Sword Emperor

Chapter 5289: Infinite Calamity

The most important thing is that these words completely defeated all the luck in Sun Bing's heart.

As a being who single-handedly created a paradise land of heaven and earth, such as the spiritual earth, how could Daoshu watch his compatriots die?

It was precisely because of this that His previous reaction was so violent.

But without the help of the Soul-Leaving Grass, all their plans would be in vain.

Unless Yuntian and Kunluntian can be trapped in the long river of time forever, Da Siming will only end up dead.

And without such a powerful ally, one can imagine the plight of the Sea of ​​All Realms and even Mount Tai.

Even if it can persist for a while, the final outcome is already doomed.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Sun Bing stared at Daoshu with his eyes:

"Senior, is it possible that apart from thoroughly refining the Soul-Leaving Grass, there is no other way to separate people's souls?"

At this moment, Sun Bing has made up his mind. If the answer he gets is still no, he will take action forcefully.

After all, he is not only carrying himself, but also countless human monks, all the great fortune dynasties, and even all living beings in the eternal era.

The pressure was so great that he couldn't relax at all.

Even if this move will cause the fall of Soul-Living Grass, it will make Tao Shu unhappy and even take action directly.

But none of this can stop it in the slightest.

Because they were outsiders to Sun Bing after all, there was no way that Sun Bing would give up the lives of the countless creatures under his command for the life of an outsider.

Although he never showed his emotions, Daoshu could be said to be a mature person. Through the tone of this sentence, he could sense what Sun Bing was thinking.

Through the previous brief collision, he already had a rough understanding of Sun Bing's strength.

In addition, there is the Great God Jiuli beside him.

As an extremely strong man who once dominated Mount Buzhou, how could he be weak?

Even though he is still seriously injured, now that he has arrived here, and the previous disasters did not leave any strength on him, this is enough to prove that Jiuli is extraordinary.

It can be said that it is a critical moment now, whether it is war or peace, it can all be decided in a single thought.

If they fight, the entire spiritual land may be destroyed.

For a time, the entire void atmosphere was oppressive to the extreme.

After a long sigh, Daoshu's voice finally sounded slowly:

"Actually, there is no way to do it, but it's quite dangerous."

When they heard the previous sentence, Sun Bing and Master Jiuli put down their guard at the same time.

The originally oppressive atmosphere became relaxed in an instant, as if nothing happened.

Only the Ancient Bodhi Tree, the Five Elements Pine Tree and even the Ancient Tree of Life knew about the previous danger.

Even though they all have innate spiritual roots and are considered to have very strong life-saving abilities, they could only tremble in the atmosphere like before.

It is no exaggeration to say that if an ordinary ferocious beast were in such an environment, it would probably pee.

But fortunately all this is over.

Sun Bing's face was filled with a faint smile, showing no signs of his previous preparations. At the same time, he said with expectation:

"I dare to ask, senior, what is the method you mentioned?"

As if worried that Daoshu was hiding something, he couldn't help but emphasize again:

"Senior, please rest assured. It's just dangerous. We are not worried at all. We just hope that senior will make it clear, what exactly is the solution?"

After hearing this inquiry, Daoshu sighed softly and then slowly spoke:

"Since the two Taoist friends have asked again and again, I will no longer hide it.

May I ask how much you know about this soul-leaving grass? "

Hearing this, Sun Bing and Master Jiuli looked at each other, with doubts appearing on their faces.

After hesitating for a moment, Sun Bing's voice finally sounded:

"As far as I know, this Soul-Leaving Grass is an innate spiritual root with extraordinary effects. As for more detailed information, I don't know."

In response to Sun Bing's words, Daoshu nodded slowly and shook his head:

"This is just an ordinary person's view of innate spiritual roots. Do you know how innate spiritual roots are born?"

Regarding the previous question, the two of them could manage to say a few words, but now they could only shake their heads helplessly.

A smile appeared on Daoshu's old face, and then he slowly explained:

"With your strength and status, you are already at the top of the world, and you are qualified to know some of the world's secrets.

Presumably through clues, you should know some clues about the previous reincarnation, right? "

At this moment, a look of confusion appeared on Master Jiuli's face, but Sun Bing nodded slowly.

At the same time, Daoshu’s voice continued to sound:

"Everything in the world has its limits. For example, the small world will collapse on its own within a million years at most.

The Middle Thousand World lasts for tens of millions of years, and the Great Thousand World lasts for hundreds of millions of years. Even the seemingly majestic and majestic universe only has a lifespan of tens of billions of years.

This is also why the great catastrophe occurred, because in the tens of billions of years, Heaven has also given birth to the desire to survive.

In fact, the great catastrophe you talk about can only be regarded as a small catastrophe to me.

On top of this, there are even more terrifying and immeasurable calamities. "

"Infinite tribulations?"

Suddenly hearing this term, both Sun Bing and Master Jiuli had doubts in their eyes.

Because this was the first time they heard this name, before that, they didn't notice any clues at all.

Not to mention them, even in many ancient books and ancient ruins, there is no mention at all.

Daoshu had already anticipated the doubts of Sun Bing and others. After shaking his head, he explained softly:

"Perhaps in your eyes, the Eternal Era is endless, but in fact it also has limits.

After one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred epochs, the entire chaos will be shattered. No matter how you survive, you will have no chance in the face of immeasurable tribulations. "

Although these words made both Sun Bing and Jiuli feel a strong sense of crisis, there was still a trace of doubt in his heart:

"Senior, so what if the immeasurable calamity is about to come? Is it possible that such calamity is related to the Soul-Living Grass?"

As for the Great God Jiuli on the side, he was also waking up from a dream. At this moment, he couldn't help but nodded quickly:

"Yes, what we are asking about now is the news about the Soul-Living Grass. Why is it suddenly involved in immeasurable calamity?"

Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on Daoshu's face:

"Speaking of which, this is really related, because the other half of the Soul-Living Grass was just before the last immeasurable calamity."

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