Sword Emperor

Chapter 4610: Living towards death

This huge resentful soul looked extremely ferocious, with black tentacles growing around its head, dancing constantly.

The body is like a huge meat ball. If you look closely, you can see that it is slowly squirming.

Whether it is the tentacles around the head or the flesh balls on the body, endless resentful souls can be seen roaring angrily.

As for this huge resentful soul, it is now directly waving its disgusting tentacles to block Xuanwu's movements.

The flesh balls that gather endless resentful souls are quite powerful, especially since this is the bottom of the Soul-Destroying River, which can be called their own territory, and the power they display is even more terrifying.

For a moment, only countless ferocious tentacles could be seen waving, like a net, blocking all time and space in front of them.

But Xuanwu was not a weakling either. He took a deep breath and retracted his limbs and head directly into his shell.

But the soaring snake wrapped around the turtle shell looked fierce and violent, and the extremely powerful force swept directly in front of it.

Even though there is no real water here, as Xuanwu, he can control unimaginable torrents no matter where he is.

The two forces collided in an instant, and under the endless torrent, the tentacles of the resentful soul broke instantly.

But before Xuanwu's face showed joy, he could see countless resentful souls coming forward one after another.

The newly broken tentacles healed again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the following time, those tentacles continued to break and heal again and again.

The most important thing is that the tentacles have become tougher after healing, and the huge resentful soul has become stronger under Xuanwu's attack.

Such an incident made Xuanwu's face extremely gloomy. It would be nothing if a strong enemy just appeared. The most important thing was that it delayed the time to rescue Sun Bing.

Just when he was extremely confused, Snow Phoenix suddenly revealed his true form.

It was a phoenix with a crystal-clear body. Biting coldness swept across all directions, and the space and time within a radius of billions of miles was completely frozen.

Even the endless resentful souls in the Soul-Dead River turned into ice under the wash of this power.

Taking this opportunity, Xuanwu directly crossed many obstacles and came to Sun Bing. The vast power in his body burst out, directly clearing away the resentful souls around him.

Immediately afterwards, Xuanwu directly injected his spiritual consciousness into Sun Bing's body and kept calling:

"Fellow Taoist, fellow Taoist, come back quickly!"

A few simple words were like a powerful bell in Sun Bing's sea of ​​consciousness. They even condensed into extremely mysterious Tao characters and burst out in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It can be said that even if you are trapped in an illusion, you can quickly wake up with this call.

In response to this, Sun Bing's face was filled with a wry smile and he said helplessly:

"Senior, I did not fall into an illusion."

After hearing these words, Xuanwu frowned tightly, and his face was full of disbelief:

"Didn't you fall into an illusion? Then why did you push Chi You and the others into the Soul-Desolating River before? Why don't you resist now?"

Sun Bing sighed softly, and then slowly explained:

"As I said before, entering the Broken Soul River is the only way to break the situation."

"Even if there is a way to break the situation hidden in the Soul-Dead River, it's time for us to leave now."

In response, Xuanwu shook his head, pointed around, and spoke again:

"Now that our situation is getting worse, we should leave this place as soon as possible, recover for a while and explore the Soul-Dead River again!"

The moment the words fell, Xuanwu subconsciously activated his power and wanted to take Sun Bing back to Chi You.

However, at this moment, you can see Sun Bing shaking his head very firmly:

"We don't need to leave at all, because even if we leave, we will come back eventually."

Hearing this, Xuanwu's pupils were full of doubts. He even thought that Sun Bing had fallen into an illusion, and subconsciously prepared to call him.

But soon you could hear Sun Bing speak directly:

"I have thought about it before. In fact, it is not difficult to break the soul-breaking river. To sum up, it is to live towards death.

There are endless powerful resentful souls at the bottom of the Soul-Destroying River. Even if we go deep into it, we are at risk of falling.

It can be said that this is facing death, but as long as you can survive that disaster, you will have hope. "

After hearing these explanations, even Xuanwu didn't know what to say at this moment.

And after such a long time, the time and space that was originally frozen by the Snow Phoenix finally reached its extreme.

You could only hear the crisp sounds, and then you could see that there were countless ferocious cracks in the ice on the bodies of the resentful souls.

Finally, with a huge roar, the huge meat ball broke free from the shackles of the frost.

In an instant, the originally crystal clear scene turned extremely dark, and endless resentful souls swarmed forward again.

At such a critical moment, Xuanwu's face was full of confusion.

Are you leaving the Broken Soul River? Or should you follow Sun Bing's instructions and go deep into it?

These two thoughts kept flashing through my mind, and for a while I didn't know what to choose.

Time gradually passed, and the faces of Chi You and Xue Huang in the distance were full of anxiety, and they even kept urging:

"Xuanwu, move faster, time is running out."

This sound immediately brought Xuanwu back to his senses, and he conveyed Sun Bing's words to the two of them in the shortest possible time.

Suddenly, Xue Huang and Chi You also fell into the same tangle as Xuan Wu.

However, the resentful souls around could not just watch Sun Bing and others being safe and sound, and now the hideous tentacles waved away again.

Unlike ordinary resentful spirits, the power of this meat ball can really cause some damage to them.

If the endless resentment of all living beings enters the body through those scars, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Under the extremely critical situation, Xue Huang and Chi You's eyes were finally full of determination.

Then, they did not hesitate at all, but their bodies rushed straight to where Sun Bing and Xuan Wu were.

There is no need to say more, just through the actions of the two, you can see what they are thinking.

Sun Bing was not surprised at all about the choice of everyone.

After all, before they were in high positions, everyone present was a strong man who fought out of countless mountains and seas of corpses.

It's just a little danger, what's there to be afraid of?

Moreover, this place is the only hope for the Wu Clan and even Buzhou Mountain. No matter what, they will not give up easily.

Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, they will not hesitate to sacrifice everything for this.

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