Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4544: Crisis is approaching

The Lord of the Five Halls was really lucky and found the treasure.

If it was half an hour ago, he would not believe it if he was killed. Picking up a deserted king on the side of the road, he would get two major secrets. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

The matter of leaving the capital is related to the ambitions and plans of the orcs, and is very important to Kongming Temple.

And Ji Tianxing's whereabouts is related to the tens of thousands of years of effort and future of Kongming Temple, and it is even more important.

Now these two news are easily grasped by the five hall masters!

Who else can be luckier than him?

The Lord of the Five Halls was thinking about how to punish Ding Lang, but now he was very pleasing to his eyes and regarded him as a lucky star.

"Hahahaha... God helps me too!"

The Lord of the Five Halls laughed, and the excitement was beyond words.

Without wasting time, he quickly took out the jade slip of the transmission, and after carefully considering the wording, he reported the matter of leaving the capital and the news of Ji Tianxing to the main hall master.

Ding Lang tried every means to drill the camp, hoping to gain his trust and favor.

And as the youngest of the five palace masters, the weakest in strength, and the lowest rank.

Then he will also have selfish motives, and want to increase his prestige and status, and gain more power and benefits.

The two news that Ding Lang brought to him today are the great achievements he made to improve his bargaining chips.

"call out!"

The specially made communication jade was simplified as a streamer and left the divine ship.

After sending the message, the Lord of the Five Halls was in a good mood. He sat on the throne and stared at Ding Lang, and said, "Ding Lang, you have good luck. After you escaped from the dead, you met the emperor.

Don't worry, this emperor promises to take you safely out of the unknown.

Moreover, once it is confirmed that the news you have said is true, the emperor will reward you heavily! ! "

This is the promise of the five hall masters, and it sounds really exciting.

Ding Lang thought to himself when he was excited, and felt that the Lord of the Five Palaces was too stingy.

However, this idea can only be thought of in my heart, and must not be said.

He quickly showed a grateful and flattered look, bowed to the five hall masters, and said: "The subordinates promise that what they said is true, and the words are true, and the hall master can verify it.

Moreover, the subordinates are grateful for the Lord's life-saving grace before it is too late, so how can they dare to take credit and what rewards do they want?

The subordinates just want to stay under the command of the lord of the palace and help you with your worries, even if you are crushed! "

Ding Lang's remarks attracted more than 20 guards one after another, casting vigilant and defensive eyes at him.

No one is a fool. The meaning he expressed is very obvious, that is, he would rather not have any rewards, as long as he can do a job under the command of the five hall masters.

This is more real than any resource treasures, if it can do so, it will be a steady growth.

But these guards can only be jealous in their hearts, but they are all understandable.

No way, who made Ding Lang just made two irreplaceable achievements?

The Lord of the Five Palaces also understood Ding Lang's thoughts, thinking that it would be useful to keep this talent, and just giving a promise can win over people's hearts, and nothing will be lost.

So, he nodded and agreed to Ding Lang.

The result is naturally happy for everyone.


Time passed quietly, and soon another five days passed.

Ji Tianxing has been preaching and teaching art for 20 days in the square outside the shrine.

During this period of time, nearly 20,000 orcs who can transform themselves have come to listen to his preaching.

After listening to each orc, there are more or less gains, and the realm of strength has been improved.

Among them, 30% of the orcs have a very obvious increase in strength, breaking through one or two realms within twenty days. The fastest updated novels https://

Although the remaining 70% of the orcs have not broken through for the time being, it will be sooner or later.

In short, the combat effectiveness of the 20,000 orc **** kings has been greatly improved.

In addition, many orcs have learned the techniques of alchemy, refining and formation, and have begun to research and try.

The Lidu, which was in a radius of thousands of miles, became more and more heated.

Many orcs have chosen their majors based on their talents and supernatural powers.

Some choose to be a pharmacist, some concentrate on researching refining tools, and some research formations.

Every day, some craftsmen can be seen casting spells between mountains and rivers, trying to build houses and palaces.

There are also some orc **** kings, wandering around Medicine Mountain and Refining Workshop, trying to refine alchemy and refining weapons.

What's more, he ran into the wild mountains and forests around Lidu, trying to arouse the heaven and earth's divine power to set up a large array.

The most lively shrine away from the capital is the shrine where Ji Tianxing lives.

The square outside the shrine has completely become a recognized dojo for the orcs.

The orcs gathered here every day either listen to sermons or debate, discuss, and confirm each other.

Such a thriving change made the whole Li look vibrant, and all the orcs were full of confidence in the future.

And Ji Tianxing's position in the minds of the orcs was once again consolidated, becoming the unshakable third giant.

Even when many orcs discussed him in private, they respected him as the emperor teacher.

The emperor, it means in writing, the teacher of the Divine Emperor Realm.

These orcs who have just received education are always simple and straightforward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They love and hate clearly.

At the same time, the split sky and disgust, which had disappeared for nearly a month, once again appeared in the sight of all the orcs.

These two ancestors of the Divine Emperor Realm had been in retreat for a month.

When they first started to retreat, they were very excited and full of expectations, thinking they would soon learn one or two magical skills.

After all, Ji Tianxing told them that the ten magical powers and secrets given to them were all very basic.

Since then, Splitting Sky chose a magical power of formation to comprehend, and he was tired of choosing a magical power of refining to study.

Who knows, they have been in retreat for a month, and only concentrate on studying a magical secret technique, but they are still ignorant and ignorant.

In order not to waste time, Split Sky and Tiedi can only endure the embarrassment, end the retreat practice, and go to Ji Tianxing for advice.

After the two sides met, Ji Tianxing smiled without waiting for Lei Tian and Ti to leave the mouth to speak.

"I thought you would come to this emperor after half a month of retreat, but I didn't expect you to wait for twenty days to come."

Obviously, he had long expected that it would be difficult to practice a certain kind of magical powers by himself with the understanding and aptitude of splitting the sky and disgusting.

Splitting the heavens smiled wryly, and in order to alleviate the embarrassment, he broke the topic and talked about the scene of the tribe's willingness to talk about Taoism.

The tens of thousands of orcs in Lidu have this change, all relying on the teachings of Ji Tianxing, it and the sorrow will be remembered forever, and be grateful forever.

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "Your time is tight, and this emperor is also very busy. If you are grateful, you don't need to say more. Use actual actions to prove that it is true."

Leap Tian immediately understood what he meant, and quickly patted his chest to promise: "Long Tian, ​​don't worry, we will never break our promise to do things for you.

However, the emperor-level materials are too rare and hard to find. Currently, only one of the lord’s subordinates can find them, and they are on the way to leave the capital. "

:. : M.x

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