Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4084: Miscalculated

   At midnight, there was silence in Yanxu Cave.

  Only team after team of guards are still patrolling, and almost no other people are walking around.

   Over the past month, Yanxu Dongtian’s defense and alert have been tight.

   For some reason, the number of patrols and guards has quietly increased by 50% since the evening.

   Now, Yanxu Dongtian's defensive power has reached the extreme, it can be described as solid.

  Many guards guessed that the rebellious alliance had just been reached today, and the war is about to start next, so that's why they are so nervous.

   The entire Yanxu Cave Sky is filled with a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

   The eight forces headed by the Feng Clan and the Lan Clan also behaved quite well after they moved into each palace.

   They didn't walk around randomly, they were all busy performing tasks, dispatching the elite children under their command, and rushing to Yanxu Cave as soon as possible.

  Nangong Buzhu, Nangong Nihuang and others are also busy as usual, nothing unusual.

   As for the leader, Ji Tianxing, he went back to the secret room to ‘retreat and practice’ as before.

   But apart from Nangong's not confuse the father and daughter, no one knows the true movement of Ji Tianxing.

   In fact, he has quietly left Yanxu Cave and rushed to the northeast at the fastest speed.

   In the evening, Nangong was not confused to hand over the news from Nangong Ao and the Eight Elders to Ji Tianxing.

   In those pieces of jade slips, there are records of information that the two elders have investigated at risk for more than a month.

   Fortunately, the two elders act separately to improve efficiency.

   For more than a month, they used the intelligence forces of the Nangong clan to investigate more than 60 domains and draw up a death list.

   At their speed, they will be able to complete the task and come up with a complete and detailed list of deaths within one month at most.

   But it is a pity that they were caught at this point.

   When the Eighth Elder and Nangong Ao moved separately, they took Yanxu Dongtian as the center line, one to the east and the other to the west.

  The eight elders are responsible for the southwest and northwest regions, and Nangongao is responsible for the southeast and northeast regions.

   Before Nangongao was captured, he was in the Hetian area in the northeast.

   The information returned by the Nangong clan also indicated that the battle took place in the Hetian region and the Jinhe Empire.

   Therefore, Ji Tianxing had a clear goal. After leaving Yanxu Cave, he rushed to Hetian Region as fast as possible.

   He flew very fast, but in order to be faster, he used the battleship of Tushen.

The battleship of    Tushen battleship is fully open, consumes resources worth billions of sacred stones every hour, and gallops toward the northeast at a speed beyond the light.

   The most important thing is that when the Tushen battleship flies above the sea of ​​clouds, it will not light up the divine light, and will also obscure its traces and breath.

   Therefore, Ji Tianxing hurried all the way and would not be discovered by anyone.


   From Yanxu Dongtian to Hetian domain, at the speed of the pinnacle god, flying day and night, it takes four days.

   But the Tushen battleship was fully fired, and it only took a day and a half to arrive.

   Of course, the price paid is also very high, consuming hundreds of billions of sacred stones and cultivation resources.

   This is the entire wealth of many upper gods.

   If the Nangong clan knew about this, it would be shocked, I don’t know how moved.

   This morning, when the sun rose.

  The Battleship Tushen arrived in the Hetian region, about to enter the territory of the Golden River Empire.

   Ji Tianxing had predicted that Mengshuai would send a message to the Nangong clan one day later.

   In fact, he overestimated Meng Shuai's efficiency.

   It took a full day and a half, and it was at this moment that the Nangong clan received the jade slip from the Meng Shuai.

   After receiving the subpoena, Nangong Buluo immediately forwarded it to Ji Tianxing without delay.

   As soon as Ji Tianxing entered the territory of the Jinhe Empire, he received a message from Nangong not confused.

   After reading the content in the jade slip of the transmission, he immediately frowned, his face a little gloomy, and his eyes flashed with cold murderous intent.

   The situation was as he expected. The inspector led Qi Yan in the northwest. After capturing the Eighth Elder, he was tortured to extract a confession for two days and two nights, and then the Eight Elder was killed.

   The eight elders were beheaded for public display, and the corpse was still hanging outside the capital of an empire.

   After Meng Shuai captured Nangong Ao in Hetianyu, he left Hetianyu overnight.

   Now, Meng Shuai threatened the Nangong clan with Nangong's proud life and asked them to hand over the sword god.

   Of course, Meng Shuai also guessed that the Nangong clan would not use the life of the sword **** to exchange the life of Nangongao.

   Therefore, Meng Shuai deliberately left the address and target, and invited the Nangong clan and the sword **** to take revenge.

   Meng Shuai declared that at noon on April 14th, he would be outside the Zhenwu Realm and the Zhenwu Empire's capital to execute Nangong proudly in public.

   In order to punish the thieves who conspired to rebel, Nangong Ao will be tortured with ling-chi and soul fire.

  Only in this way can the various forces in the Vast Sky Continent be warned and deterred rebels with alienation.

   Upon hearing this news, Ji Tianxing understood that the arrangement that Mengshuai and the emperor made before turned out to be a net of heaven and earth in the real martial arts.

   "Damn it! I miscalculated, their trap is not in the Hetian domain, but in the Zhenwu domain!"

   When Ji Tianxing and Nangong were discussing countermeasures before, they did not consider this detail.

   So that, he spent hundreds of billions of sacred stone resources, rushed to the Hetian domain as quickly as possible, but he was empty.

   And this also shows that Mengshuai and Emperor Shi are very cunning and difficult to deal with!

   Fortunately, the problem is not big.

   Ji Tianxing drove the Tushen battleship, continued to fly north, and silently calculated: "April 14, which is seven days later.

   Zhenwu Realm is in the north, very close to the base camp of Mengshuai and Emperor Shi.

   Under normal circumstances ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ From Yanxu Dongtian to Zhenwu domain, if I take Nangong Fuyu and others, I will be there within seven days.

   A little relaxation or slowing down on the way may not be able to keep up with the rescue of Nangong Proud.

   The deadline given by Meng Shuai put the time card very accurate. "

   Fortunately, Ji Tianxing acted in advance and rushed to the Hetian area at an unimaginable speed.

   Flying north for another day, he will be able to reach Zhenwu domain.

   This is his biggest advantage.

   If he hadn't left Yanxu Dongtian early, he wouldn't have a secret weapon like Tushen Battleship.

   Then he would be hit by Meng Shuai's tricks, bringing Nangong Fuyu and the others, rushing to the True Martial Realm with all his strength, but just fell into a trap and ushered in a ten-sided ambush.

   While driving the divine ship to the north, Ji Tianxing sent back a message to Nangong Buzhu.

   "I have arrived in the Hetian domain, and I am rushing to the Zhenwu domain. This matter is pretty sure, so don't worry.

   In addition, if you follow the original plan, you must conceal the truth. "

   It didn't take long for Nangong to receive his call without confusion, and immediately summoned all the patriarchs and suzerains, and rushed to the Guangming Hall for discussion.

   At the same time, the ‘Ji Tianxing’ who had been ‘retreating for practice’ in the secret room also walked out of the secret room and stepped into the Bright Hall.


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