Sword Emperor

Chapter 4611: Strange and Evil Things

Immediately, it can be seen that the four people in the group not only did not retreat, but even rushed directly towards the meat ball.

Countless tentacles swept in from all directions, and countless resentful souls appeared directly on the tentacles, staring with ferocious faces.

Waves of curses and curses came from all directions, dense and endless, swarming into the ears like the sound of a soul-demanding Sanskrit.

There is no way to resist or ignore it. Being in such an environment, people's minds will be in a trance.

Taking this opportunity, the ferocious and terrifying resentful souls descended in a mighty manner, filled with gloomy and terrifying power.

Before Xuanwu and others could react, Sun Bing, who had been very silent all the time, finally made a move.

I saw a dazzling sword light emerge, and the grim sword intent swept all around, and I don’t know how many resentful souls were annihilated.

Even the tentacles of the meat ball, in front of this sword light, were like tofu and broke directly.

The sword light swept towards the distance, even on the meat ball, a sword mark was cut through.

The unimaginable heavy injury burst out, even if the meat ball was a collection of endless resentful souls, it now let out a painful wail.

Because the sword intent near the scar was so cold, whenever a resentful soul approached and wanted to repair its damage, it would be annihilated by the sword intent.

At the same time, Sun Bing's voice sounded directly:


As the words fell, the figures of the four people were like flowing light, passing through the sword mark in the center of the meat ball, and continued to rush towards the bottom of the Broken Soul River.

As previously speculated, the closer to the bottom of the Broken Soul River, the stronger the strength of those resentful souls, and the more weird their appearances naturally became.

Some had snake tails, bat wings, and skeleton bodies, but the surface of the skeleton was covered with all kinds of weird and disgusting tentacles; some looked like trees, but vaguely had human figures.

In short, they were all strange and bizarre, and each of them was an emperor-level existence in his life, but now they have turned into resentful souls.

Together with the countless other weak wronged souls, they formed an extremely strange collection of wronged souls.

Its whole body exudes a lot of auras such as bewitching and evil. Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary emperor-level cultivators who witness or visualize such evil things may fall and be assimilated by them.

It can even be said that these wronged souls at the bottom of the Broken Soul River are very different from ordinary creatures and are extremely evil monsters.

If they stay at the bottom of the Broken Soul River honestly, it will be fine. Once they enter Mount Buzhou, I don’t know how many creatures will be polluted and fallen.

Sun Bing still has some doubts that these evil things are specially cultivated by those heavenly ways, and their purpose is to finally destroy Mount Buzhou.

After all, except for the powerful emperors, ordinary creatures can’t even look directly at such evil things, and below the saint realm, there is no way to mention them.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Sun Bing was shocked to find that a ball of black mist appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

And this force continued to spread around, as if assimilating Sun Bing's spiritual power and body.

Faintly, waves of twisted and strange voices continued to sound in his sea of ​​consciousness:

"I am the end of the road, come and merge with me quickly, come quickly..."

The devilish sound swept all around, even Sun Bing's spiritual power seemed to be affected to a certain extent, and all kinds of distracting thoughts emerged in his mind, and even a trace of the idea of ​​merging with the evil thing came into his mind.

But the next moment, he came back to his senses, his eyes stared at the gathering of resentful souls in the distance, his face full of frost:

"You dare to use such a small trick on me, you really overestimate your own ability."

The moment the words fell, the sword soul in the sea of ​​consciousness immediately burst out with a sharp edge, directly cutting off the polluted spiritual power.

As for Sun Bing at this moment, he could only feel a tingling pain in his head, and then the whole person regained consciousness again.

Turning his head to look at the Snow Phoenix, the Black Tortoise, and even Chi You, even the knowledgeable Sun Bing couldn't help but take a breath.

I saw that on the shell of the Black Tortoise, one after another, tentacles with mucus flowing grew out, and the limbs seemed to be degenerated, constantly wriggling in front of him.

As for Chi You, it was even more terrifying. On his three-headed and six-armed body, there were eyeballs emitting dim light, and his legs were even transformed into an octopus.

Half of the body of the Snow Phoenix was still very normal, but the other half seemed to be composed of countless maggots.

It was constantly wriggling all the time, looking terrifying and disgusting.

The most important thing was that the spirits of the three people at this moment seemed to be polluted, and they were approaching those evil things.

The reason why Chi You and others were polluted was not because they were not strong, but because there were too many enemies.

You should know that after looking around, Sun Bing had seen nearly two hundred evil things like this.

This is equivalent to an average of nearly fifty evil things attacking each person.

Even in Buzhou Mountain, Sun Bing alone could not fight against fifty emperors at the same time.

Moreover, these evil creatures were mixed with endless resentful souls, and the power they could burst out was much stronger than that of ordinary emperors.

So it was understandable that Chi You and others could not resist such pollution.

Looking at the three figures that kept crawling towards the distance, Sun Bing frowned tightly, and then shouted softly:

"If you don't wake up now, when will you wake up!"

This simple sentence was filled with Sun Bing's will, which could definitely eliminate all evil.

However, it is very strange that even so, neither Chi You nor Xuanwu Snow Phoenix showed any signs of recovery.

Even in this short moment, they were getting closer and closer to those evil creatures.

Under such a close distance, Chi You and others were more and more polluted, and Xuanwu was completely different from the original handsome figure.

The huge body was surrounded by tentacles, just like an island covered with tentacles.

And Chi You had more and more eyeballs, which were getting bigger and bigger, and the octopus-like feet looked like moving eyeballs.

As for the Snow Phoenix, its entire body was made up of maggots, as if it had degenerated into an evil creature.

This scene made Sun Bing look very ugly. If left alone, the fate of these three people could be imagined.

But how should they be rescued?

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Sun Bing suddenly thought that he was polluted from the spiritual level before.

In this case, should he also cut off the polluted mental power first as before?

Thinking of this, Sun Bing's eyes immediately lit up with brilliant light.

If this method is feasible, then Chi You and others can finally be saved.

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