Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4696: Temporarily conceal

   While Ji Tianxing and others were investigating the situation, the city lord of Wushan also arrived with a group of city guards.

   Before Ji Tianxing could speak, Hall Master Jade Jade cursed Castle Master Wushan in a head-on-head manner.

   is nothing more than scolding him for poor handling and poor supervision. How could such a shocking incident happen in the country?

   Moreover, after the incident, as the owner of Wushan City, he didn't come over to protect the scene in the first time, and he was late in coming. It was a jerk!

   City Lord Wushan was also very wronged, he couldn't believe that this kind of thing would happen in his territory.

   In the past ten thousand years, he has never even heard of such a thing.

   No matter how hard he does things and pay attention to the safety of the people, how can he monitor this small town?

   Besides, the unknown powerhouse who attacked the town was at least in the pinnacle of the gods, how did the city guards he sent to monitor?

   But no matter how wronged the Lord of Wushan, he can only knock off his teeth and swallow it in his belly, constantly confessing his sins and begging for mercy from the Lord Jade.

   Ji Tianxing didn't embarrass him either. After reprimanding him, he ordered him to strictly monitor the movements in the area under his jurisdiction. Once a stranger appeared, he immediately reported it.

   Hall Master Biyu also failed to escape and was reprimanded by Ji Tianxing.

   Then, Ji Tianxing asked Biyutang to send elite troops to search for the traces and clues of the murderer.

   There is no clue to the whole matter, and Ji Tianxing handles it like this, and there is no problem.

   Hall Master Biyu and City Master Wushan repeatedly obeyed their orders, and left with their subordinates.

   Ji Tianxing did not stay any longer. After recording the tragic scene of the town’s ruins with photo-taking crystals, he also took the soldiers back to Jade City.


   After returning to Jasper City.

   Ji Tianxing entered the study to deal with the matter, pretending to investigate the clues of the mysterious imprint.

   The captain of the guard and the four generals entered the study anxiously and spoke to him.

   "Counselor, should we report such a big incident to the supervisor?"

   "Yes! This incident happened in the jurisdiction of the governor, we must tell him as soon as possible, so we can discuss countermeasures!"

  "As estimated by his subordinates, the **** murderer was at least the pinnacle **** king, and he was probably a strong man in the **** emperor realm.

   I am afraid that only if the governor comes forward, can this matter make progress! "

   The fear of the captain of the guard and several generals is not unreasonable, but how can Ji Tianxing make them do what they want?

   "Shut up!" Ji Tianxing patted the table, glared at a certain general, and exclaimed: "God emperor strong? What are you to be God emperor strong? Wild vegetables and wild fruits? Can you see them everywhere?

   Hugh will have to talk nonsense again and create panic, otherwise this seat will cure you first! "

   The scolded general shrank his neck in fright, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to talk nonsense.

   Ji Tianxing said to several other people: "You are right. We should report such a big incident to the governor.

   But have you thought about it? The Master Supervisor is practicing in retreat, and may be at a critical juncture to improve his strength.

   And what are we doing?

  I didn't even find a clue when I encountered such a big incident. I didn't even know who the murderer was or what he looked like.

   What do you report to Master Governor?

   interrupted him to practice in retreat, just to tell him something serious happened?

   Where's your brain?

   Want to be scolded? be punished?

   It's no wonder that you have been by your side for so many years, but you still cannot be trusted and respected by him.

   Just like yours, you don’t want to solve the problem when you encounter it, and you don’t want to solve the problems for the governor, just want to push the thorny problem out...

   Master Governor did not let you go, he was very kind! "

   This series of words were thrown out, knocking everyone out on the spot.

   Even if everyone was a little unconvinced, they were ashamed and embarrassed, and they all bowed their heads with shame.

   No way, Ji Tianxing is right!

   They have been with Qianzhan for so many years, and they have always acted like this, so they have not gained the trust and respect of Qianzhan.

   And the Counselor Changfeng in front of him was an unknown guard a few months ago. He wanted nothing, status, status, power and authority.

   By the way, he can get the respect of the hidden warfare, and he will immediately become a counselor, an assistant and confidant of the hidden warfare.

   As for the reason why he was able to rise above the clouds and soar into the sky, he just said it clearly.

   is very simple, that is, if you encounter a problem, please find a way to solve it, and solve the problems for the governor, rather than just give it to the governor.

   Everyone felt ashamed, they also expressed that they were taught.

   After a moment of silence, no one asked to report to the submarine war anymore, and one after another asked Ji Tianxing for advice.

   "Counselor, then what do you mean...we will not report this matter first, we will investigate the matter first, and then tell Master Supervisor?"

   "This is what the counsellor means! If you don't investigate it clearly, what shall we report to the supervisor?

   At the very least, we have to find out who the murderer is, right? "

   "Counselor, where do you think we should start, and how do you think we can find the real culprit in the shortest time?"

   "Counselor is well-informed, he must have planned a long time ago, we only need to follow orders!"

   The captain of the guard and several generals talked about each other for a while.

   Ji Tianxing raised his hand, everyone immediately calmed down, their eyes focused on him.

  "The strength of the murderer is very strong. There is no doubt about this. There are more than 20,000 people in that small town, and most of them are kings of gods.

   The mysterious powerhouse can destroy the entire town and take so many people away in such a short period of time, which shows how strong his strength and means are. "

   Hearing this, several generals noticed a detail and frowned.


   "Counsellor ~www.wuxiaspot.com~How can you be sure that the people in that town were taken away, not massacred?"

   "Yes! Counsellor has any evidence to prove that the people were just taken away?"

   Ji Tianxing glanced at them and reprimanded: "We have all checked the town carefully. Have you ever seen many dead bodies in the ruins?

   Not to mention the corpse, even the blood stains, the corpse, and the fragments of the corpse, did you see it?

  Since there is no corpse or blood stains, how can we say that all the people were slaughtered?

   But those people are indeed missing, so they must have been taken away. "

   After Ji Tianxing's explanation, the captain of the guard and several generals gradually accepted the result.

   Then, Ji Tianxing continued: "Taiyu Temple has been peaceful and peaceful for tens of thousands of years, and almost no such horrible things have happened.

   What motive did the mysterious powerhouse do to the people in that small town?

   Is that small town that has any grudges with him?

   Still, the mysterious powerhouse did this entirely for revenge on Biyutang? "

   Ji Tianxing pretended to analyze, the captain of the guard and several generals were also led by him.



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