Sword Emperor

Chapter 4639 Huotian's Actions

If the Nuwa Stone is really among them, then all the crises in front of us will be easily solved, but if it is not there, the consequences will be needless to say.

Now it's time to burn the boat.

Many thoughts flashed through their minds, and even though they didn't say many words, in a short period of time, they had already made preparations in a tacit understanding.

After taking a deep breath, Sun Bing and others galloped away in the distance without any hesitation at all.

It was precisely because of this sudden action that the Burial Coffin, World-Destroying Millstone, Chaos Green Lotus and even the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, which had been emitting infinite power, returned to Sun Bing's body at the same time.

As for the many enemies who had just been suppressed, they could only feel that they were in a daze for a while, and then they found that they had successfully escaped.

For a time, everyone's face was full of surprise, astonishment and even deep doubts.

Apart from this, all that is left in their hearts is endless anger.

Especially Shuang He, Duan Mian and the others, at the moment when they escaped from trouble, their sharp eyes kept scanning around, and they almost saw Sun Bing and others galloping at a glance.

Immediately, the sound of gnashing teeth echoed around:

"Fellow Taoists, their group is over there and seems to want to escape. We must not let them escape successfully."

The moment the words fell, you could see Shuang Meng and others trying their best to mobilize the power in their bodies, turning into a stream of light and chasing after them.

Among them, the fastest one is the powerful man from the Winged Clan. He controls the fastest speed in the world and can cross layers of space with a single flutter of his wings. caso.

In addition, the monks who are qualified to be accepted by Huotian and even arranged here, even if you look at Buzhou Mountain, can be regarded as truly strong.

Maybe each of them has completely different methods, but taken together, there are absolutely no obvious shortcomings.

In terms of speed, these strong men cannot compete with the Winged Clan, but they cannot be underestimated.

Although the vast majority of monks are unable to catch up with Sun Bing and others, there are still a few strong ones who are approaching Sun Bing and others at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Coupled with the interference from the powerful men of the Winged Clan around them, although Sun Bing and his party were not in a difficult situation, they were still in constant trouble.

. .

After taking a look at the many pursuers behind him, Sun Bing frowned tightly.

After all, among them, Snow Phoenix's speed is needless to say, and Sun Bing himself can barely do it.

But Xuanwu can barely be considered agile in other places. In such an environment, the weakness in speed is too obvious.

This is not to say that Xuanwu's movements are not fast. For an ordinary emperor, the speed of his explosion is far beyond imagination.

But each of the monks here has his or her own uniqueness.

Therefore, the seemingly inconspicuous part of Xuanwu became its biggest flaw.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Sun Bing suddenly waved out his big hand, and his infinite power exploded in an instant, and he caught Xuanwu forcefully.

Xuanwu, who was galloping, only felt a terrifying force suddenly coming.

However, when he was about to resist, he felt keenly that this power was very familiar, and then he forcibly suppressed his desire to fight back.

The next moment, Xuanwu's body soared into the air, and the speed of the group increased a lot.

Seeing this, Snow Phoenix also woke up from a dream. With its wings waving, it came directly under the screen, carrying the opponent and soaring into the distance.

After losing the burden of Xuanwu, except for a few strong men such as the Winged Clan, the rest of Shuang Meng could only keep from being thrown too far away, and could not easily catch up with them.

In another space, Huotian has been watching this battle.

After seeing Sun Bing and others forced to flee, a satisfied smile appeared on his face:

"Hahahaha, what if you are the Emperor of Humanity who is famous throughout the ages? In the Soul-Dead River that I have painstakingly planned for endless years, I still can only run away in a hurry."

But after saying these words, Huotian frowned again:

"This Sun Bing was able to compete with Hongmeng in the eternal era. Although he is declining now, he cannot be underestimated.

In this case, he should have noticed the characteristics of Shuang He's people, that the demon body is immortal and the demon soul is immortal.

Facing such an opponent, running away should be of no use, so why would he run away? "

Having said this, you can see Huotian's big hand suddenly waved in front of him, and the entire Duanhun River was

. The map appeared in sight.

His sharp eyes kept scanning around, and everything in front of Sun Bing and others appeared in their sight.

Huotian's eyes first fell on the wall of resentment. After all, only by eradicating the evil objects could the corresponding monks be killed.

But as soon as this idea appeared in his mind, he shook his head and rejected it.

After all, although the evil thing in the Yin Duan Soul River does not have the characteristics of immortality, it is full of chaotic and corrupt power.

Among Sun Bing and others, except for himself, anyone who comes even slightly closer may become evil.

When many evil creatures attack them at the same time, their situation will be even more dangerous than now.

But where else to go but the Wall of Resentment?

When this idea appeared in his mind, Huotian looked directly at a point in the center of the map.

That is the absolute core of the Broken Soul River. It can even be said that the reason why the Broken Soul River is so powerful and terrifying that even Sun Bing and others can only retreat is absolutely related to this place.

If there is no such place, then the Broken Soul River is indeed a forbidden place, but it is far less dangerous than it is now.

Because if Shuang Ning and others cannot be reborn continuously, the threat to Sun Bing and others is not as great as it is now.

Could it be that Sun Bing and others’ destination is here?

Huotian’s eyes are full of hesitation, because the protection here is quite strict.

Those fallen demon souls can’t see here at all. As for outsiders, although they can see this place.

But under the siege of countless demon souls, it is impossible for outsiders to come here.

Many thoughts kept flashing in his mind, and then Huotian finally made his own moves.

Even if that core is quite safe, theoretically, there is no possibility of being detected.

But Sun Bing was somewhat beyond common sense. Looking back on his life, we can find that all kinds of incredible things happened constantly, and he was even able to compete with Hongmeng with the Wanjie Sea.

Facing such an enemy, no matter how cautious you are, it is not too much.

If Sun Bing and others' destination was not there, it would be fine. Once such an incredible situation occurred, they could make preparations in time.


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