Sword Emperor

Chapter 4583 A little understanding

Seeing this, the corners of Sun Bing's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sarcastic sneer:

"Is this all you can do? It doesn't seem to be very good!"

The moment the words fell, you could see the causal blade flying straight in front of you. Although it seemed calm, it was full of unimaginable sharpness.

When the two sides intersect, infinite cause and effect are entangled with each other.

It seemed like a short time, but the cause and effect changed, and Sun Bing had already had countless confrontations with Hou Tu.

Endless faith is burning crazily, and at this price regardless of loss, Hou Tu's understanding of the avenue of cause and effect has almost reached an extreme.

Even Sun Bing's understanding of cause and effect is far inferior to him.

Just when Hou Tu thought he was sure of victory, he could see a jade bead blooming with light fluorescence falling slowly.

The obscure power spreads in all directions, and the endless time, space and time in the surrounding area are under control.

At this moment, Hou Tu felt extremely bitter and even gave up his actions completely.

Because it was only at this moment that he remembered that although the Chaos Bead suppressed the Abyss God Emperor, Sun Bing still had a Chaos Spiritual Treasure in his hand.

As for how deeply He can understand the Great Way, what can he do? A single treasure has completely shortened the gap between the two parties.

For a moment, deep despair immediately emerged in his heart, so much so that Hou Tu even wanted to give up his actions subconsciously.

But at this moment, a subtle voice slowly sounded:

"Never give up, just keep going."

Looking for the reputation, he saw that under the suppression of Chaos Qinglian, only one head of the God Emperor Abyss, who originally stood tall and tall, was still on the ground.

Under the suppression of the infinite power, countless scars appeared on his body, and the surrounding soil was even dyed golden, making him look extremely miserable.

But even so, his face was still full of determination, and he even couldn't help but persuade again:

"Although he has two treasures, the Chaos Bead and the Chaos Green Lotus, in his hands, the Green Lotus is his Dao tree and can be used at will.

But the Chaos Bead was different. Instead, it was forcibly summoned. The most important thing was that he seemed to hesitate again and again before activating the Chaos Bead.

Obviously, to use this treasure, even he needs to pay a high price, and he must persist no matter what. "

As the Lord of the Era, there is no amnesia at all, so the previous scenes directly appeared in Hou Tu's mind.

In just a few moments, he was very keenly aware that before summoning the Chaos Bead, Sun Bing's face was even full of tangles.

After thinking for a long time, he reluctantly made a decision. Obviously, the guess of the Mingyuan God Emperor was correct.

Thinking of this, Hou Tu, who was still a little frustrated at first, immediately felt three points of power emerging from his body out of thin air.

You must know that he and Huangtian now have the support of all races behind them, and their faith power can be said to be endless.

On the other hand, Sun Bing still has concerns. Even if they can't defeat him, they just need to delay it long enough.

For a moment, Huang Tianhou Tu felt that his eyes suddenly became brighter, and then the endless power of faith in his body was running wildly.

Immediately, they completely gave up the entanglement between fate and cause and effect, many obscure auras burst out, and the whole world became dark.

All kinds of rules emerged, and Sun Bing seemed to be able to see a huge vortex at the end of his sight.

These six completely different passages exude an extremely powerful and weird aura.

Each channel was swallowing endless power, wildly devouring Sun Bing's body, soul and even will.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, a sharp edge suddenly burst out, waking up the lost Sun Bing in time.

But apart from him, the other monks present did not have strong strength.

Whether it was the great emperor of the Ten Thousand Races or the powerful man of the Wu Clan, their minds became dazed under the shadow of these aftermaths.

In response, Sun Bing frowned slightly, as if he was telling and mumbling to himself:

"The Avenue of Reincarnation? It's really troublesome!"

Even so, his face was already full of solemnity.

After all, the Avenue of Reincarnation can be called one of the most terrifying avenues in the world, not inferior to the avenues of fate and cause and effect.

Of course, the most important thing is that this path is quite difficult.

Once you fall into it, the whole person will enter endless reincarnations and indulge in those illusory memories.

At this point, you really become a turtle in a urn.

And the horror of reincarnation is far more than that. Huang Tianhou Tu is completely able to construct false memories in endless reincarnations.

No need, every reincarnation makes up a little bit, and it starts over and over again. In the endless reincarnations, even the great emperor, the lord of the era, will have his thoughts and will change accordingly.

At that time, even if Sun Bing can resist the erosion of reincarnation, the other Wu Clan monks present will instantly betray him.

At that time, he would not only have to face the powerful men of all races, but also hundreds of great emperors from the Wu race.

Faced with such absolute strength, no matter how powerful Sun Bing is, he can only end up with hatred.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he could see Sun Bing looking at the two figures in the distance with a smile on his face:

"Although the Great Path of Reincarnation is very mysterious, I am not talented and I happen to understand a little bit about it."

Simply a sentence, but it greatly affected the state of mind of the Emperor and the Empress, especially the Empress, who couldn't help but roar:

"This is impossible. People can only specialize in one avenue. Even the Dao Clan, which seems to be involved in a wide range of knowledge, rarely can master the other avenues.

Especially the avenues of fate, cause and effect, and reincarnation, which are extremely mysterious. Even if the Lord of the Era wants to comprehend the second avenue, it is very difficult.

You have already mastered the four avenues of time, space, fate, and cause and effect. How can you also master the avenue of reincarnation? We don't believe it!"

As the words fell, the endless power in their bodies circulated, and the reincarnation in the distance changed accordingly.

Not only the six avenues, but also eighteen layers of vague phantoms emerged, and a sinister and violent aura came towards them.

In response, Sun Bing's smile on his face did not change, and then his big hand suddenly waved around, and streams of light flew around.

"Rebirth and Reincarnation"

In an instant, many obscure rules crisscrossed, and there was also a reincarnation momentum coming towards them.

Even the world had endless power constantly gathering, and the terrain constructed by Sun Bing became more and more terrifying.

The next moment, the reincarnation force directly collided with the reincarnation condensed by the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Earth.


Accompanied by a burst of thunder, unimaginable aftermath spread around, and the whole world seemed extremely dark.

Although Sun Bing's move did not completely destroy that reincarnation, it was this earth-shaking sound that directly awakened the originally dazed people.

Instantly, everyone present was full of vigilance, and the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress of Earth's plan was completely in vain.

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