Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4077: Baifeng

"This... is this too cruel?"

"Nangong is not confused, is it crazy? Is that a covenant of alliance? I am swearing to heaven!"

"Gosh! Nangong clan doesn't talk about any conditions, don't want any benefits, and unconditionally loyal to the sword god?"

"The **** Nangong is not confused, he is too much like this? Doesn't he unjust us?"

"The old man can understand, Nangong must have discussed with the Sword God without confusion, this is deliberately to pinch us!"

"He is the most important sword artifact, and of course he can make a show.

Even if he didn't mention any conditions, could the sword **** treat him badly? "

The principals of several forces glanced at each other, and they all began to talk in secret, and they were very angry.

But no one is stupid enough to expose Nangong to the face, let alone leave because of this.

They all want to see, what else will Nangong Buluo and Sword God play next?

as predicted.

When Nangong had finished swearing, the oath of Heaven was established, and Ji Tianxing seemed to be moved.

He stood up, looked at Nangong sincerely, and said: "Patriarch Nangong, I absolutely believe in your sincerity and sincerity. You seem to be moved by you even God.

This kind of deep friendship will be remembered in my heart and will never be forgotten! "

After speaking, he looked at the people in the hall again, and solemnly announced: "This seat has announced that it will formally form an alliance with the Nangong clan. From now on, we will help each other and live and die together!

After the success of the rebellion in the future, this seat will entrust the Flame Region to the Nangong Clan, which will be ruled by the Nangong clan.

In addition, this seat will also allow the Nangong clan to develop power and industries in the surrounding ten regions.

We believe that under the leadership of Nangong Clan, the Nangong clan will develop and prosper! "

This is Ji Tianxing’s public commitment and a commendation to the Nangong clan.

Of course, the distance that the Nangong clan can get is far more than this.

After listening, Nangong felt a little excited, and quickly bowed and thanked Ji Tianxing.

"Nangong is not confused on behalf of all the Nangong clan, thank the sword **** for the grace!!"

When his words fell, Nangong Nihuang and several elders also bowed and thanked them.

The principals of those powers were dumbfounded once again, all of them dumbfounded, their expressions were particularly wonderful!

"This... is this done?"

"With such a small reward, you bought the Nangong clan?"

"A fool, right? If the rebellion is successful, the entire Vast Sky Continent will be under the command of the Sword God, and he will only reward the Nangong clan with a flame domain?"

"Yanxu Dongtian was originally in the flame field, even if the sword **** does not reward it, the Nangong clan can control it...what kind of reward is this?"

"Even if the Sword God allows the Nangong clan to develop power and industries in the surrounding ten regions, what use is that?

The Nangong clan could not appoint ten domain masters, and could not control them. "

"I originally thought that the Nangong clan was so trusted by the sword god, and the sword **** would at least reward the Nangong clan with 20 domains!"

The decision Ji Tianxing made had a huge gap with the expectations of several patriarchs, which made them unbelievable and very disappointed.

At this moment, several patriarchs can already imagine what they will be treated.

No matter how much they negotiate, they will never meet their psychological expectations.

Even if the Sword God treats them like the Nangong clan, they will not look good at the poor reward.

Several patriarchs were fidgeting, hesitating to find an excuse to leave Yanxu Cave as soon as possible.

The alliance of the Nangong clan was completed, and Ji Tianxing's eyes fell on the principals on the right side of the hall.

Even though he didn't speak, the meaning was already obvious.

If the principals are smarter, they should stand up and express their intention to form an alliance with the sword god.

In this way, the alliance ceremony can proceed smoothly.

However, several patriarchs and patriarchs pretended not to see Ji Tianxing's expression, and they were silent.

No one is willing to stand up first, and no one can unconditionally loyal to Ji Tianxing like Nangong Fudou.

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere in the hall became more and more awkward.

Nangong looked a little anxious and couldn't help but reminded: "Everyone in charge, you come here all the way to the feast.

Our time is tight, so don't delay business here.

Especially the two respected patriarchs, even this seat has to call you seniors. At this time, it is time to show the courage of seniors and set an example? "

The so-called catching ducks on shelves is nothing more than that.

As Nangong's voice fell, everyone looked at the clan chief Lan Wuji and Shenfeng chieftain.

After all, these two are recognized predecessors and have been doing Taoism for more than 28,000 years.

Under all eyes, Lan Wuji and Shenfeng Patriarch were embarrassed and could no longer remain silent.

Even if they are a little reluctant, they can't act too much, so as not to leave a bad impression on the sword **** and mess up good things.

They were just depressed and resisted even more to Nangong.

The other patriarchs and suzerains ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, waiting to see them express their views.

Ji Tianxing's gaze turned to the first Shenfeng Patriarch on the right.

The patriarch Shenfeng couldn't avoid it, and could only stand up and bow his hand to Ji Tianxing.

Leaving aside the alliance, he asked, "Long Tian, ​​he hasn't seen him for many years. I don't know Bai Feng of my clan, how is he now?"

Everyone was startled for a moment, and then they realized that it turned out that there was a strong **** king in the Feng clan who had followed the sword **** many years ago.

That being said, the Feng clan had already bet on the sword god.

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "In the past few years, Bai Feng has traveled with this seat and has gone through more than ten battles. It is safe and worry-free, and his strength has improved after training.

Since I saw the Shenfeng Patriarch today, Li Dang asked Bai Feng to show up to see you, so as not to worry about the Feng Clan. "

After speaking, he awakened Bai Feng in the twisted time and space with the sound transmission of his spiritual sense.

Then, he waved his hand and shot a white light, opening the nine-day tower.


The white light flashed, and Bai Feng appeared in the Guangming Hall.

Ji Tianxing explained the situation to him in advance, so he wouldn't be surprised to see that the hall was full of kings and powerhouses.

"Bai Feng, the disciple of the Feng clan, pay homage to all the seniors and colleagues."

A cold and serious white phoenix in white, bowed to the gods and powerful men in the hall.

After that, he walked to the patriarch of Shenfeng and saluted respectfully, "Subordinates see the patriarch, I have seen the great guardian and the two elders."

After many years, finally saw the Feng clan members again. Of course, Bai Feng was happy and excited in his heart.

But his expression was calmer, he was not gloomy, and he already possessed the majestic manner of a superior.

The patriarch of Shenfeng, the Great Protector, and the two elders carefully observed and found that Bai Feng had already broken through to the Eighth Layer of the God King Realm!

This discovery surprised everyone!

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