Sword Emperor

Chapter 4782: Gratitude of the God-killing Gun

Many thoughts flashed through their minds in an instant, and everyone present knew that there was no time to waste now.

So after a moment of silence, the Lord of God and the Lord of Dao looked at each other and finally made a decision.

Even though the God-killing Spear was very important, the Axe of Creation was obviously better.

In addition, what made them change their minds was the group of cultivators escorting the Axe of Creation.

Even though the Ten Thousand Races had a strong foundation and abundant wealth, they could not withstand the successive forces.

During this period of time, they had lost too many strong people.

What's more, the group of people escorting the Axe of Creation were almost the only remaining elites.

No matter what, they could not watch these people die here.

After thinking this through, the Lord of God and others looked at Sun Bing coldly, turned around and galloped away.

However, when passing by Sun Bing, the Lord immediately said coldly:

"You really have a good method, but it is simply a foolish dream to want to seize the God-killing Spear so easily."

At this point, the Lord immediately turned his head and looked at Mo Xiao and others:

"Next, please stay here, don't make too many moves, I believe you should know what to do."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Xiao, Fallen and others all showed a faint smile on their faces.

Because their next task is quite simple, they only need to stay where they are and wait for Sun Bing to fight with the Shadow Clan Leader, and then take the opportunity to make trouble.

If they are lucky, they may even reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

If Sun Bing does not take action, it will be even better news. The Lord and others can first take back the Axe of Creation and then return here.

At that time, even if Sun Bing is strong, he is still nothing in front of the Lord who controls the Axe of Creation.

This can be said to be the best way that the Lord and others can come up with.

He and the Taoist Lord went to reinforce at the same time. With their strength, they were fully capable of fighting against Chi You and others.

Even with the formation left by Sun Bing, it must have cost a certain price. After breaking the formation, the Divine Lord who mastered the Axe of Creation could still sweep everything.

As for the Immortal Lord, Demon Owl and others who were still there, they could counter Sun Bing.

In short, they directly reduced their own losses to the minimum.

In response, Sun Bing's expression did not change, and a hint of smile could be seen.

The reaction speed of the Divine Lord and the Taoist Lord was quite fast, and they disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the void was quite strange. The Immortal Lord led the Demon Owl, Fallen Angel and others to stand not far away, looking at Sun Bing and the Shadow Clan Leader with interest, as if they were watching a fight between tigers from a mountain.

However, after confirming that the God Lord and the Dao Lord would not return, Sun Bing suddenly laughed, and looked at the Immortal Lord and others with a hint of disdain:

"Who gave you the courage to stay here? You really don't know what you are talking about."

This simple sentence made many monks of the Ten Thousand Races present feel uneasy.

In particular, the Immortal Lord frowned, his pupils were full of uneasiness and doubt.

After all, at present, they are the absolute advantage of the Ten Thousand Races.

Although many people died before, and the God Lord and the Dao Lord left temporarily, there are still more than a thousand Epoch Lords left.

No matter where it is placed, this is a very terrifying force.

In this case, why are the enemies in front of them so fearless?

Just when he was full of doubts, Sun Bing looked directly at the Shadow Clan leader not far away, and then said with a smile on his face:

"My fellow Taoist, you have been surrounded and killed by them before. Are you going to give up the chance of revenge now?"

The moment these words fell, the Immortal Lord felt his scalp tingling, and a deadly chill surged into his heart.

At this moment, the Immortal Lord had realized that Sun Bing and even the Jiuli Clan had never intended to fight for the God-killing Spear from beginning to end.

Because for them, whether the God-killing Spear ran around independently or fell into the hands of others, they could accept it.

The only thing they couldn't accept was that this thing fell into the hands of the Ten Thousand Clan.

So Sun Bing's words at this moment were completely reasonable.

But this move was reasonable for Sun Bing, but it was a great crisis for the Ten Thousand Clan.

You have to know that the God Lord and the Taoist Lord are not around now. Once he is delayed by Sun Bing and allows the God-killing Spear to slaughter at will, the consequences will be disastrous.

Just as the Immortal Lord was thinking about a thousand things, the pupils of the Shadow Clan leader immediately burst into brilliant light:

"You mean you want to help me get revenge?"

The words were full of disbelief.

After all, it was besieged shortly after it was born, and it was hard to believe that someone had no greed for it.

In response, Sun Bing smiled faintly, and then spoke directly:

"Isn't it obvious? We have no grudges, why should I attack you? Besides, I have already helped you before."

Although he said so, the Shadow Clan leader's eyebrows were still full of disbelief:

"But I am..."

Before he finished speaking, he could see Sun Bing waving his hand directly, and at the same time, thousands of holy ways burst out from his body, and the Chaos Green Lotus immediately rose into the air.

At the same time, Sun Bing's voice slowly sounded:

"I know you are a Chaos Spirit Treasure, but I do have treasures of the same level. This is the Chaos Green Lotus, and I also have the Chaos Pearl.

These two are no less than you, and I am best at swordsmanship, so why should I covet you?"

Simply speaking, the Shadow Clan Leader or the God-killing Spear didn't know what to say.

But this brief conversation made every powerful person of the Ten Thousand Races present feel cold behind them.

At the same time, they were constantly thinking in their hearts, if the two people in front of them joined forces, then to what extent would things develop?

As soon as this picture appeared in their minds, they felt a suffocating pressure.

At the same time, the Shadow Clan Leader opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But Sun Bing was faster than him, looking at the figure not far away and speaking directly:

"In fact, I have a subordinate who is an innate treasure. If so, how could he attack you for no reason?"

While speaking, the power in Sun Bing's body kept running, and the phantom of the Immortal Refining Furnace appeared directly in front of the Shadow Clan Leader.

The moment it saw the shadow, all the worries in the God-killing Spear disappeared without a trace.

As a treasure, it could clearly feel the Dao and rules contained in the shadow.

There was no doubt that this was a Taoist friend, and what Sun Bing said was true.

So the doubts in its heart disappeared without a trace, and in the end, only a smile was left on its face:

"If that's the case, then thank you Taoist friend."

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