Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4697: Is the sky falling?

   Fortunately, there are still two generals remaining calm and sober.

   After Ji Tianxing analyzed a lot, they took the initiative to bring up the mysterious mark.

   "Counselor, what happened to the mark left on the outside of the town wall?"

   "That's right! Counselor, we can check from that mark..."

Ji Tianxing finally showed a relieved smile, nodded and said: "You two have reached the point. I have asked a few survivors, and they all made it clear that before the incident, there was no one outside the town walls. Mysterious imprint.

  This proves that the mysterious imprint was deliberately left by the murderer.

   We don’t care what the purpose of the mark left by the murderer is, we must first figure out what the mark means. "

   The captain of the guard and several generals quickly nodded and agreed.

   Ji Tianxing went on to say: "The case we were dealing with and investigating before has reached a critical moment and must not be put on hold.

   Leave half of the staff to continue investigating the case.

   The other half of the staff will be personally directed by this seat to handle this collective disappearance case.

   I’m here to announce the transfer of personnel. If you have different opinions, please keep it..."

   Then, Ji Tianxing divided the existing soldiers under his command into two parts. One part continued to investigate the case of Jasper's deputy hall master, and the other half followed him to investigate the small town.


   Although, Ji Tianxing issued a very strict seal, and even warned the leaders of Biyutang and Wushan City.

   But it's a pity that what happened in the town was too sudden and too appalling.

   After all, the news was leaked a day later, and it was learned by some powerful people in Biyutang.

   And those powerful and powerful, who were afraid of the world, spread the news to all directions, so that other powerful people in the branch soon learned the news.

   So, for a long time, the dignitaries and powerful men of more than 30 branches in the south were discussing this bizarre thing.

   Ji Tianxing has been'busy' for three days. Everyone has witnessed that he did not close his eyes for three days and three nights and has been investigating the collective disappearance of the people in the small town.

   But it is a pity that things have not made much progress.

   The only clue is that mysterious mark. Even if Ji Tianxing searched through thousands of historical books and classics, he could not find the corresponding record.

   Seeing, this case is about to become a clueless case.

   At this moment, the captain of the guard looked solemn again and rushed into the study, sending Ji Tianxing bad news.

   "Counselor, it's not good, something happened again!!"

   The captain of the guard rushed all the way, and after rushing into the study, he took a briefing jade slip on the table in front of Ji Tianxing.

   "There is a small town within the mountain hall, and something went wrong!

   The situation is almost the same. There are also tens of thousands of people who disappeared overnight! "

   Ji Tianxing, who was dealing with official duties, was stunned.

   Of course he knew that it was a masterpiece of the God Emperor Prajna.

   However, he was still a little worried, afraid that the God Emperor Prajna would leave any traces and handles.

   "What? There was an accident in Santang, the situation is almost the same?"

   Ji Tianxing showed a shocked expression on his face, and his eyes also burned with anger.

After    whispered, he quickly picked up the transmission jade slip and read the content inside.

   This jade slip was sent by the master of Yushantang, reporting in detail the time and place of the incident and the results of their investigation.

  It happened last night.

   It is a small and remote city, probably inhabited by nearly 100,000 people, and the guarding power of the city is a little weak.

   The people in the city had no precautions, and they were enveloped by the sudden appearance of the seal formation.

   Within half an hour, nearly 50,000 people from the desert tribe were captured by the mysterious strong.

   The fifty thousand people of the desert tribe who survived were all in shock and resisted desperately.

   It's a pity that they neither saw clearly the appearance of the murderer, nor could they break the seal.

   They can only see the light and shadow of the gods and the giant palms that cover the sky and the sun, and they can hear the screams one after another, and the screams of panic and despair.

   After half an hour, everything calmed down, and the seal formation automatically disappeared.

  The mysterious murderer has never been seen from beginning to end.

   It's just that nearly 50,000 people disappeared, and half of the city was turned into ruins, a mess, and it was terrible.

   Even more strange is that Hall Master Youshan received the news at dawn and quickly led his troops to check.

   After arriving at the scene to check carefully, the Hallmaster Youshan found only a small amount of blood, not a corpse or remains.

   Outside the devastated city, under the stone-paved city gate, there is a mysterious mark.

   And that mark is circular, with stars and clouds in the middle, exactly the same as everyone found in that small town!

  "Damn it! The mysterious murderer left Jasper Hall so soon and sneaked into Youshan Hall.

   This is definitely a premeditated attack! "

   After reading the jade slip, Ji Tianxing slapped the table angrily, bursting out with a fierce killing intent.

   The captain of the guard no longer cared about his anger, he cried and said anxiously, "My counsellor, now is not the time to discuss this matter!

   This is the second major case in four days. With the same method and method, more than 70,000 people have disappeared!

   No matter what you say this time, we have to report to Master Supervisor.

   The matter has become a big deal, and we can no longer handle it. Let the Governor-General report to the temple! "

   The captain of the guard is also investigating the disappearance of the people in the town these days. He has no clue. He is so anxious that his confidence is about to collapse.

   Now the same thing happened in Yushantang. UU read www.uukahnshu.com and the number of people abducted was more, he couldn't hold it anymore.

   Ji Tianxing still wants to persuade a few words to put this matter down again.

   He originally planned to wait for the Prajna Divine Emperor to fire a shot to change a place, and then take a group of people abducted, and then report to Qianzhan.

   Unexpectedly, the captain of the guard was so eager that he couldn't bear this little pressure.

   After a while, after the news spread, several generals rushed into the study one after another, and jointly asked Ji Tianxing to report to the hidden battle.

   At this juncture, if Ji Tianxing forces down the news again, he will not report to the submarine battle.

   The captain of the guard and a few generals would not listen, they would definitely go to the gate and forcibly wake up the submarine battle.

   Instead of reaching that point, Ji Tianxing can only take the captain of the guard and a few generals to take the initiative to wake up the submarine battle.

   Poor Qianzhan is still in the closed room, thinking about how to improve his strength and condense the second rhyme.

   was suddenly knocked on, he was shocked, he could only wipe out the trace of insight he had accumulated so hard, and forcibly ended his retreat practice.

   After opening the door of the secret room, he looked at the crowd with a dark face, and asked in a deep voice, "What happened? Has the sky fallen? You guys even knocked together?"



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