huh! Huh!"

Fifty **** king powerhouses, along with 900 **** king realm masters, flew out of the godship one by one.

They lined up in the sky, surrounded the entrance of the cave, all wearing armor and swords, and blazing murderous intent surged all over.

Although, the guard guarding the entrance of Yanxu Cave was doubled.

Now there are two hundred guards, and four guards commanding the **** king realm.

But they didn't expect that the Sword God's plan had not yet begun, and a large army would have killed Yanxu Cave Sky.

Unexpectedly, everyone was a little flustered and worried, and immediately drew out their swords and gathered together, staring at everyone around them vigilantly.

Even though the four guards commanded fear in their hearts, they couldn't show the color of fear, and they all hardened their heads and stepped forward, questioning everyone's identity and purpose in a deep voice.

"Who came, don't you know this is Yanxu Cave Sky?"

"This is the territory of my Nangong clan. Do you want to fight against my Nangong clan?"

"If you don't want blood to flow into a river, and your souls will be overwhelmed, I advise you to leave immediately!"

Although the voices of several guards commanded were harsh, they were also very mighty.

But to everyone, there is always a feeling of sternness.

After all, they all know well and know the origin of each other.

At this time, among the fifty **** kings standing at the front of the crowd, several powerful and powerful men walked out.

The headed person is as high as more than ten years old, wearing gold and silver chain mail, phoenix-winged golden helmet, and icy blue cloak.

This person is handsome and powerful, obviously the leader of these thousands of powerful men.

With a saber hanging from his waist, his left hand was behind him, his right hand was pressed on the hilt, and he looked at the guard leaders blankly.

"This seat, Jinshuang, has been ordered to arrest the criminals. No one can disobey, otherwise he will be punished with rebellion!

Quickly report to Nangong, open the Yanxu Cave, and welcome this seat to enter.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel! "

Although the guards of the Nangong clan had guessed the origin of these people.

But when they heard the word ‘Jin Shuang’, they couldn’t help but shiver, a trace of fear flashed in their eyes.

No way, Jinshuang is the deputy commander of the inspection envoy, has the right and responsibility to inspect the entire Vast Sky Continent, and his reputation spread far.

Since the deputy commander Jinshuang came personally, there is no need to repeat the seven high-ranking **** kings all wearing silver armor standing behind him.

Those seven gods must all be inspectors!

After all, everyone knows that there are 49 patrol envoys under the **** emperor Shura, every seven in a team, patrolling the world in rotation to maintain order and peace.

In addition, the remaining forty-two **** king powerhouses are mostly the domain masters of various roads and the leaders of the major forces.

In short, those who come are strong enemies, not to be underestimated!

The leaders of the four guards of the Nangong clan exchanged eye contact and made a decision.

One of them quietly sent a subpoena to report the situation to Nangong.

The other three guards pretended to be stupid, entangled in Jinshuang, and delayed time.

"It turned out that Deputy Commander Jinshuang came here, and if you missed it, please forgive me!"

"Deputy Commander Jinshuang, our Nangong clan had closed Yanxu Cave Sky more than two hundred years ago, and no matter what happened.

You said that you want to arrest the Qin criminals. This has nothing to do with our Nangong clan, right? "

"Deputy Commander Jinshuang, there must be some misunderstanding in this. Please be calm and restless. Our Patriarch will definitely explain it to you."

The sword **** is a sinner, and the **** emperor Shura must be eliminated quickly. This is a thing known to all.

Therefore, the Nangong clan would never admit that they had harboured imperial criminals and protected the sword god.

How could Jinshuang believe the words of the three leaders?

He sneered at this, and sneered contemptuously: "You are not qualified to talk to this seat, shut up!"

Such an arrogant and contemptuous attitude made the four guard leaders embarrassed and gritted their teeth with anger.

But they couldn't attack, they could only hold back the anger, glaring at Jinshuang.

Jinshuang ignored them and waited patiently for Nangong to appear.

In fact, he had long since found out that the Sword God was in Yanxu Cave Sky, only then would he summon so many elite soldiers to arrive in Yanxu Cave Sky.

He was also prepared, no matter whether Nangong was not confused or not, and whether the Sword God was still in Yanxu Cave Sky, he would forcibly break in.

At that time, he will teach the Nangong clan a bitter lesson, killing chickens and monkeys, in order to deter other ancient clans.

As for the Sword God, it would be best if it could be caught, even if it was not.

Anyway, he just came to fight the front stand to test the reaction of the sword **** and the Nangong clan.

The main force to really deal with the sword **** ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is still gathering and dispatching secretly.


Unconsciously, a quarter of an hour passed.

Nangong Buluo hasn't appeared yet, Jinshuang is impatient, her brows furrowed, and her breath becomes more and more gloomy.

Several inspectors behind him began to fan the flames, yin and yang strange.

"Vice Commander, you have such a noble status, after waiting for so long, then Nangong will not show up even if you are not confused. It is too shameful for you!"

"Huh! Dare to let our commander Jinshuang wait here for so long, that old man Nangong is really arrogant, too arrogant!"

"Nangong is not confused to avoid seeing, this is obviously a guilty conscience!"

"Since Nangong doesn't confuse the harbour, it should be treated as an accomplice!"

"The deputy commander, I'm afraid the old thief Nangong is packing up his belongings and preparing to escape!

We can't wait any longer, we must rush into Yanxu Cave and capture the Qin criminal and the old Nangong thief! "

Several inspectors were encouraging Jinshuang to directly lead everyone into Yanxu Cave.

More than 900 gods and monarchs listened, and they were enthusiastic and eager to try.

However, the guards of the Nangong clan were full of anger and murmured secretly.

If Jinshuang really brought people into Yanxu Cave, then their guards would be the first to bring them to sacrifice the flag.

The tone and expression of those inspectors were very real. They sounded like they were intimidating, but with Jinshuang's cruel heart, it was very possible to do so.

This makes the guards feel very entangled.

They can't do anything, they can only hold their swords and weapons tightly, and be mentally prepared for a **** battle.

Soon, another quarter of an hour passed. .

Jinshuang's patience finally ran out, and he waved murderously and gave the order to attack.

Seven inspectors, 42 **** kings, and 900 **** king masters are all ready to attack.

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