Sword Emperor

Chapter 4710 Shocking News

Time passed gradually, and seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Sun Bing had been standing quietly, observing many scenes in Tianchi.

However, the strong men of the three ethnic groups have been standing quietly in the past seven days, so that he could not find any opportunities at all.

But as time goes by, Tianchi water gradually blooms with colorful rays of light, crazily absorbing all the charms between heaven and earth.

According to Sun Bing's understanding, this is a sign that Tianlu is about to be born.

Faced with such extremely precious treasures, they are usually taken away as soon as they appear.

Is it possible that achievement can only be given up?

When this idea appeared in Sun Bing's mind, he rejected it directly.

It seems that the purpose of this dew for Sun Bing is only to restore two innate treasures, which is harmless.

But in fact, it is related to the outcome of many battles to come.

Once you give up on repairing these two treasures, it means giving up on the next battle, or even giving up on saving the Great God Jiuli.

It is precisely because of this that Sun Bing cannot retreat even a little bit at this moment.

Thinking of this, his eyes gradually became firmer.

Because the only way left is to take action by force, but before that, we can arrange some formations around us, which can at least delay it for a certain period of time.

Just when Sun Bing was about to take action, he could see the three people in the distance communicating, and then the divine monk suddenly moved towards where he was.

Such an unexpected situation made Sun Bing's back full of cold sweat, and all kinds of thoughts came to his mind:

"What the hell does this happen?

Could it be that I was exposed? "

But even in the face of this situation, he was still quite calm. He tried his best to suppress his breath and hide in the interlayer of time and space.

In just a few moments, the divine monk had arrived at the place where Sun Bing was hiding, and then walked straight towards him without noticing anything strange.

Such an unexpected situation completely exceeded Sun Bing's expectations, and at the same time, a bright light bloomed in his pupils.

If those three people had been staying in place, then he really didn't have any good solution.

But since this person left rashly, Sun Bing seems to have seen the dawn of a break.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then he carefully followed the god monk and walked straight into the distance.

The divine monk was obviously very familiar with this place, and he was traveling very fast, and soon he arrived at a dojo.

A terrifying coercion erupted from it. Sun Bing was very familiar with this. It was the power of the God Lord.

"Is it possible that he is about to meet the God Lord? Or is this place the residence of the God Clan?"

Suddenly, Sun Bing's expression kept changing. After all, whether he was meeting the God Lord or entering the God Clan's residence, it was quite dangerous for him.

But the next moment, he suddenly thought that this person was a monk from the God Clan who was guarding Tianchi after all. If there was nothing important, it would be impossible for him to leave his post without permission.

Now that we are here, it is obvious that something is going on.

Moreover, whether you enter it or face the defenders of Tianchi, you need to face danger.

For Sun Bing, there is no difference between the two options at all, so there is no need at all.


Thinking of this, Sun Bing took a deep breath and took a step forward.

The imagined gathering of powerful men, or the scene where the God Lord took direct action did not appear.

In the huge dojo, there was only one strange figure.

At the same time, the divine monk who previously guarded Tianchi spoke directly:

"Shen Lian, why are you so eager to call me here? You must know that Tianlu is about to take shape, and that is the most important thing now."

I saw that Shen Lian's face was full of solemnity, and then he spoke directly:

"Shenzhen, not long ago the alliance leaders decided to start negotiations with those people.

The place of negotiation is Tianchi, and this drop of dew will be handed over to them when the time comes. "


Suddenly hearing these words, Shen Zhen's brows were filled with surprise, and he even couldn't help but said eagerly:

"Really want to join forces with them?"

As high-level leaders of the God Clan, the two of them knew their existence very well, and it was precisely because of their knowledge that they rejected them.

Especially this time, a drop of dew was given to them, which undoubtedly helped them invade Buzhou Mountain.

On the other side, after learning the news, Sun Bing's pupils suddenly shrank, and even the aura on his body changed.

Fortunately, his reaction speed was quite fast, and he immediately restrained all his fluctuations. In addition, the two divine monks not far away were extremely shocked, so they did not notice his movement.

Sun Bing is quite clear about what they think of them.

I never expected that this time I only planned to find a breaking point, but in the end I learned such shocking news.


After a brief period of astonishment, his heart was filled with luck.

Fortunately, I followed this divine town to this place and got the news, so I had time to prepare.

Otherwise, when the real war begins, the law of heaven will suddenly come, and the final situation will most likely be a complete defeat.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and at this moment, Shen Lian looked helplessly at the figure in front of him and slowly spoke:

“This is a decision made by the three alliance leaders at the same time, and there is simply no way to refuse.

Moreover, this is a last resort. As long as the Jiuli clan can be destroyed, then we will be able to gather the power of all clans to resist their invasion.

There is no need to worry, the three alliance leaders have already made preparations. "

Even though he felt helpless in his heart, Shenzhen couldn't say anything more.

After all, although he is the great emperor, he is not outstanding among the gods. After taking a deep breath, he could only say softly:

"Okay, I will definitely obey the orders of the clan leader and even the leader of the alliance."

Seeing this, a satisfied smile appeared on Shen Lian's face, and then he urged:

"Time is urgent now. Please inform the Immortal Shou and Dao Protector of this news quickly and make preparations as soon as possible.

Now I still need to go and deal with some other things.

I hope you will bear in mind that this news is a secret of our clan. Unless it is in this kind of dojo, it cannot be told orally. The thieves from the Jiuli clan must not be informed. "

In response, Shenzhen nodded directly:

"Don't worry, I'm from the province of nature."

After he finished speaking, he didn't hesitate at all

, turned around and continued walking towards Tianchi.

As for the Shenlian, just as he said, he did not waste any time and left the dojo.

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