Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 3: Breaking into Wu's House

It was another three months when Chen Zong went out of the customs and resigned from the suzerain and the elders.

"True dragon enters the sea." The elder stared at Chen Zong's distant back, sighing long, with unspeakable regret and comfort, and full of expectations.

Regrettably, it was because Chen Zong chose to go out to practice, but did not stay in Qingyun Zong.

But think about it. With Qing Yunzong's resources, allowing Chen Zong to stay in Qing Yunzong, although he can also promote cultivation, it also limits Chen Zong's talent to a certain extent.

For example, like Longyong Shoal.

Expectation, but want to know, Chen Zong Zhenlong into the sea, after experience, can grow up to where.

Li Zhenyi and Gao Bojun stood on the mountain peak and looked at Chen Zong's back. If they were thinking, they were also thinking about whether to go out. Like Chen Zong, leave Qingyunzong, even leave the boundary of Dongchen, and even leave the floating cloud domain.

For Li Zhenyi and Gao Bojun, the floating clouds are large.

Up to now, although they have gone out to experience, at most they have reached the adjacent boundary, and have never left the floating cloud domain.

For them, there is an attraction outside of the floating cloud domain. As the breakthrough progresses to a transcendent realm, the strength increases greatly. This attraction is constantly increasing with the passage of time, and even one day they cannot control it.

Taking a deep breath, the eyes of the two also became firm, determined to practice as hard as possible, ascended to the point where there is no ascension, then left Qingyunzong, Dongchen Realm, and even the floating clouds.


When Chen Zong exhibited his violent wind and legs, there was a rush of heaven and earth, gathered around his body, twining his legs, turning into a gust of wind, making Chen Zong's body light and fast.

The whistling sound resounded, as if the wind was blowing, Chen Zong's figure flew by at an astonishing speed. At a few hundred meters, he stood on both feet and relied on his strength. The speed was faster than that of a thousand miles. Much faster.

Even though Qianyan Yunyan has already mastered his mind, but this violent cloud fantasy leg has only been cultivated into the realm of enlightenment, but the gap between spiritual martial arts and ordinary martial arts is extremely large. It is just the force that pulls the heavens and earth into the power of heaven and earth. In itself, it is far from comparable.

Before long, Qingyun Peak became a small black spot.

Show off the legs of the wind and wind to hurry, the world is surrounded by vitality, condensing a trace of the wind of the world, making yourself faster, galvanized and hearty.

"In the Canglan world, only when the heavens and the heavens reach the realm of the heavens and the earth, is it the power of the heavens and the earth in its original state. "It's really brilliant." Chen Zong said secretly as he hurried on his way with his legs.

On this trip, leaving Qing Yunzong to go out for training is one of the goals, and the other purpose is to go to Fuyun Palace.

Chen Zong also remembered the voice of the King of Clouds that day.

Chen Zong was curious that a strong man who transcended the extraordinary world was looking for himself and did not know what was happening.

The speed of the triple world of transcendence was unfolded, and soon, especially the thunderous cloud legs in the realm of enlightenment, far surpassed the ordinary triple world of transcendence.

"I left this trip, I don't know when I can return." Chen Zong secretly said, turning his thoughts slightly, then turned the direction slightly and headed for Qinghuacheng.

In the blue and white city, there is also a relative of his own body.

Sister Chen Qingyao and Lin's family.

At the speed of Chen Zong, he hurried to the road and soon came outside the blue and white city.

Entering the blue and white city, Chen Zong went directly to the Lin family.

In the blue-and-white city, the Lin family is just a small family that is not influential. There are not many people in the family, only a dozen or so. The practitioners are only three or four, and the cultivation is not advanced, even the most powerful. Lin Datong, however, is nothing more than a five-fold practice of building a base.

"What to do ... What to do now ..." Lin Da, with an anxious expression, walked around the hall with grief and angrily, angrily and resentful.

The old man Lin Yongfu sat down on the chair with a bleak face, his face pale, and other Lin family members kept their heads silent.

"Just blame our Lin family for being too weak." The old man Lin Yongfu just said a long time ago.

"Second brother, you immediately set off for Qingyun Zong and told Qingzong about it." Lin Datong slaps his palms suddenly and said quickly, his eyes bloomed with horror.

"Brother, even if you tell Qingzong about this." Lin Dayuan's face was bitter. "The young master of the Wu family has already become a disciple of Qingzong in the past few years. It ’s very powerful. Even if Zongzong is outstanding, he is just a disciple of Neizong. How can he compare with it? "

When Lin Dayuan's words came out, it was even more desperate, and the depressed atmosphere permeated the entire hall.

Yes, even if Chen Qingzong is outstanding, now he is only a disciple of Qingzong, and it is impossible to be included in the top ten of Neizong. How can he compete with Master Wu?

There is no way to counteract it. If Qingzong is made aware of this, it will only have worse consequences.

"Just I broke into Wu's house, fighting my bad life, and trying to rescue Qing Yao." Lin Datong had no choice but to do so, and immediately brought his own weapons, a thick-backed sword was going out Rush.

"Stop." Lin Yongfu drank immediately: "What good is it to break into Wu's house, just to die for nothing."

Lin Datong is just a five-pronged practice for building the foundation. There are many practitioners in this kind of practice in Wu's family. Not to mention the rescue of Chen Qingyao, it is already a blessing to die.

Depression, despair, suffocates.

Facing the Wu family, the Lin family is like ants.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew into the hall, and a figure appeared.

"Grandpa, grandma, and grandma, you are ..." That figure was Chen Zong. As soon as he entered the hall, he intended to surprise everyone, but when he saw the depressing scenes, one by one was silent, sad, and resentful. Helpless.


Everyone looked up and stared at them, and then they were pleasantly surprised.

"Why are you here?" Lin Datong looked anxiously.

"Good grandson, let grandma see."

"What's the matter?" Chen Zong helped her grandmother sit down again, her eyebrows frowned slightly, and she stretched out instantly, and quickly asked, "Isn't my sister at home?"

"Your sister, she ..." Lin Yongfu sighed.

"Qing Zong, when you hear the following words, you must not be impulsive. You must not be impulsive." Lin Dayuan emphasized: "Qing Yao she ... she was arrested."

"Who was taken away?" Chen Zong looked cold.

Chen Qingyao is Chen Qingzong's last closest relative in this world. Although these grandparents are relatives, they are not as close as Chen Qingyao.

The reason why Chen Zong changed his route to this blue and white city was to see Chen Qingyao, see how she was doing, and then said goodbye to her, because she did n’t know how many years she could return.

I didn't expect to be here, but I didn't see Chen Qingyao, and heard the news that she was taken away, how could I not be angry.

"Wu family, Wu family second child returned a few days ago, seeing Qing Yao, they began to pursue, but Chen Qing Yao rejected him, angry and angry, Wu Jia second child let people forcibly take away Qing Yao." Lin Dayuan was indignant: "You My cousin stopped it, but was seriously injured. "

The personnel of the Lin family are very simple. The people who are excluded are the Lin Yongfu and Lin Datong couples, the son Lin Jianbao, and the Lin Dayuan couple and daughter Lin Xiaomin.

There are only a few people who practice, Lin Datong, Lin Dayuan, and Lin Jianbao. After all, cultivation requires resources. What kind of resources can an inaccessible family have.

The fellow initiates of Lin Da are the highest, and the foundation is fivefold, while Lin Dayuan is the foundation four. As for Lin Jianbao, only the foundation is triple.

"Wu Family." Chen Zong's voice was low, lingering in a slaughter of lingering blunders, and immediately took his steps.

"Can't be impulsive." Lin Datong immediately stopped Chen Zong, his face anxiously: "The Wu family is one of the two-star forces in the blue and white city, the younger Wu family is the top ten disciples of Qing Yunzong, and you should return to Zong Door, ask Zongmen to come forward. "

"There is a Wu family." Chen Zong said, "Erren, you take me to Wu family, ma'am, this elixir is Qingyuan Dan, is Qingyunzong's sole healing elixir. You should take the form."

The words fell, Chen Zong reached out and grabbed Lin Dayuan's arm, and the wind disappeared.

Too fast, so fast that Lin Datong didn't react at all, Chen Zong disappeared in front of him, Lin Dayuan not far away also disappeared, but he had a whole body of cyan mellow elixir in his hand.

"Axiu, you gave Jianbao the service." Lin Datong quickly handed Qing Yuandan to his wife, grabbed the thick-backed sword, and rushed out of the hall.

This is the end, unable to stop, can only beg for heaven.

They didn't know the strength of Chen Zong. Chen Qingyao didn't talk about Qinglin City.


The Wu family is one of the two-star forces in Qinghua City. It is as powerful as the Seven Swords Building in Qinglin City, and there are as many as eight or nine masters in the later period of building the foundation.

As a number of two-star forces, the Wujia Mansion covers a large area and is very luxuriously built. Because the Master Wu family was listed among the top ten disciples of Qingyunzong Neizong, it made others feel discouraged and involuntarily please.

It can be said that today's Wu family has a tendency to surpass the other two two-star forces, and it seems that it is the overlord of Blue and White City.

Under Lin Dayuan's guidance, Chen Zong soon came outside the Wu family mansion.

The whistling sounded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ rushed into Wujia Mansion like a gust of wind, and directly smashed the closed door. The two guards guarding the door of Wu's house flew out and vomited blood.

As soon as Chen Zongyi broke into the house of Wujia, the spiritual knowledge quickly spread, covering all directions.

Chen Zong's spiritual knowledge is very strong and strong, far better than the ordinary triplex of the extraordinary world. According to estimates, it should be comparable to the sixth of the extraordinary world, close to the seventh.

Covered by spiritual knowledge, before he entered Wu's mansion, Chen Zong found his sister Chen Qingyao and was placed under house arrest in a bedroom.

"It's a mean bone. Second Master sees you. That's your honor. You dare to threaten Second Master with death." In the bedroom, an old woman scolded Chen Qingyao in disgrace, pulling Chen Qingyao's hair again, Slap: "I tell you, Master Er's patience is limited. If he doesn't obey, he will sell you to Hualou to pick up customers."

Chen Qingyao was weak, and although the old woman was old, she also practiced, resisted weakness, and suddenly turned pale when she heard the words of the other party.

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