Sword Emperor

Chapter 5290: Relics


After hearing these words suddenly, Sun Bing and Jiuli Great God almost took a breath of cold air at the same time, and their pupils were full of doubts:

"Senior, what is going on?"

Realizing the urgency contained in these words, Dao Shu's old face showed a smile:

"In fact, the Soul-Separation Grass was already an innate spiritual root in the last reincarnation, and even reached the extreme of innate spiritual roots, and was only one step away from the chaotic spiritual root.

It's just that the infinite calamity came, and he had to cut off most of his origin, so that he could successfully survive to this reincarnation.

When it revived, it was just a holy medicine, and it took a very long time to recover to the level of innate spiritual roots."

Originally, Sun Bing and Jiuli Great God felt that their Taoism was very firm, and there was almost nothing in the world that could shake their minds.

But now, in just a short moment, their faces changed again and again.

Recalling Daoshu's words, the two frowned slightly, as if asking, or as if whispering:

"Isn't it said that innate spiritual roots are nurtured by heaven and earth? How come it has now become the escape from the last reincarnation?"

Hearing this, Daoshu slowly swung his branches, and then explained softly:

"Innate spiritual roots are indeed nurtured by heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth of the last reincarnation are also heaven and earth.

If there were no innate spiritual roots from the last era that escaped to this place, how could there be so many innate spiritual roots now?

It should be noted that the heaven and earth are indeed vast and great, but the origin is ultimately limited. Whether it is nurturing innate spiritual treasures or innate spiritual roots, it requires a very majestic origin.

Since the Heavenly Dao of this reincarnation has given birth to a desire to survive, to the point of transcendence, how could it be possible to spend too much origin to nurture innate spiritual roots and innate-level treasures?"

Simply speaking, it was like a huge bell, so that Sun Bing's face showed an expression of discovery.

In fact, after the confrontation with the Heavenly Dao, he had been puzzled.

The other party is a transcendent Heavenly Dao, but why do most Heavenly Daos not have a decent treasure in their hands?

After all, the innate treasures were bred by heaven and earth. If they bred such treasures, it would be much easier to fight against Sun Bing, and Hongmeng's strength would also increase dramatically.

But now he finally got the answer, because the origin required to breed such treasures is too much.

So almost no Heavenly Dao is willing to do such a thing.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Sun Bing looked at Dao Shu with burning eyes:

"Senior, so you mean there is a way to obtain the remains of the Soul-Separating Grass in the last reincarnation?"

As soon as he said this, Dao Shu nodded without hesitation:

"Yes, I am Dao Shu. As the name suggests, I am a tree that absorbs thousands of great ways to grow.

The infinite calamity is indeed terrible, even if I am powerless to resist it, but I took root in the place where time and space intersect, and accidentally found the channel connecting to the last reincarnation.

The remains of the Soul-Separating Grass are among them, and even the effect of its remains is stronger than the original effect of the Soul-Separating Grass now."

After hearing these words, both Sun Bing and the Great God Jiuli had bright lights in their pupils.

At this moment, they had already forgotten the previous infinite calamity and any calamity, and only the five words "the effect is even stronger" remained in their minds.

At that moment, the two of them said almost in unison:

"Please send us to the last reincarnation, senior (Daoyou).

But at this moment, Daoshu's expression became much more serious, and the atmosphere around him became depressed.

Then, his deep voice slowly sounded:

"My two Daoyou, I know that you are strong, and you have many treasures in your hands, so I am very confident in myself.

But you don't know the danger. You must know that in order to deal with the infinite calamity, all the strong men in the last reincarnation gathered together.

Even if you are strong, there were countless strong men in the whole reincarnation at that time, and there were even many terrible beings who survived from the first era to the great destruction calamity.

Any one of them is not inferior to you at all, even so, they still failed.

From this, we can see the danger, I hope you will think twice."

It must be said that Daoshu is indeed kind-hearted. Even though the two sides met for the first time, he couldn't bear to see Sun Bing and Jiuli God die.

"Senior, if we retreat now, we will die. If we go forward and fight, there is still a glimmer of hope."

In response, Sun Bing waved his hand very casually, and then sighed:

"What's more, this is not a dead end. Now the infinite calamity has already ended. Even if there are some aftermath, it can't do anything to us.

I hope you can help me."

At the end, Sun Bing clasped his hands and bowed directly to Dao Shu.

The Jiuli God on the side did the same, with a little pleading in his words:

"Please help me, fellow Taoist."

Looking at the two people in front of him who were so stubborn, even Dao Shu could only sigh:

"Forget it, forget it. In this case, then I won't be a bad guy anymore. I just hope you can return safely."

As the words fell, many obscure Taoist rhymes emerged from his body, and then a stream of light flew from a distance.

When it stopped, two leaves appeared in the void, and there were no roots.

Judging from the breath emanating from the body, this was the legendary Soul-Separation Grass.

Even the knowledgeable Sun Bing and Jiuli God were a little surprised to see each other's appearance. ..

After all, the appearance of this Soul-Separation Grass was really strange, completely different from the appearance of ordinary divine medicine roots.

Dao Shu didn't know what the two were thinking, or didn't care.

At this moment, he looked directly at the Soul-Separation Grass, and the vicissitudes of life slowly sounded:

"The target of these two people's trip was originally you, but they were rejected by me.

As a price, you need to tell them the location of your remains in the last reincarnation, and even the general map of it."

Dao Shu can be called the uncrowned king in the entire spiritual land. Even the innate spiritual roots are just one of his subordinates.

If Sun Bing is the emperor of man, then this Dao Shu is the king of natural materials and treasures.

Although the Soul-Separating Grass could sense the fear of the previous reincarnation through its aura, it still used its power to engrave the map.

Seeing this scene with their own eyes, Sun Bing and the Great God Jiuli smiled at each other.

Originally, they thought that they would have to resort to force, but they never expected that there would be a silver lining in the end.

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