Sword Emperor

Chapter 3414: Tianyuan

When you arrive at the gate of Taiyin Palace, you can see several familiar figures slowly walking out of the spacious palace door.

Before Sun Bing could speak, Yuan Feng couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Immortal Taoist, why are you here? Could it be that you have obtained the inheritance?"

"Oh, it turns out to be two fellow Taoists, Yuan Feng and Sun Bing. The old man is very polite."

Suddenly hearing these words, Taoist Immortal showed a trace of panic on his face. However, after seeing that it was Sun Bing and Yuan Feng, they all breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly:

"As you two said, after paying a big price, we are finally lucky enough to survive this inheritance. I don't know what else you are doing here now."

Hearing this, the corners of Sun Bing's mouth raised slightly, and then he chuckled:

"As far as I know, any heavenly material or earthly treasure absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon. The inheritance of this Taiyin Star Lord can complement you, which is really good."

"What? Is it possible that fellow Taoist disciples are also interested in the inheritance of Lord Taiyin Star?"

For a moment, the Immortal Taoist's eyes looked at the two of them, filled with deep vigilance.

After all, the relationship between their group and Sun Bing was just a previous transaction. After the money and goods were settled, there was no longer any contact.

But at this moment, it happens that

After receiving the inheritance from Taiyin Star Lord, Sun Bing and Yuan Feng came, and they really couldn't help but think about it.

Sun Bing didn't take the attitude of Taoist Immortal and others at all seriously. After all, this was human nature. Instead, he couldn't help but explain:

"Hahaha, these fellow Taoists are really over-concerned. Although the inheritance of Lord Taiyin Star is precious, I don't take it to heart. There is no need to worry that I will take advantage of you.

What's more, I have to thank you. Now that you have finished exploring the Taiyin Palace, there is no need to waste our time.

Everyone, see you soon! "

After finishing his words, Sun Bing walked directly past the Immortal Taoist and walked straight into the Taiyin Temple.

Looking at the figure that was gradually going away, Lingyu Tianzun couldn't help but frown slightly and said softly:

"Brother, what do you mean by what Sun Bing said? Is it possible that he really doesn't care about Taiyin Star Lord's inheritance at all?"

"Okay, this matter has nothing to do with us and there is no need to mention it again."

After taking a deep look at Sun Bing who disappeared into the Taiyin Palace, Taoist Taoist Immortal seemed to have thought of something, and there was a trace of understanding in his eyes.

But the next moment, he waved his hand and said quickly:

"How Sun Bing behaves has his own ideas. Since he didn't take action against us, then

Just keep it in mind, don't worry about it, and leave this place as soon as possible. "

Immediately, Taoist Immortal and others hurried away in a hurry.

As for Sun Bing, who was still there, because Taoist Taoist Immortal and others had already explored the entire Taiyin Palace, there was no danger at all during the whole process, and they finally entered the deepest part of the Taiyin Palace without any worries.

Because I already had experience refining the Sun Palace, the process of refining the Taiyin Palace was quite smooth. Even because of the intersection of Yin and Yang, the refining speed increased countless times.

Just one day later, Sun Bing and Yuan Feng had already walked out of the Taiyin Palace, turned around and galloped towards the twenty-sixth heaven.

In the following time, all the palaces the two encountered had already been explored. Although they lost the inheritance or treasures in the palace, they also saved a lot of time.

In the blink of an eye, a whole month has passed. At this moment, Sun Bing's eyes slowly opened, a faint joy appeared in the deepest part of his pupils, and he murmured softly:

"I have also successfully refined the Star-Moon Palace and the Star-Sun Palace. In addition, I have refined sixteen palaces before. This means that there are thirty-six palaces in the twelve heavens, which is enough. Half of it is already under my control.

If again

Counting the remaining twenty-four heavens, except for the last six heavens, almost the entire heaven is already in my possession! "

When he thought of this, even Sun Bing's calm mood couldn't help but stir up, and his eyes burst out with bright light. Then without any hesitation, he immediately left the palace below him and raised his head towards the sky. Looking over, he whispered to himself:

"As for the last six heavens, it is the real center of Heaven. Everyone here is extremely terrifying and powerful. Some of them are even as powerful as the Jade Emperor.

It can be said that every palace that follows is quite precious, but for me, this is a gluttonous feast! "

After the words fell, Sun Bing and Yuan Feng looked at each other, and then the power in their bodies continued to circulate. The two people rose into the sky and rushed towards the legendary 31st level.

But in the blink of an eye, the two of them had already crossed many dimensions and arrived in a vast chaos. Endless winds swept across them, and there were even terrifying thunder surges, attacking the two of them crazily.

Suddenly facing such a terrifying attack, Sun Bing's face showed a look of surprise, and he subconsciously dodged to the side.

However, these attacks were not one or two. Even in this short period of time,

More and more thunder, strong wind, and even flames are constantly manifesting, shrouding Sun Bing crazily.

At the critical moment, the power in Sun Bing's body was running wildly, and one holy path appeared one after another, and a total of five thousand holy paths continued to gather. In the end, only the huge lotus platform could be seen directly manifesting, directly sheltering Sun Bing.

Incomparably obscure power filled the air, and the originally violent void could not help but become calm under the power of Chaos Qinglian. Only Sun Bing still frowned and kept asking:

"What is going on? Why is there such a thing in heaven?"

"Brother Sun doesn't know. Because the last six layers of Heaven are the real core, the protection here is extremely tight. As for this layer, it's called Tianyuan. It's because the Jade Emperor gathered all the powerful people in Heaven to use their great ways to Block this place.

The power inside it is particularly terrifying. Even if an ordinary emperor enters it with an imperial weapon, he may be injured at least, or even die completely! "

Having said this, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed with regret, and then continued:

“It’s just that because no one has replenished energy for this place for a long time, the power of this place has been weakened countless times.

At this moment, you only need to master one imperial weapon to be able to cross this place. It's really different things! "

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