Sword Emperor

Chapter 4709 Tianchi

The originally dark heaven and earth were completely divided into two. The light and clear Yang Qi rose to become the sky, while the heavy and turbid Yin Qi descended to the earth.

Between heaven and earth, all kinds of rules and rhythms are manifested, and the four elements of earth, water, fire and wind are raging.

All in all, the entire world is in turmoil, and under the criss-crossing rules, even the world is faintly about to heal.

Seeing this scene, the powerful man suddenly threw the Heaven-Opening Divine Ax in his hand, and then directly opened the world with his own body.

This power is extraordinary, growing every moment, and the distance between heaven and earth also increases.

I don't know how much time has passed in a daze, and the distance between heaven and earth has reached an unimaginable level.

At this moment, this great power seems to have finally reached its limit.

After all, Buzhou Mountain is not an ordinary universe, or a universe like the Sea of ​​All Realms.

Its area is so large that it far exceeds imagination. Even the Lord of the Era cannot cross it in a short time.

There seemed to be a shocking loud noise, and the powerful eyes could be seen turning into the sun and moon, suspended above the nine heavens.

The skin became the vast emperor; the limbs became the four poles of the world; the blood became the endless river...

Finally, his upright body turned into Mount Buzhou.

Along with the fall of that great power, the whole situation gradually began to become full of vitality. The flesh and blood that were originally scattered everywhere gradually evolved into various innate beasts.

Among them, Sun Bing saw many familiar figures such as Diting, Shui Qilin, Xuanwu and so on.

Just when he was looking for the figure of the Jiuli Great God Pan, he could see the powerful figure of Bu Zhou.

Between his eyebrows, a stream of light flew out directly, merged with a little flesh and blood, and turned into the Great God Jiuli.

The scene stopped abruptly, and Sun Bing suddenly came back to his senses from the previous illusion.

But recalling the many scenes he had seen before, his pupils were filled with extremely dazzling light, and his whole person seemed very excited.

After all, whether it is the thirty-six axes that created the world before, or the various scenes of the evolution of heaven and earth, or the magical power of transforming heaven and earth with one's own flesh and blood.

All these methods appear to be miraculous, and ordinary monks may not feel much about them.

But the stronger the person is, the more he understands how mysterious it is.

Especially the light of the ax that created the world was extremely sharp.

Even Sun Bing, who now possesses the Chaos Green Lotus and even the Immortal Golden Body, has no confidence that he can resist it.

From this alone, we can see how powerful the powerful person in the vision just was.

It can be said that just by observing the phantoms that appeared in his mind, Sun Bing gained new insights into the creation of the world, and even the avenue of creation and so on.

It seemed like it was only a short time, but his strength had undergone a huge transformation.

Of course, in addition to his own progress, Sun Bing also had many doubts in his heart.

After all, the last scene of the picture made it very obvious that the great power who opened Buzhou Mountain had a very close connection with the great God Jiuli.

What is the reason behind this that would allow such powerful true spirits to reincarnate?

After shaking his head and clearing away the unnecessary thoughts in his mind, Sun Bing quickly regained his composure.

After all, at this critical moment, it’s not

It's time to investigate these issues, not to mention that this matter has nothing to do with Sun Bing.

Speaking of which, in the whole scene, the most exciting thing for him was knowing that there was a higher level of cultivation.

You must know that through the picture of the powerful carving up Buzhou Mountain, you can see that its strength far exceeds that of the Lord of the Era. To what extent it has reached is completely unpredictable.

After taking a deep breath, Sun Bing suppressed all doubts in his heart, and then continued to walk towards Tianchichi according to the map given by Chi You.

Because as long as the Great God Jiuli can be successfully rescued, I believe that all these doubts and problems can be easily solved.

It seemed that after experiencing the previous level of illusion, Sun Bing did not encounter any strange phenomena in the following time.

Although the pressure from Buzhou Mountain is getting bigger and bigger, to Sun Bing, it is nothing at all.

In just half a day, he climbed millions of miles again, getting closer and closer to his final destination, Tianchi.

And this place can also be regarded as the core area of ​​the Tao Clan, the God Clan and even the Immortal Clan.

Along the way, Sun Bing could see strong men from the three tribes patrolling around from time to time.

Although their strength is good, in front of Sun Bing, they are nothing at all, and they are completely unable to notice anything strange.

There were no accidents in the entire process that followed, and finally Sun Bing stopped halfway up Buzhou Mountain.

At the end of his sight, a huge Tianchi appeared in his pupils, and all kinds of Taoist charms continued to gather.

The surface of the pool is colorful, and it resonates with the myriad ways of heaven and earth all the time. If you stay here for a long time, your own understanding of the great ways will be able to

Enough to improve a lot.

Even though he had never been to Tianchi, but had seen such a scene with his own eyes, Sun Bing also knew that this was his final destination.

Looking around, he could suddenly see three blurry figures standing on the edge of Tianchi.

One of them has strong Qi and blood, which is quite similar to the human race, and is the god race; as for the other two, one is hidden in the endless Tao Yun, and the other is hidden in the bright fairy light.

Obviously, each of the three tribes sent a strong man to guard this place.

The only good news is that among the three people, only the strong man of the Immortal Clan is the Lord of the Era.

Looking at the scene in the distance, Sun Bing frowned tightly, and whispered to himself:

"It's really a bit troublesome!"

Although as Chi You said, the defense here is much looser than before, but two emperors plus an Epoch Lord are also a considerable force.

If they confront head-on, it will take a certain amount of time for Sun Bing to kill them all.

However, the momentum of this outbreak is too huge, and it may attract the attention of the strong men of the three tribes at the beginning of the battle.

At that time, it will still fail.

As for sending a clone to lead them away, the moment this idea just came to his mind, it was directly rejected by Sun Bing.

The most likely possibility of this situation is that the three people summoned the cultivators in the tribe, and they would not leave at all.

Many thoughts kept emerging in his mind, but were immediately rejected in an instant, so that Sun Bing's face was full of confusion.

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