Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4061: Play stupid

Many gods and kings are ready to go.

Even the three divine ships in the sky activated their formations, and their barrels were shining with divine light.

In the next moment, those hundreds of gun barrels will explode a beam of light, and blast towards the entrance of Yanxu Cave.

There is no doubt that there is no need for many **** kings and 900 **** kings to do it. Only the **** light cannons of three **** ships can kill two hundred guards of the Nangong clan.

Seeing that the overwhelming divine light and the divine art that destroys the world will burst out.

The two hundred guards and the four guard leaders of the Nangong tribe were all panicked and at a loss, sweating on the palms of their arms.

But at this critical moment, the large formation at the entrance of the cave opened, and the portal lit up with a dazzling white light.

"Jin Shuang, you are so blatantly leading your troops to besiege Yanxu Cave Heaven, you don't put this seat in your eyes at all!"

Following this loud and majestic voice, a burly figure appeared in the sky through the gate of light.

This is a middle-aged man from the Protoss, wearing a blue brocade robe and a luxurious crown, exuding a majestic aura.

He is the Patriarch of the Nangong clan, and Nangong is not confused.

Immediately afterwards, several figures flew out of the light gate, and followed them to the court.

These middle-aged and old protoss are the elders of the Nangong clan.

When they saw the Patriarch and the elders coming, the two hundred guards were relieved, and their hanging hearts fell back in their stomachs.

The gazes of Jinshuang and many **** kings also gathered on Nangong's body, looking at him coldly and vigilantly.

Nangong stood in the sky without confusion, facing Jinshuang, his momentum was not weak at all.

"Jin Shuang, you are the deputy commander of the patrol envoy under the **** emperor's command. Everyone respects the **** emperor so that he can give you some affection.

Unexpectedly, you are so rampant and unscrupulous!

My Nangong clan lived in seclusion for hundreds of years. I asked myself if I had never made any mistakes. Why did you bring so many soldiers to Yanxu Cave?

Do you think that my Nangong clan has been silent for too long, and want to use the Nangong clan to stand up?

Still think my Nangong clan is very bully, so I can take it at will? "

Before the Emperor Shura ruled the Haotian Continent, the Nangong clan was also the most powerful force on this continent.

The majesty and demeanor of Nangong is not weaker than those peak gods.

If the person who came is Mengshuai or Emperor Shi, Nangong is not confused and still willing to give some face, after all, those two are the pinnacle **** kings.

But the person who came was Jinshuang who was the weakest among those in power. How could Nangong not be confused about him?

Seeing that Nangong was not confused, the seven inspectors became angry at the time, and they all rebuked him.

"Nangong is not confused, how do you talk to the deputy commander?"

"Lao Nangong, pay attention to your words! What is your identity?"

"Vice Commander, Nangong Buluo used to nod and bow before, but today he has become so arrogant.

From the perspective of his subordinates, he must have harboured the imperial criminal, and thought that the imperial criminal was backing him, so he dared to be so bold! "

"That's right! Nangong Buluo already has a heart of disobedience, and this willfully offends the deputy commander!"

Several patrol envoys sang and made peace, so they charged Nangong Fuhuo.

Jinshuang sneered in her heart, but on the surface she was pretending to be angry, staring at Nangong without confusion, and asking: "Nangong is not confused, I don't want to waste time with you, let's open the skylight to speak brightly.

You now have only two choices, either hand over the sword god, and this seat exempts the Nangong clan from guilt.

Either you get out of the way, and this seat will lead people into Yanxu Cave Sky and find out the Sword God yourself! "

Nangong is not puzzled that he has been prepared, deliberately pretending to be amazed, and said in surprise: "Sword God? Jinshuang, what are you talking about? Are you confused?

The Sword God was a legendary powerhouse more than a thousand years ago, hadn't he been besieged and killed by the five **** emperors long ago?

Can people who have fallen can come back from the dead?

Jinshuang, Jinshuang!

Although I have offended you, you can't use such ridiculous and shameless reasons to deliberately retaliate against the Nangong clan!

If you insist on hurting the Nangong clan, don't blame this seat for resisting desperately and defend the dignity of the Nangong clan with your life! "

Nangong was not confused about his righteous words, and after speaking, he offered a magic knife, held it tightly in his hand, looking at Jinshuang murderously.

Anyone who sees this scene will be conquered by his acting skills and think how wronged he was.

But Jinshuang and others didn't believe his words at all, and they all showed contemptuous sneers.

"Nangong is not confused, you don't pretend to be garlic!"

Jinshuang didn't want to waste time with Nangong Buzhu. He always felt that Nangong did not want to do this. There must be some conspiracy.

So he issued an ultimatum.

"This seat will give you one last chance. Either you take the initiative to surrender the sword god, and this seat can forgive your crime.

Or, I personally go to capture the sword god, and the Nangong clan will also bury him! "

After speaking, Jinshuang pulled out the saber around his waist, held the sword and pointed at Nangong without confusion, bursting out with murderous intent all over his body.

Forty-two **** kings and 900 masters of **** kings also accumulated their power to the apex, ready to go ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ As everyone desperately mobilized their divine power, their momentum rose steadily, and an invisible aura appeared in the field. , There was a violent hurricane.

Everyone in the Nangong clan raised their hearts and squeezed their sweat secretly.

In any case, the current situation of the Nangong clan is very passive, and the number of people is at an absolute disadvantage.

In the next moment, as long as Jinshuang and others initiate a charge, everyone in the Nangong clan will surely suffer heavy casualties.

This battle is inevitable, even if Nangong is not confused and pretending to be stupid, it is useless.

That being the case, he could only grit his teeth and make a decision. He spoke to the four guards commander and ordered: "What are you still doing in a daze? Return to Yanxu Cave immediately, and this seat will cover you!"

The four guard leaders and the two hundred guards all knew that Nangong was not confused about giving up the formation at his feet and returning to defend within the hole.

As a result, everyone turned around without hesitation, like an arrow from the string, rushing towards the blazing light gate.


In the blink of an eye, dozens of guards passed through the light gate and escaped into Yanxu Cave.

The leaders of the four guards were also very enlightened, and were not eager to escape, but clasped the swords of the magic weapon to help the guards.

This is even more true for Nangong Buluo and several elders, forming a line of defense, blocking many guards behind.

Although the status of the guards is relatively low, they cannot be compared with the guard leaders and elders.

But they are also heirs of the blood of the Nangong clan, so Nangong has to protect them.

Seeing the many guards fleeing, Jinshuang knew that Nangong was determined to resist, so he stopped talking nonsense and directly swung his sword to issue an attack order.


With a cold drink from him, forty-two **** kings and 900 **** master masters all exerted their utmost to release their supernatural powers and used their earth-shaking magical skills to kill the entrance of Yanxu Cave.

The three divine ships also opened fire one after another, blasting out hundreds of divine power beams.

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