Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 4: 1 Sword Break House

Where is Hualou?

That was a place for men to have fun, and it was better to die directly to Hualou.

Thinking of this, Chen Qingyao slammed into the corner of the table and broke off by herself, but the vicious old woman grabbed her hair, pulled it back, and threw it to the corner.

"Xiaoxiong, even if you want to die, you have to wait for the second master to finish playing." The vicious woman grabbed Chen Qingyao's long hair, dragged it fiercely, and Chen Qingyao's scalp was almost torn Raised a thick palm full of calluses and was about to slam it on Chen Qingyao's pretty face.


A voice filled with endless anger and infinite murderousness, like a magic thunder that destroyed the world, burst into my ears.

The vicious old woman trembled suddenly, her pupils contracted and enlarged, and the indescribable astonishment raged from the deepest part of her soul, like a torrent of water.

The whole body was cold, the limbs were paralyzed, and even the blood was frozen. The raised palms were shaking slightly, but they couldn't beat anymore.


Endless fear is like darkness descending, engulfing itself.

Chen Qingyao responded very quickly, broke open the other's palm, and rushed out the door.

At the same time the door opened, Chen Qingyao only felt that she was bumping into something, warm, soft, and familiar, which made her feel inexplicably relieved. When she reacted, she found that she was held by someone and immediately struggled.

"Sister, it's me." A gentle and familiar voice came to his ears, making Chen Qingyao's struggling body hard, and it became rigid like wood, and then softened again.

"Zongdi, it's you." Chen Qingyao looked up, surprised, incredible, and panic: "Go, leave here quickly."

This is the mansion of the Wu family. The young master Wu family is one of the top ten disciples of Qingzong Neizong.

"Sister, don't worry." Chen Zong smiled gently, looking at Chen Qingyao's hair and the swelling and blood on his pretty face, his heart was full of murder.

This murder is so intense.

The Wu family's response was also very rapid. When Chen Zong entered the house, they already acted, but it was Chen Zong's speed that made them appear relatively slow.

However, even if it is slow, there is no shortage of masters in the Wu family who rushed here to surround Chen Zong immediately.

As for Lin Dayuan, Chen Zong left it outside the Wu family mansion and instructed him not to enter.

Lin Dayuan, who was outside Wu's residence, was extremely tormented, watching the door of Wu's house that had been broken and opened, gritted his teeth to break in, but stopped.

One is that Chen Zong has been instructed to wait for him here, and the other is that fear of breaking in will not only help, but will also drag Chen Zong.

"Who is so bold that he dared to break into my Wu house and seek death?"

The Wu family's homeowner rushed to the same elders and masters in the late stage of the foundation construction to surround Chen Zong.

"Let her go." When the second Wu family saw Chen Qingyao, his face was full of anger, his eyes were full of murderous screams at Chen Zong. When he saw Chen Qingyao for the first time, he was attracted by her, that delicate look Let him have an unspeakable excitement.

Therefore, the second younger Wu family wanted Chen Qingyao. At the beginning, he had a little patience and adopted the pursuit method, but unfortunately, Chen Qingyao refused to let the second young Wujia family be ashamed and go forcibly.

Anyway, the purpose of the second Wu family is just to satisfy his desires, and that's it.

The Lin family is just a treacherous family with no background and of course unbridled.

Chen Zong's eyes were cold and full of murderous power, which seemed to come from the depths of his soul.

The terrible breath soared into the sky, making people extremely depressed.

"You are the second child of the Wu family?" Chen Zongbinghan's eyes gazed at the second child of the Wu family and asked.

"Yes, don't hurry to loosen your dirty hands." Although the younger Wu family felt depressed, they felt better about themselves and had greater confidence in the Wu family.


Chen Zong also pointed out that the sword is like a sword, the blue sword light is like a huge waning moon of ten meters, and the sky is torn instantly. The hard ground is cut in an instant, and even the sky seems to be cut.

This is a very simple trick, not Qingyun Mitian swordsmanship.

To deal with a group of practitioners who build the foundation with the triple practice of Chen Zongchao's realm, it is not necessary to draw swords or perform spiritual martial arts.

But the blow under Chen Zonghan's wrath also used a lot of spiritual power, and the power was terrible.

With this one sword split, Wu Jia Er Shao did n’t even have time to react, and was split into two halves. The ten-meter-long remnant sword was smashed out like a bamboo, splitting a house behind it and pushing it forward. Several houses only faded afterwards.

All the masters of the Wu family were all pale, cold sweats were coming out, the sweat was like rain, and they couldn't help shaking, they couldn't control it at all, and the fear flowed from the deepest part of their hearts.


It's terrible!

At that moment, when the cyan sword light passed by, the terrible breath made them unable to move, which was a kind of gap, indescribable, in front of them, they looked like ants.

With Chen Zong's cold eyes glanced over, the Wu family's owner, an elder, and so on shook even more, completely out of their control.

"You guys, how do you want to die?" Chen Zong's voice was cold like cold iron.

"Ge ... Your Excellency ..." The Wu family owner finally spoke reluctantly, trying to calm himself down: "I have something to say ..."

The culprit who slaughtered Erjia Wu was also slightly angered.

"We are willing to compensate," said the Wu family owner again.

Although the relationship between this young man and the woman is not clear, the strength of the other party is too strong, and it is not something the Wu family can provoke. Let's calm down the other party's anger first.

"Sir, this **** fellow is dead, and we are willing to pay compensation to calm your anger." Elder Wu's family also responded and said quickly.

Damn guy, naturally refers to Wu Jia Er Shao.

It's really **** good. If he didn't get upset and take the woman forcibly, he wouldn't provoke such a powerful enemy that could not be confronted.

This kind of strength is at least a half-step transcendental powerhouse, and it is not an ordinary half-step transcendental state of power, and even a three-star power is unwilling to provoke it, because even if it kills the other party, it will have to suffer heavy losses, If you don't die, the result will be even worse, after all, a bright gun is easy to hide from an arrow.

The Wu family is only a two-star power. The most powerful person in the family is just to build the nine limits of the foundation.

The power behind a seemingly young half-step extraordinary world is unimaginable.

"Sister, what do you think?" Chen Zong asked Chen Qingyao softly.

After all, the victim was Chen Qingyao, but fortunately, she was not ruined, but suffered some flesh.

"Let it go or kill?" Chen Zong asked again, and the decision was in the hands of Chen Qingyao. She said to kill, and Chen Zong would take the shot immediately, killing the Wu family completely.

All the members of the Wu family looked at Chen Qingyao nervously. At this moment, the delicate woman held the lives of all of them.

Looking at them, Chen Qingyao couldn't bear it after all, and didn't want his brother to kill so many people, he shook his head at Chen Zong.

"How to compensate?" Chen Zong instantly understood Chen Qingyao's meaning, his eyes were cold and his voice was low, which brought great pressure to the Wu family.

"Three hundred and two gold, we are willing to give three hundred and two gold." The Wu family owner said immediately.

After many years of Chen Zhenghong's existence, he only kept one hundred and two gold and a few top-grade stones. Three hundred and twenty gold is a lot, which is a fortune.

"One thousand and two!" Chen Zong said directly, with a cold tone and no room for discussion.

"One thousand and two!" Everyone in the Wu family changed his face and shivered.

Taking out two hundred and two golds is already a lot of pressure for the Wu family. Although it is said that the Wu family is a two-star power and has a great career, it also has a large number of personnel and large expenses.

For 1,000 gold, it must draw liquidity from various industries, and even sell some industries to get together. For the Wu family, it hurts their nerves and is enough to greatly reduce the financial power of the Wu family.

"One thousand or two ... or ... destroy the door ..." The mouth of Chen Zong was tilted, and a ray of murder seemed to be the cold wind in the north, making everyone in the Wu family irrigate their bodies like ice water.

Choose only two.

Compared to the extinction, it is clear that the compensation of 1,000 gold is not so unacceptable.

The Wu family succumbed.

"Three days, one thousand and two gold will be delivered to the Lin family within three days. The expiration date will not affect the consequences." Chen Zongdao said: "In addition, my name is Chen Qingzong, also known as Chen Zong, Elder Qingzong Neizong. If your Wu family wants Revenge, think about the consequences first. "

"Elder Qingzong Neizong!" The pupils of the Wu family contracted, and their hearts seemed to be suffocated by the invisible big hands.

Das Wu was a disciple of Qing Yunzong's Neizong. He also ranked in the top ten, which is considered to be a certain status. When he came back, he also said something about Qing Yunzong.

The elders of Qingyun Zong are internal and external, and the elders of the outer sect are half-step transcendental realms.

In other words, if the young man in front of him is not lying, he is an extraordinary person.

Thinking of this, everyone behind the Wu family was soaked.

Transcendent Power!

They even provoked a super-powerful superpower. Fortunately, this super-powerful superpower is not addicted to killing. Otherwise, they will not even have the opportunity to compensate.

As for whether the other party is lying, it is actually very easy to verify ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just send a letter to Qing Yunzong to Wu family.

Taking Chen Qingyao and Chen Zong out of the Wu family mansion, it happened that Lin Datong was coming at full speed.

"Rescued." Seeing Chen Qingyao and Chen Zong appearing, panting Lin Da was surprised and happy on the same side, while staring at the Wu family mansion with great vigilance, for fear that the Wu family rushed out.

"Da'er er, don't worry, let's go back." Chen Zong laughed.

"Okay, go back." Lin Dayuan laughed quickly. He was tormented and extremely depressed outside. Now he saw that both Chen Zong and Chen Qingyao were out, and there was nothing to do, and he was relieved.

When he came, Chen Zong was mixed with anger, fearing that Chen Qingyao had an accident, so the speed was full, and the speed was extremely fast. Now he was rescued, but he suffered from skin trauma, and he could heal by applying some ointment. .

As for the Wu family, they acted immediately and adjusted their funds to sell the industry. They must make up 1,000 gold in three days.

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