Sword Emperor

Chapter 4781 A Dilemma

These words made the Immortal Master's heart sink to the bottom.

In fact, not long ago, he was very keenly aware of something wrong.

It's just that he thought that this trace of something bad should be caused by Sun Bing.

It was precisely because of this that after seeing Sun Bing's figure, his hanging heart was completely relieved.

But through these words, it can be clearly noticed that there should be another hidden meaning.

The most important thing is that he is completely ignorant of that uneasy premonition, which is quite troublesome.

Fortunately, the Taoist Master is very experienced. Even at such a critical moment, he did not panic at all. Instead, he quickly sent a message to the Divine Master and others:

"Have you received any bad news?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the Divine Master and the Immortal Master suddenly changed.

With their wisdom, how could they not know the hidden meaning of this sentence?

Immediately, you can hear the God Lord speak directly:

"Fellow Taoist, what happened?"

In their words, the strength of the two men's attacks was reduced a lot, which allowed the Shadow Clan Leader, who was already struggling, to finally have such a brief moment of respite.

After hearing this, the Taoist opened his mouth. Just when he was about to say something, an inexplicable message suddenly poured into the mind of the Lord.

For a moment, the God Lord, who was trying his best to compete with the Shadow Clan Leader, suddenly stopped his movements, and his expression turned extremely ugly in an instant.

Immediately, without any hesitation at all, he looked directly at Sun Bing, his pupils filled with endless anger:

"Did you do all this?"

Because just now, he clearly felt that the fortune of the Gods suddenly dropped a lot.

It was the fall of Shenxia that caused this loss.

After all, every powerful person at the Lord of Era level is a treasure of the ethnic group. In the Eternal Era, many Dragon Lords are not Lords of Era.

Even though the God Clan is a behemoth with multiple epoch masters in the clan, each epoch master is very precious and is directly linked to the fate of the clan.

If they die, the fate of the ethnic group will be greatly affected. For a relatively long period of time in the future, the talents will wither and all kinds of income will be reduced.

Falling has such a huge negative impact, and the negative impact of complete demise is several times that of falling.

This is also the reason why the entire clan burst into tears after the clan leaders of those weak clans died.

In fact, the fall of Shenxia and its subsequent impact on the ethnic group are within the acceptance range of the God Lord.

After all, the God Clan has a great business and can still afford such a price.

But the most important thing is that if the Divine Master remembers correctly, this time it is the Divine Hero escorting the Kaitian Divine Axe.

And the significance of its complete demise is naturally self-evident.

Thinking of the scene after the Jiuli clan took control of the Kaitian God Ax, even the back of the God Lord was filled with cold sweat, and he could not help but grit his teeth and said:

"Okay, okay, okay, what a great place to surround and support. Your methods are indeed beyond my expectations."

Seeing that the God Lord, who had always been very irritable, actually said these words, many monks present were filled with shock and even doubts.

Especially the Immortal Master and the Taoist Master couldn't help but speak directly:

"Fellow Taoist, what happened?"

Before the Divine Lord could speak, the Immortal Lord seemed to have suffered a heavy blow, and his face was also filled with endless anger.

Because just now, like the God Lord, he clearly noticed the sharp decline in luck, which was obviously the impact of the demise of Xianyu.

Especially this time, Sun Bing appeared in front of them alone, and the whereabouts of Chi You, Fei Lian and others were still a mystery.

Many reasons have come together, and the facts have been made public.

Regarding the hatred of the Divine Lord and the Immortal Lord, Sun Bing's face was quite calm, and he even couldn't help but smile and nodded:

"Yes, just as you imagined, you won't be able to wait for the Divine Axe.

Presumably they should be in the formation I have arranged at this moment. If they continue to delay time, then this treasure will be disrespectful. "

This simple sentence caused all the strong men of all races present to fall into silence, and the sounds of gasping for air kept ringing out:

"What? Has the Kaitian Divine Ax been taken away by the Jiuli clan?"

"Why did they set up an ambush so well?"


This news had an extreme impact on all races.

It was precisely because they had mastered this treasure that they knew what the Divine Ax meant.

It is an unparalleled killing power, which even the God-killing Spear cannot match.

And outsiders like them are able to activate the Kaitian Divine Ax to this extent. As the Jiuli clan that is most suitable for the Kaitian Divine Ax, once they obtain this treasure, the power that can explode will reach an incredible level.

Just thinking of such a scene, the backs of many strong men present were already filled with cold sweat.

For a moment, the entire void was extremely silent, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

But the current situation is quite unfavorable for Wanzu. Sun Bing can delay time without any worries, but they cannot.

If the delay is too long and the Kaitian Divine Ax falls into the hands of the Jiuli clan, then the situation will be even more serious.

After all, at that time, the Jiuli clan will be able to join this battlefield with the Kaitian Divine Ax.

In this case, not only the Axe of Creation was lost, but even their own lives were in danger.

So there were only two choices before them at this moment.

The first choice was naturally to choose the God-killing Spear, and it would be best to take the God-killing Spear before Chi You and others snatched the Axe of Creation.

In this way, they would even have a chance to attack Chi You and others in return.

As for the second choice, it was naturally to give up the God-killing Spear and choose the Axe of Creation.

After all, in terms of emotion and reason, the Axe of Creation is the Chaos Supreme Treasure, while the God-killing Spear is just a Chaos Spirit Treasure. There is a huge gap between the two sides after all.

In a short moment, the Lord of Gods, the Lord of Dao, and even the Lord of Immortals had already argued in secret for countless times.

Everyone had completely different opinions.

Because although the Axe of Creation symbolized unparalleled killing, it could not completely wipe out the enemy after all.

And the God-killing Spear just had such power, which was very important to the Ten Thousand Races.

Just as everyone was arguing, the Lord of Dao, who was about to speak, seemed to have been hit by some inexplicable shock.

Seeing this, the Lord of Gods and the Lord of Immortals knew it instantly.

This means that the Dao clan strongmen who escorted the Axe of Creation also completely perished.

Among the entire escort team, the cultivators of the three clans were the strongest. Even if they perished, how long could the remaining people hold on?

Although the Lord of Gods and others did not want to give up the God-killing Spear at this moment, reality forced them to make a choice.

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