Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4695: Appalling

  Although, there are more than 20,000 people in the town at this moment, and half of them are strong in the Divine King Realm.

   But everyone is defenseless and can't guess what is about to face.

   Many people just rushed out of the houses and courtyards, only to see that the whole town was covered by a large array.

   Then, a giant golden palm that fell from the sky captured and wrapped them.

   is so powerful that it is suffocating, and the force that makes people unable to resist, imprison them.

   They couldn't move, and couldn't make calls or cry for help, so they were stuffed into a strange space.


   That is the fourth floor of the Jiutian Shijue Tower.

   When the tower was promoted to an emperor-level artifact, Ji Tianxing transformed the inner space of the tower.

   The fourth floor space at this time is like a small world with magnificent mountains and blue sky and white clouds.

   The people of the desert tribe who were caught in this small world and thrown into the mountains, rivers, land and grasslands were all panicked and looked around vigilantly.

   They only breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the surrounding situation clearly and determined that their lives were not in danger for the time being.

   Next, they began to explore their surroundings, looking for relatives and friends they knew.

   At the same time, the entire town was in chaos, and countless people from the deserted people rushed out of the houses and streets.

  Even, many strong people in the Divine King Realm realized that there was a strong attack on the town, and they joined forces to cast spells to launch a counterattack.

   But these are all in vain, and the magical skills released by the gods and powerful people can not break the seal formation.

   On the contrary, it was their strenuous counterattack, which made them the primary target of Ji Tianxing. They were soon captured by the golden palm that fell from the sky, and captured the fourth level of the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

   Batch after batch of deserted people were captured by Ji Tianxing and imprisoned in the tower.

   Those strong in the Divine King Realm still have a little room for resistance, and they still want to break through the seal formation and escape to life.

   And the ordinary people of the Divine Sovereign Realm, without even the opportunity to resist, were captured by the Golden Palm.

   Within a quarter of an hour, more than 23,000 people from the desert tribe were captured by Ji Tianxing.

   There are more than a thousand people of the desert tribe left, either hiding in the secret rooms of some buildings or hiding in the depths of the earth.

   The formerly prosperous and prosperous town became a mess at this time. Nearly half of the houses and buildings collapsed and turned into ruins.

   Even among the dense ruins and broken walls, dozens of fires have been ignited, bursting into the sky, and billowing smoke rises.

   Except for the fact that there are no bloodstains and corpses in the ruins, the whole town is a tragic scene of being slaughtered.

   As for the more than 1,000 people of the desert tribe who hid underground, 80% of them were found by Ji Tianxing, and they were also locked in the fourth floor of the tower.

   There were only three hundred people of the desert tribe who ‘successfully escaped a catastrophe’, hiding in the depths of the earth, shivering for half an hour, only when they heard there was no movement outside, they dared to show up.

   At this time, the seal formation that enveloped the entire town had long since disappeared.

   The unknown powerful enemy, and the golden palm that fell from the sky, were also missing, as if they had never appeared before.

   The three hundred barren tribesmen who ‘escaped from the dead’ carefully crawled out of the ruins, looking sadly around, looking for other survivors.

   There is no doubt about the result. They could not find any other survivors. They only saw the devastated and ruined town, turned to ashes in the fire and smoke.

   In addition, these survivors found a special mark on the edge of the ruins.

   That is outside the town wall, on the pavement paved with bluestone, there is a circular mark with a radius of ten feet.

The mark of    looks like a huge sun with a few stars and a cloud in the pattern.

   There is no text in this simple pattern, and the surviving people of the desert tribe can't see the clue.

   When they were still in shock, they could only take out the jade slip of the message and quickly reported the news to the city lord.

   Some survivors did not dare to stay near the ruins and fled the small town overnight, rushing to the distant city.


   Ji Tianxing returned to the headquarters of Biyutang and entered Jasper City quietly.

   Before dawn, he returned to his residence and entered the secret room to meditate and adjust his breath.

   Half an hour later, it was dawn.

   As usual, he got up and walked out of the secret room, washed under the wait of the maids, and then entered the study to handle official duties.

   No one noticed the anomaly. Everyone thought that he sat in the secret room all night as usual without even going out of the room door.

  The development of things, just as he expected.

   Half an hour later, the captain of the security guard responsible for the communication contact, holding a copy of the communication jade slip, walked into the study dignifiedly.

   "Counselor, there is a very important thing to report to you.

   Just last night, in an important town under the jurisdiction of Wushan City, something terrifying happened! "

   The captain of the guard didn't waste time, and didn't dare to talk nonsense. He gave a brief summary and handed the jade brief to Ji Tianxing.

   Ji Tianxing also showed a'shocked' expression, and quickly took the jade slip to check the contents.

   This subpoena came from the city lord of Wushan, and he described indignantly what happened in that important town.

   After reading the subpoena, Ji Tianxing also showed a shocked expression appropriately, and slapped the table angrily: "Damn it! It's so disgusting!

How many years has    been? Thousands of years or tens of thousands of years? Such horrible things have never happened before!

   More than 20,000 people in the entire town were massacred by unknown strong men?

   This matter, this seat will definitely investigate it, and give an explanation to the people of Wushan City! "

   After finishing talking, Ji Tianxing put away the jade slip of the message and immediately issued an order to summon Hall Master Jade Jade, several generals, and two thousand elite soldiers.

   Less than a quarter of an hour~www.wuxiaspot.com~Four generals and two thousand soldiers, as well as Hall Master Jasper and three thousand guards, all gathered in the square.

   Ji Tianxing led these five thousand soldiers on five divine ships and rushed to Wushan City at the fastest speed, a small town between the mountains.

   Half a day later, the fleet arrived in that small town.

   is still far away, everyone can clearly see that the former prosperous town has become a ruin.

   Many buildings in the small town are still burning and emitting black smoke.

   Ji Tianxing, Hall Master Biyu, and several generals took the lead out of the divine ship, standing above the town, overlooking the whole town.

   Five thousand soldiers scattered, surrounded the entire town, and then searched for survivors among the ruins to investigate clues.

  Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner. Everyone's face and eyes are full of indignation.

   In the end, the survivors could not be found, and there were no useful clues.

  Only outside the collapsed city wall, the mark on the bluestone pavement attracted the attention of Ji Tianxing and others.

   Ji Tianxing ‘studied’ the weird imprint for a while, and without any clue, he sent someone to rub the imprint and take it back for investigation.



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