Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4545: From the capital

It's not that Ji Tianxing doesn't believe in Rippling and disgusting.

He just wanted to remind them, lest they just focus on practicing in retreat and forget the conditions agreed upon with each other.

Since Leap Tian patted his chest to ensure that it was all right, Ji Tianxing didn't say more.

Later, he asked about the progress of Li Tian and Yi Li's cultivation, and he could prescribe the right medicine to help them answer their doubts.

Splitting the sky is more modest, so let Lili talk about his situation first.

Tired and didn't refuse, he directly told Ji Tianxing that he was puzzled and puzzled while studying the magical powers of the refining tool.

After Ji Tianxing listened to it, he understood how far it had cultivated and how to guide and inspire it.

Not only did he answer the question of disgust, he also raised a lot of it and taught it the corresponding experience.

After I heard this, I suddenly realized that, and finally understood the whole story, I couldn't wait to leave and continue to practice in retreat.

As long as there are no accidents, Yili will definitely be able to practice that magical secret technique within half a month at most.

After tired of leaving, Li Tiancai told Ji Tianxing his confusion and incomprehension.

The magical powers of the Array Dao it comprehends are also the most important thing among the three skills. Only those who are proficient in the Array Dao can better refine alchemy and refine tools.

Therefore, Split Sky attaches great importance to this.

Ji Tianxing first explained its doubts, and helped it solve the puzzles in his happiness.

Afterwards, he should have imparted experience to Split Heaven, telling the essentials of cultivating this supernatural power.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he said naturally: "Even if the emperor tells you about the experience and experience of cultivating this magical power, it may not have much effect.

Every **** has his own way, which needs your own comprehension after all.

Moreover, it is useless for us to talk about military affairs on paper here. It's better to give you an actual demonstration, and you will naturally understand. "

Cracking the sky was shocked and seemed a little unbelievable.

"Long Tian, ​​you want to set up the formation yourself and give me a drill?

Great! Thank you so much! ! "Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

Ji Tianxing was willing to teach the emperor-level supernatural powers and skills, and he was very grateful to Cracking Heaven.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

Unexpectedly, he was still willing to demonstrate in person and give instructions on the spot.

This kind of treatment is often only offered when the master teaches his disciples.

It happened that the two of them were not masters and apprentices, they were just **** emperors with equal status, and there was no deep friendship, only an agreement existed.

This made Cracking Tian admire Ji Tianxing's character even more and respect him more and more.

Cracking the sky did not twist, and after thanking Ji Tianxing, he followed him to leave the palace and fly to the sky.

Next, Ji Tianxing stood in the sky above Lidu, explaining to Splitting Sky while performing supernatural powers and magic techniques, and began to arrange a large formation.

He used magical powers and secrets to gather the divine power of the heavens and the earth in a radius of millions of miles, and gathered near Lidu.

Thousands of magical powers and seals, gathering endless divine power, covering the entire capital, began to form a base.

In order to let Splitting Sky see more clearly and intuitively, Ji Tianxing deliberately slowed down the casting action and the process of condensing the God formation.

Cracking the sky could not turn his eyes away, he was particularly absorbed, and indeed quickly learned this magic trick.

This is the first time that Ji Tianxing has cast a spell in public to condense the sacred formation after entering Lidu, and it is the big formation covering the entire Lidu.

Therefore, it didn't take long for him and Leaptian to appear in the sky, and they attracted many orc kings to watch.

Especially outside the gate of the shrine, the orc **** kings on the square were originally meditating all night, discussing and confirming Taoism with each other.

Suddenly seeing Ji Tianxing take the initiative to set up an array, and the ancestor of the sky splitting aside to learn, how could they miss this excellent opportunity?

As a result, hundreds of orc **** kings all looked up to the sky and watched Ji Tianxing cast their eyes intently.

Even though Ji Tianxing used the emperor-level magical powers and secrets, those orc **** kings may not be able to understand or learn.

However, their purpose of observing the power of the strong is to learn experience and techniques from it, and obtain new inspiration and insights.

It didn't take long for Ji Tianxing to display thousands of divine seals, gathering hundreds of millions of divine lights, forming a splendid and dazzling net over Lidu.

The tens of millions of divine power beams, like thousands of silk threads, are weaving into a large net, constantly falling on the earth.

Such a dazzling scene naturally attracted the attention of tens of thousands of orcs.

Almost the entire orcs in Lidu were shocked. Many orcs looked up at the sky, looking at the gorgeous and gorgeous picture, showing a deep sense of wonder and awe.

After only three hours, Ji Tianxing arranged and completed an emperor-level formation.

This great formation covers a radius of thousands of miles and encompasses the entire capital.

It can not only defend against foreign enemies and protect the distant capital, but also has the functions of invisibility, confusion, and trapping enemies.

In contrast, the previous defensive formations that used to split the sky and disgusting to be separated are simply not worth mentioning, like a child's play.

After this emperor-level defense formation was opened, there was a golden ball of light covering a radius of thousands of miles around the entire capital.

The semi-circular golden light barrier has a thickness of more than two feet. It is as solid as it is, and its defense is very strong.

Moreover, the big formation will operate on its own, continuously absorbing the power of heaven and earth.

Even if no one maintains and controls it, the defensive formation can last for thousands of years.

When the big formation is opened, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can be glorious, sacred and brilliant, or concealed invisible.

Ji Tianxing showed it in public, and only waved his hand to make a divine mark, and the golden ball of light disappeared invisible.

But the orc people standing on the edge of the big array can reach out to an invisible wall, blocking the inside and outside of Lidu.

Such scenes have long been common in the territories of the Desolate Race or the Protoss.

But in Lidu, it was the first time that many Orc people saw them. They all felt fresh and magical, and they all yelled excitedly.

Tens of thousands of orc people were also full of excitement and spirits, cheering and shouting loudly to express their gratitude to Ji Tianxing.

After all, Ji Tianxing personally arranged a defensive formation for Lidu.

From now on, the orc people living in Lidu will feel more secure and more at ease.

In fact, Ji Tianxing didn't tell everyone that the big formation he had arranged had the effect of gathering the power of heaven and earth and changing the pattern of Feng Shui.

Although Lidu is the place with the most abundant divine power within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it is too primitive and the divine power of heaven and earth is not condensed enough.

With this great defense array, the heaven and earth's divine power can be condensed.

Over the years, Lidu will become a rare spiritual vein, a holy place for cultivation!

On the earth, tens of thousands of orc people are still cheering and celebrating.

In the sky, Leaping Heaven has studied the entire process of casting, already knows it well, and will immediately go back and try to practice.

However, Ji Tianxing opened his mouth and left it.

"Cracking the sky, just now you have learned the magical powers of the Dao, this emperor believes that you have learned it, so you don't have to rush to try it immediately.

Taking advantage of today’s opportunity, this emperor will demonstrate and explain the second magical power of formation..."

"Ah? Are you going to set up the second big formation?" Cracking Tian couldn't believe his ears, and his heart was very pleasantly surprised.

:. : M.x

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