Sword Emperor

Chapter 3415 Peach Garden

"I see, is this Tianyuan composed of countless powerful avenues? It was actually able to stop the emperor from infiltrating during its peak period. It's really amazing!"

Hearing this, Sun Bing nodded slowly, but there was no fear in his eyes, and he even couldn't help but chuckle:

"It's a pity that this little power now can't stop you and me. When Heaven falls into my hands in the future, I will definitely restore Tianyuan to its former power!"

At the end of the sentence, Sun Bing's pupils were filled with blazing fire, and then he controlled the Chaos Green Lotus and continued to fly upward towards Tianyuan.

As for Yuan Feng on the side, he also had no fear. The blazing wings behind him kept waving, and the whole person was like a soaring fire phoenix, following Sun Bing closely.

I have to say that this Tianyuan is really well-deserved. The higher you go, the stronger the power gathered from all around. In the end, there is not only the power of the five elements such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, but also the lunar, sun, and even time and space. Wait for the power.

However, the long years have reduced these powers. Although it seems to be astonishing at the moment, it cannot be broken even by ordinary imperial weapons, let alone Sun Bing's Chaos Qinglian.

About a day passed, and after crossing a dark cloud, Sun Bing and Yuan Feng finally arrived at the rumored 30th place.

One level of heaven.

Before the two of them could take stock of their surroundings, a strong scent of medicine suddenly hit them. During their breathing, the energy lost in their bodies was being restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Turning his head and looking into the distance, he could only see a vigorous and powerful ancient tree circling in the void in the distance. Among the dense green leaves, delicate and beautiful peaches were looming, which made people fall in love again when they saw it. He couldn't take his eyes away either.

After a brief moment of astonishment, Yuan Feng and Sun Bing gasped in unison and said in unison:

"This, this, this is a peach tree!"

As the words fell, both of them were extremely excited. You must know that this is the rumored flat peach tree. Although it is only a kind of magic medicine, its value is higher than that of most magic medicines in the past and present.

Although ordinary magic medicine has terrifying effects, things like the living dead and flesh and bones are nothing more than trivial. Even if it can make people reach the sky in one step, becoming an emperor is not an extravagant hope, and it will definitely be the dream of countless strong people.

But for those huge forces that dominate one side, flat peach is the most precious, because it can increase the strength of the middle-level in batches.

No matter how powerful a party is, even behemoths such as Heaven and Hell, when they were in charge of an era, they only had a few hundred emperors at most. After that, Tianzun was absolutely powerful.


As for today's forces, having a great emperor is enough to be considered the best in the sea of ​​all realms, and then they rely on Tianzun.

But the biggest effect of the flat peach is to increase the number of powerful people in the Tianzun realm in batches, so for the weak ethnic groups such as Sun Bing and Yuan Feng, the attraction is naturally needless to say.

However, the more eager and expectant they were, the calmer the two of them became. After exhaling a long breath, the two people's eyes continued to glance around, and finally their eyes stopped on a towering boundary monument.

Then I saw three powerful characters written on it - Pantaoyuan.

"So the thirty-first heaven is the Peach Garden?"

Although he had already made some guesses in his mind, after actually seeing those three words, Yuan Feng's eyes suddenly shrank, and then he suppressed the excitement in his heart and couldn't help but say:

"Brother Sun, Brother Sun, no matter what the price, you must keep this peach garden in your pocket."

"You don't need to worry about this. I will never allow this place to fall into the hands of others."

At this moment, Sun Bing's face was full of determination, but there was a trace of worry between his eyebrows, and then he said softly:

"But something is quite wrong here. Although it is difficult to cross the abyss, as long as there are imperial soldiers, we can still cross it.

Nowadays, each of the monks who have entered the Heavenly Court is quite powerful and possesses the power of the Emperor.

There are quite a few soldiers, but no one is seen here at all. There must be a ghost.

Next, follow me and be careful. "

After hearing Sun Bing's words, the heat in Yuanfeng's eyes gradually dissipated, and his whole person also regained his composure. After taking a careful look around, he frowned slightly:

"It's true as you said, Brother Sun. My little sister clearly felt some familiar auras, but she didn't see anyone at all. Could it be that something unexpected happened to them?"

At the end of the sentence, deep worry immediately appeared on Yuan Feng's face. You must know that the familiar auras she felt were each quite powerful. If something unexpected happened to them, then the situation between her and Sun Bing would be very different. It's really dangerous.

Suddenly, the hairs on both of their bodies stood up involuntarily, and they walked very cautiously towards the Pantaoyuan in the distance.

Strangely enough, the journey was quite calm, and soon the two of them arrived at the entrance of the peach garden. As far as the eye could see, the peach trees were lined up neatly, with countless beautiful peaches.

Just seeing this scene, no matter how depressed they were, ripples still rippled through their hearts.

Because the value of so many flat peaches is completely beyond imagination. Just take them back and you can create dozens or hundreds of powerful men in the realm of Tianzun.

But just right

During the journey, not to mention encountering any accidents, even the ripples did not appear at all, as if the two people's previous guesses were wrong, and there was no danger in the Peach Garden at all.

As time passed, Yuan Feng's face slowly showed a trace of doubt, and he whispered:

"Brother Sun, is it possible that all this is our illusion? Is there no danger at all? Why not do it now? After all, these peaches are right in front of us. If we continue to delay and let others come here, it will be troublesome!"

Hearing this, Sun Bing's face also flashed a trace of entanglement, and the rich medicinal fragrance kept drilling into his nostrils, so that a trace of heat appeared in his eyes, and he almost subconsciously said:

"Is it really possible? Then We will just..."

But the words stopped before they were finished. When he looked at Sun Bing's face full of shock, his aura burst out with all his strength, and he said repeatedly:

"Something is wrong, something is wrong. My willpower has long been as strong as steel, and there will be no problem at all. But just now, I wanted to enter this Peach Garden, which was not my intention at all.

Obviously, this has been affected. If there were some doubts before, then now it can be concluded that there is definitely something wrong with this Peach Garden.

Yuan Feng, this place must be very dangerous, retreat quickly! "

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