Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4083: By surprise

   Although Ji Tianxing said more general, there is no specific standard.

   But Lan Wuji and several patriarchs and suzerains felt a lot more comfortable in their hearts.

   "Although, the treatment and benefits we received are far less than our initial expectations.

   But we are the first to form an alliance with the Sword God, so naturally we are the person he trusts most. "

   "We took a huge risk, with a gamble mentality, and took the lead in forming an alliance with the Sword God. This is the treatment we deserve.

   Those clans and forces who joined the rudder after seeing the wind, don’t want to compare with us! "

   Such thoughts flashed through the minds of the powerhouses.

  This is the end of the matter, and the only worries in everyone's hearts have disappeared.

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and screened back the transmission guard, and said to the patriarchs and suzerain: "The two elders are captured, this seat will handle the matter. You should act according to the original plan without delay."

  Shenfeng Patriarch, Lan Wuji and others, bowed to salute, said in unison and obeyed, and then withdrew from the Bright Hall.

When    left, several patriarchs were still whispering about something.

   On the other side, the house elder of the Nangong clan had already arranged a place for the strong men of the eight powers.

   Several powerful men of each power live in a palace, keeping a distance from each other.


   When all the people from the eight powers have left, several elders of the Nangong clan also left.

   In the Guangming Hall, only Ji Tianxing, Nangong Buzhu and Nangong Nihuang are left.

   Until then, Ji Tianxing frowned, his face became solemn, and a flash of worry flashed under his eyes.

  Nangong Nihuang couldn't help but persuade: "My son, are you worried about Nangongao and the eighth elder?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded, indicating default.

   Nangong Nihuang's voice gently relieved: "Don't worry, haven't you said it just now?

   Mengshuai and Qi Yan want to capture them alive, naturally they have other intentions, so they will not be in danger for the time being. "

   Nangong was not confused but shook his head, and said in a heavy tone: "This should only be a soothing word from Young Master Long, and the two elders are only temporarily safe.

   Moreover, Nangong Ao may not die, but the Eighth Elder may not. "

  Nangong Nihuang immediately frowned, and asked with worry and doubt: "Why?"

   Ji Tianxing explained: "The situation of Mengshuai and the emperor is not that small, and they will never stare at the two elders. Their goal is me!

  Nangong Ao is my friend. For Meng Shuai and Emperor Shi, there is still value in utilization, but the eighth elder is..."

   Nangong Nihuang Bingxue is smart, he can see through, and immediately understand his meaning.

   "My son, what do you mean... Mengshuai and Emperor Shi want to torture to extract a confession, or to frighten us, they will definitely choose to kill the Eighth Elder.

  They will leave Nangong Ao, and use his life to force you to show up? "

  Nangong did not get confused and added, "Before the Dragon Master appeared, they would also lay a net of heaven and earth and lie in ambush, so as to kill the Dragon Master with one blow, so that they could get away once and for all."

   "It's really sinister and despicable!" Nangong Nihuang's face was frosty with anger, cold light in her eyes.

   Ji Tianxing said calmly: "If I don't expect it to be bad, the Mengshuai will send a message within two days at the latest, using Nangong Proud as a threat to force me to show up."

   Nangong Nihuang was full of anxiety, and quickly asked: "My son, what shall we do? Do you have a good plan?"

   Ji Tianxing smiled, a touch of coldness evoked at the corner of his mouth, and said: "How can there be a balance between these despicable but practical means?

   I can't sit back and watch Nangongao being killed, I must save him!

   Patriarch Nangong, you immediately organize all the news that the two elders have sent back to me.

   At midnight, I will set out to rescue Nangong Ao. "

  Nangong did not confuse the father and daughter, both showing a look of surprise, and quickly began to discourage them.


   "Never use it!"

   "Young Master Long, you know that the commander Meng will lay down heavy soldiers to ambush you and try to besiege you...We must never let you die!"

   "My son, we know that you are very worried about the safety of Nangong Proud, but you are the leader of the rebellious alliance and the hope of all of us. There must be no mistakes!

   I believe that even if Nangong Ao knew about this, he would never agree with your decision! "

   "Yes! Our Nangong clan's son-in-law has no spoils! Nangong proudly commits suicide and will never put you into a desperate situation!"

   Both father and daughter were agitated, and they stopped Ji Tianxing from left to right, saying that he would not let him go to risk.

   Ji Tianxing was both touched and a bit funny, and quickly calmed the father and daughter, saying: "Don't get excited, calm down and think about what I just said.

  First point, with my strength, no one can hurt me except the five great emperors. Mengshuai and the emperor together are not enough!

   Second point, it may take another day or two for Meng Shuai to send a subpoena to negotiate with me, and I will leave tonight.

   He is not guarded at all, I will sneak into their encirclement a day or two in advance to save Nangong Ao.

  Of course, the most important thing is that this matter can only be known to you two, so please keep it secret! "

   After listening to his analysis, Nangong Buzhu and Nangong Nihuang calmed down.

   When the father and daughter thought about it carefully, it was indeed the truth, and most of their worries disappeared.

   Nangong thought about it for a while, and said: "Young Master Long, your analysis is very reasonable, and I also believe in your strength and methods.

   But this is your prediction after all. What if Mengshuai doesn't do this? "

   Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "No matter what Meng Shuai wants to do, I will rescue Nangong Ao first."

   Nangong Nihuang said again: "My son, it's too dangerous for you to act alone, I want to go with you!

  Nangongao is not only your friend, but also my clan, brother. "

   Ji Tianxing turned his head and looked at her ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said seriously: "First, I am not alone. My relatives and friends are in my artifact space.

  Secondly, I am more concealed when I act alone, and I have a greater chance of successfully rescuing Nangong Ao.

   If someone is following, don't talk about you, even a nine-layered **** like your father might become a burden. "


   This is telling Nangong Nihuang in disguise that she is a burden to follow, and she is immediately embarrassed.

   The father and daughter are still a little worried, and they want to tell Ji Tianxing something.

   But Ji Tianxing waved his hand, and said solemnly, "The patriarchs and Xu Bailian will definitely discuss in private how I will solve this problem.

   I hope you will keep it secret for me and never let the fourth person know.

   Besides, I’m not in Yanxu Cave, Nangong Patriarch, you have to preside over the overall situation and you must not make trouble! "

   Of course, Nangong knows the seriousness of the matter.

   The Treasury Alliance has just been formed, and it hasn't been tested yet, and there is no talk of cooperation, tacit understanding and loyalty.

   So, the next few days will be a very critical moment.

   Ji Tianxing's rescue of Nangong Ao is certainly dangerous. It is also very important for him to stay in Yanxu Cave to preside over the overall situation!


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