Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4076: Renegade covenant

This day.

Within Yanxu Cave, in the Guangming Hall of the Nangong clan.

The one-month period is over, and the people who should come have also come.

As for the ones who didn't come, they had made up their minds and watched the movements of the Sword God and the Nangong clan first, and then reacted accordingly.

The magnificent bright hall shrouded a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

The most elite guards of the Nangong clan guard the surroundings of the Guangming Palace.

The gate of the palace was closed, and only the principals of the various forces and the elders of the Nangong clan, Nangong Buzhu and others, participated in the discussion in the main hall.

Today, Nangong was sitting on the upper left side, while Nangong Nihuang and several elders stood behind him.

On the row of seats on the right side of the main hall, there are seven powerful **** kings, all of whom are dressed in luxury and majestic.

Behind them, there are still a few strong **** kings, who are the elders and protectors of various forces.

Although, the forces represented by these powerful men were the first to express their support for the Sword God.

But Nangong was not confused to see them, and would not admire and get close to them.

Because, among them, there are three strong men who came here in mask a month ago.

Obviously, these strong men are sitting here today, not to swear allegiance to Ji Tianxing, but to negotiate.

Whether the two sides can form an alliance smoothly depends on whether the outcome of the negotiation satisfies the strong ones.

There was silence in the hall. Ji Tianxing hadn't arrived yet, everyone was calm and waited patiently.


After a quarter of an hour, the gate of the Palace of Light finally opened.

The guard guarding the gate shouted loudly: "Here is the sword god!"

So everyone stood up and turned to look at the door.

Everyone's eyes focused on the handsome and martial young man in a white robe.

Seeing him stepping into the hall, many people showed awe in their eyes along the way.

"Meet the Sword God!"

Nangong was not confused and took the lead in bowing and saluting, with a respectful gesture.

The others all saluted and took a respectful posture.

There is no doubt that this way of playing was specially arranged by Nangong Buluo.

Originally, Ji Tianxing ended his cultivation a day earlier, and could call everyone for discussion at any time.

However, Nangong was not confused and insisted on requesting to play according to this procedure, saying that it was a fluke that frightened several strong men.

Ji Tianxing didn't care, but Nangong was not confused about this suggestion, so he accepted it.

So far, the effect seems pretty good.

At least, those powerhouses who hadn't seen Ji Tianxing's real person, saw Ji Tianxing at this moment, their expressions were a bit complicated.

Through subtle changes in expressions, we can see that their mood has changed.

Ji Tianxing walked through the wide hall and walked to the first place and stood still.

He turned to face the crowd, his gaze swept across the crowd with majesty, and he said, "You guys, please take a seat."

After speaking, he took a seat in the first place, and everyone sat down.

Ji Tianxing was not in a hurry to speak, let his ‘spokesperson’ Nangong not be confused, and speak first.

Nangong stood up without confusion, bowed his hands to the strong of the eight powers, and said: "Everyone understands why we are gathered here today, and we also know what we want to discuss.

That being the case, we don't have to waste time and say some useless scenes.

Here is the beginning of this seat for your reference. "

After finishing speaking, he turned to face Ji Tianxing on the throne, and said solemnly: "Master Sword God, the Haotian Continent a thousand years ago, the folk customs are simple and the people are free.

Our 18 ancient clans were divided into divisions to protect the peace of the Haotian Continent, and the situation was very peaceful.

But since the Emperor Shura ruled the Haotian Continent, he used various methods to force the Hundred Territories and enslaved hundreds of millions of people, making the Haotian Continent do not live without life.

We have the heart to attack thieves, but we are unable to resist, we can only bear the humiliation and wait for your comeback.

Now that you have finally returned, my Nangong clan is willing to dedicate everything and swear to follow Lord Sword God.

We want to crusade against the tyrant, overthrow the dark rule of the God Emperor Shura, rescue the entire Haotian Continent, and let the hundreds of millions of Li citizens regain their freedom!

Lord Sword God, please allow Yaqianerlang of the Nangong clan to join your subordinates and be loyal to you! "

Nangong was not confused with a sonorous tone. After saying these impassioned words, he bowed to Ji Tianxing to express his request.

However, Ji Tianxing seemed to be deeply moved, his eyes flashed with brilliance, his expression solemnly nodded, and said: "Patriarch Nangong understands righteousness and has the people of the world in his heart. He is really a model for our generation!

The Nangong clan has a heart of compassion and compassion, and is willing to sacrifice one's life to save the people of the world, which is worthy of admiration and respect.

How can this seat refuse such a sentimental and righteous request that concerns the people of the world?

This seat accepts the allegiance of the Nangong clan, and forms allies from now on, helping each other and looking forward to it! "

After speaking, Ji Tianxing took out a piece of jade slip, waved it out, and made it fly to Nangong's face.

"Patriarch Nangong, this is the covenant for rebellion that this seat has drawn up in advance. You only need to read this covenant out loud, and we are allies!"

Nangong did not hesitate to stretch out both hands, holding the jade slip, and in a loud and solemn voice, read the covenant in the jade slip~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The so-called covenant was actually prepared by Ji Tianxing in advance. Oath of Heaven.

After Ji Tianxing's modification, it is more like a covenant.

But in essence, when Nangong didn't get confused and read the covenant of nearly a thousand words, he still made an oath to Heaven.

"The Nangong clan, the thirty-seventh generation of Patriarch Nangong is not confused here to make an oath, and is willing to form an alliance with the sword **** Longtian, live and die together, and never betray..."

When Nangong was not confused by the loud voice echoing in the Guangming Hall, the leaders of the eight powers were all confused.

No one thought that things would develop like this.

The so-called negotiation and negotiation of alliance matters are so simple and rude. They come up with a lot of ‘swear to heaven’, ‘please witness to heaven’ and so on.

Before coming, the principals of several forces were still thinking about how to fight for benefits and how to bargain with Ji Tianxing.

It seems that it is not needed now?

Undoubtedly, this is a play that Nangong Buluo and Ji Tianxing had discussed in advance and insisted on asking for an addition.

Ji Tianxing originally planned to negotiate directly with the eight powers and allow several powers to raise some requirements and conditions.

As long as it is not excessive, he can consider and negotiate.

But Nangong was not confused and asked to take the lead in speaking, set an example for the eight forces, and set the tone for this discussion.

Because he was worried that the eight lions would open their mouths and demand too much, which would mess up the negotiation.

So, there is this scene.

After a hundred breaths of time, when Nangong had finished reciting the rebellion covenant, a ray of Dao Yun appeared above his head, and his body was glowing with golden light.

In the sky directly above the Great Hall of Light, thunder bursts and roars continued.

Obviously, the oath of heaven has been fulfilled before this vision appears.

The principals of several powers changed their eyes when looking at Nangong without confusion, and several powerful ones were fidgeting and embarrassed.

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