Sword Emperor

Chapter 4638: The Last Fight

The words stopped abruptly, but everyone present couldn't help but take a breath.

I have to say that these four words "Chaos Spiritual Treasure" really shocked countless people. Even Sun Bing's pupils were filled with shock.

After all, this was the first Chaos-level treasure he had seen besides the God-Opening Axe.

And this also reflects from the side that Buzhou Mountain's foundation is much richer than he imagined.

In the eternal era, in the endless years, only the Chaos Green Lotus and the Chaos Pearl were born. caso.

But Zhou Shanguang already knew that there was already the Nuwa Stone and the Kaitian Divine Axe. As for the treasures that were still hidden, it was simply unimaginable.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and combined with the scenes he had seen before, Sun Bing already had a clear understanding in his heart:

"Is it possible that the effect of this Nuwa Stone is to bring the dead back to life?"


At this moment, Xuanwu finally came back to his senses. His face was full of memories, and then he nodded directly:

“Back then, Nuwa mastered the Great Way of Creation, and her strength ranked among the best in the entire Buzhou Mountain.

The Nuwa Stone in Qi's hand is even more famous throughout Buzhou Mountain. Its function is very simple, that is, it can bring people back to life. "

However, only monks who have reached Sun Bing's level know what it means to be brought back to life.

Especially since he can be resurrected without having to pay the rest of the price. If he holds this treasure, he can almost be considered invincible.

Even if you are much weaker than the opponent, as long as you can resurrect the dead infinitely, then just like now, even if you are exhausted, you can forcefully consume the opponent to death.

However, the next moment, more doubts immediately came to mind:

"Since this treasure is so powerful, and Nuwa of Buzhou Mountain is considered to be the best, why is there no news about him now?"

In fact, it wasn't just Sun Bing, Ping Peng's brows were also full of confusion at this time:

"Nuwa was indeed famous throughout Mount Buzhou back then, but why did she suddenly disappear later?"

"That's not because you were too sleepy and missed too many things."

Xuanwu glared at Pingpeng fiercely, and then slowly explained to Sun Bing:

"All this happened because of an accident that year.

. Two innate gods born in Mount Buzhou are at war.

Their strength was much stronger than that of the Lord of the Era, and the aftermath swept through Mount Buzhou. In the end, the battle was too fierce and even broke Mount Buzhou. "

Having said this, even Xuanwu's pupils were filled with fear:

“That time back then, it could be said that the sky and the earth were shattered, the sun and the moon lost light, and the whole world was almost completely destroyed.

Endless water of nothingness flowed out from the crack, and the entire Buzhou Mountain was a swamp, and countless creatures perished along with it.

Even the innate beasts perished in this catastrophe, and the current four seas in the southeast, northwest and northwest were also formed this time.

At that time, he was still young, and his nature was water, so he kept running back and forth to save many fellow Taoists.

But how can human power fight against the sky and the earth? Facing that raging water of nothingness, even if we try our best, it will be of no use at all.

Nuwa had mastered the way of creation, so she naturally sympathized with heaven and humans. She couldn't bear to see all living beings suffering so much, and she couldn't bear to see Mount Buzhou destroyed.

But the gap between heaven and earth cannot be filled by ordinary means. After a search to no avail, Nuwa directly manifested her own Tao tree.

Finally, he fills the vacancy in the world with his own way of creation.

However, because the time was too long, even Nuwa's Dao tree was not enough to fill all the vacancies.

In the end, he could only use his body as a last resort to mend the sky with his own body.

Although it succeeded in the end, it also fell, and the Nuwa Stone also disappeared.

I never expected that I would be able to see this treasure again now. "

At the end of the sentence, Xuanwu's eyes were filled with memories, anger, and even endless killing intent.

Because through this few words, we can see how great Nuwa's kindness was to all living beings. .caso.

It can even be said that all creatures born in Buzhou Mountain are born to owe Nuwa a cause and effect.

It is precisely because of this that even though they, the remaining innate beasts, know that the Nuwa Stone is very powerful, they have no intention of looking for it.

Because they couldn't bear to tarnish the treasure of their savior, they might as well let it disappear forever to avoid conflicts.

But now, this treasure

. But to reappear and be used for such a purpose is definitely a stain on Nuwa.

Even Xuanwu, who was so good-tempered, felt endless anger after learning the news.

It is conceivable that if this news spreads, Huotian will be besieged by countless powerful people.

Originally, Xuanwu had no confidence in being able to win over the other powerful men from Haiyang, but he saw this scene.

Not much else to say for now, as long as they attack Huotian, I believe that Shui Qilin and Wuzhi Qi will definitely not stand idly by.

Just as Xuanwu's mind was filled with thoughts, Sun Bing's voice directly sounded:

"Was the hidden method behind this originally the Nuwa Stone? Infinite resurrection, this kind of power is indeed a Chaos Spiritual Treasure.

But even though we know the methods hidden behind it, where exactly is the Nuwa Stone? "

A simple sentence made Xuanwu speechless.

After all, what would happen if he knew the news? As long as they couldn't find the location of the Nuwa Stone in the end, everything would be in vain, and they would still die here.

So their current situation is still quite bad.

Thinking of this, everyone's face was full of unwillingness. It was impossible that they would work so hard for so long and still stand there waiting to die.

Just when everyone was at a loss, Ping Peng, who had always been very silent, finally spoke slowly:

"Although I don't know where the Nuwa Stone is, there is indeed a very strange place in this space.

No one has known about it for a long time. People like Shuang Ning, even if they passed by nearby, seemed to be trapped in a maze and would completely ignore it.

Only I seemed to be able to avoid that layer of maze, and my memory was not affected at all.

It's just that I just glanced at it casually in order to sleep and forgot about it.

Could it be that the Nuwa Stone would be in there?"

A simple sentence filled the eyes of Sun Bing and others with brilliance.

After all, the current situation is quite critical, and this news is no less than timely help for them.

Besides, even if the Nuwa Stone is not inside, Sun Bing and others have no other clues.

Now there is only one last fight left.


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