Sword Emperor

Chapter 4582 Clear at a glance

After feeling such a threat, not only was there no fear on the face of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth, but they even became more arrogant:

"Hahahaha, in this state, let alone you, even if the Great God Jiuli comes in person, we are not afraid at all."

The moment the words fell, the Emperor of Heaven and Earth moved.

At this moment, the vast land was in turmoil, countless mountains collapsed, and thunder exploded above the nine heavens, and the sky and the earth were jointly targeting one person.

There was even great divine power in the dark, which forcibly suppressed Sun Bing's luck.

Suddenly, Sun Bing subconsciously retreated to the side.

And when he just left, a slight space storm had already appeared where he had stood before.

It can be said that as long as Sun Bing's action was a step slower, he might fall into the endless space turbulence.

Even if he was not afraid of this danger with his strength, it would delay a certain amount of time, and the situation of the entire battlefield would change accordingly.

Regarding Sun Bing's reaction, the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Earth looked very calm. They naturally knew that such a small trick could not do anything to him at all.

However, this was just the beginning.

Because at this moment, a meteorite suddenly fell from the Nine Heavens, and its target was the place where Sun Bing was standing.

This meteorite is a rare crystal of time in the world, and it can only be born in a place where time and space are distorted.

Once it falls on Sun Bing, it will instantly confuse time and also have a huge impact.

However, before the meteorite fell, a dazzling sword light could be seen flying towards the sky.


Accompanied by a burst of thunder, the meteorite exploded instantly, and a crisis was eliminated invisibly.

But the divine power of the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Earth is still affecting the whole world. For some reason, the space around Sun Bing suddenly changed, and the dark poisonous smoke enveloped the four directions.

This is the Juexian poison miasma, which was originally located in a forbidden place called Juexian Cave in Buzhou Mountain. If ordinary emperors are contaminated by it, they will turn into blood.

Even if he was resurrected, he still carried this poison on his body, and it took three reincarnations to recover completely.

Now, because of a space transformation with a very low probability, it appeared around Sun Bing.

Caught off guard, even the indestructible golden body could not help but be corroded. Fortunately, the Nirvana Book kept running, and the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while.

In short, in the following time, Sun Bing thoroughly experienced what it meant to be abandoned by heaven and earth, and to be disliked by all ways.

The whole world was madly targeting him. No matter how small the probability of ordinary times was, it happened frequently to Sun Bing.

Such as time and space turbulence, meteorites from outer space, space transformation, and even breathing cramps.

Under the targeting of heaven and earth, Sun Bing's every move seemed to be unforgivable, and he used any means to frantically want to eradicate it.

How terrible the power of heaven and earth is, it is simply impossible to describe it in words. In this state, Sun Bing has a hard time.

And it can be foreseen that with the passage of time, the crisis he faces will become more and more terrible.

It can even be said that the means of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth at this moment are more terrible than Yuntian in Hongmeng.

After all, the other party is only in absolute good luck, but this Emperor of Heaven and Earth can make people in absolute bad luck.

Even as strong as Sun Bing, he couldn't help but frown under such means.

Because this directly involves the cause and effect of fate, it is hard to guard against, killing people invisibly, not only weird but also extremely powerful.

But it is not Sun Bing's style to be beaten without fighting back. At this moment, he was hard to bear the poisonous miasma of the absolute immortal, and the power in his body was constantly running.

Then, a wisp of obscure spiritual light flashed above his head, and then he could see an obscure ancient scroll.

It was filled with endless vicissitudes, as if it had experienced endless years of changes.

This was the ancient scroll of fate.

At the same time, the holy way of fate in Sun Bing's body also bloomed with an extremely bright light, resonating with this ancient scroll of fate.

Many obscure powers kept running, and a long, dark and vague river appeared above Sun Bing's head, and the breath of destiny rushed towards him.

There was no need to say more, the world already knew its meaning.

After seeing the long river of destiny, the emperor and the earth, who had previously won, had a trace of doubt on their faces.

But before they could prepare, they could see Sun Bing directly entering the long river of time.

Relying on the treasure of the ancient scroll of destiny, in a short moment, he had already understood many destiny trajectories.

At this moment, Sun Bing could even clearly feel the world's malice towards him.

But now that the root of the problem has been found, it will be countless times easier to solve it.

Immediately, the endless energy in Sun Bing's body rushed into the ancient scroll of destiny, and this innate treasure immediately burst out with unimaginable power.

As the companion treasure of destiny, its power is naturally extremely powerful, even if Sun Bing's attainments in the road of destiny are far less powerful than those of destiny.

But it was not difficult to use it to fight against Huangtian and Houtu at this moment.

At this moment, the ancient scroll of fate flew directly to the depths of the long river of fate, and then Huangtian's targeting disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Even after the collision between the two sides, Huangtian suffered a lot of backlash, and even his aura could not help but drop a lot.

But in just a short moment, He immediately recovered to his peak, and a pair of sinister pupils appeared out of thin air in the vast sky, looking directly at Sun Bing:

"I really didn't expect that you still have some tricks, but the good show is far from over."

At the same time, after removing the targeting of fate, Sun Bing immediately keenly realized that there was still the oppression of cause and effect.

"Fate and cause and effect? ​​I have to say that you are indeed omnipotent, even such an obscure avenue is extremely proficient, ordinary people are really not your opponents."

At this moment, Sun Bing felt relieved, and even had an excited smile on his face:

"It's just that you met me, you must know that I can also be regarded as omnipotent."

The moment the words fell, the cause and effect holy way in Sun Bing's body immediately bloomed with an extremely dazzling light, and at the same time, the Qingping sword suddenly swung in front of him.

"Karma retribution"

At this moment, the obscure cause and effect holy way turned into an invisible and intangible cause and effect sword blade, and Sun Bing's sight also changed accordingly.

Looking around, I saw endless cause and effect lines all over the world.

The most important thing is that all the causal lines on his body were forcibly cut off by a force coming from the vast earth.

All the situations are clear at a glance.

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