Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 16: Mysterious subspace

The purple flames in the eyes of the purple evil spirits jumped from the distance, bursting out sharp purple awns, as if to penetrate all secrets, but found nothing.

The creature with a delicious soul disappeared under his nose.


As if walking across the water, Chen Zong's body became sluggish with heavy resistance. It seemed to be a long time ago. In fact, it was only a brief moment. Chen Zong passed through the barrier like the water curtain, fell heavily, and made a dull noise.

The severe pain continued to spread from the right palm, sweeping the whole body, the uncontrolled twitching of the entire arm, a powerful force of evil, which continued to spread from the right palm with the severe pain, eroding the body, and the soul was even more affected. The impact of an evil force, the mental consciousness is rampant.

Fortunately, Chen Zong's soul was strong enough, and soon he got rid of this shock and recovered his sobriety.

It seemed as if the invisible sharp blade rushed into cutting and tearing, making Chen Zong's brows frown, feeling his vitality, seemingly being destroyed a little bit.

Not afraid to hesitate, Chen Zong immediately swept around, covered with spiritual knowledge, did not feel any danger, and then took the elixir for healing and recuperating the elixir, swallowed it, and worked to resolve the power of elixir.

As the power of the elixir dissipated, the spiritual power quickly recovered, and the healing power of the elixir countered the terrible power that had invaded the body. With the cooperation of the spiritual power, it was enveloped in all directions.

Only Chen Zong found that the power of the elixir, his own spiritual power, and the power of the heart sword could not drive the force full of death breath. He could only compress it constantly, and finally blocked one finger in his left hand. on.

It can be seen that Chen Zong's little finger has changed greatly, the whole body is gray and black, and it is permeated with the swaying death breath.

Cutting off the pinky finger may be a method, but Chen Zong does not plan to do so, only to wait until the power of Ziyun Zhenyan recovers, then mobilize Ziyun Zhenyan to destroy the power in it.

The right palm was penetrated and there was a pothole, but under the power of the elixir, a little recovery, plus Chen Zong's cultivation practice to achieve the duality of Dragon Power Realm, the self-healing ability is also more than ordinary extraordinary realm. Strong, even if you want to fully heal, it will take a lot of time.

Chen Zong could not help showing a bitter smile, this time, almost planted.

But there is no other way. The King of Clouds has made it very clear that when he enters the fierce battlefield, there is a danger of death. However, when he has n’t encountered it, he often has a little chance in his subconscious, but when he really comes, he is so surprised .

Fortunately, Chen Zong is not an ordinary person. He reminds himself at all times, so when the crisis of death comes, he responds quickly and explodes all power.

But the gap is too big.

Even if all the power erupted, he was still unable to resist the opponent's blow, and felt that the opponent's blow did not do his best.

With all your strength, maybe you are dead now.

Now she is not dead, but her injuries are not bad. Her strength is obviously affected, which is greatly reduced. Even a magic weapon is broken.

"Where is this?" Chen Zong got up and looked carefully.

This is a very empty hall. There are nine huge pillars supporting the top of the hall. Each pillar is covered with unique patterns, one after another, as if the sword marks are staggered and very complicated.

The spiritual knowledge swept through, but found nothing, making Chen Zong even more confused.

"Is this a subspace?" A thought suddenly jumped out.

The King of Clouds once said that some conditions in the ancient battlefield were dangerous and there were opportunities as well.

One of the so-called sources of danger is the battlefield evil spirits who awakened after nightfall. Of course, there are other geniuses from various realms who enter the fierce battlefield.

Opportunity is subspace.

Like the sanctuary, the subspace is also built by the upper sect of the upper realm, but there is a difference, that is, most of the subspace is built by the upper sect of the upper realm, and a few subspaces are inherited by some strong men.

The number of subspaces is more scarce than shelters, and it is better than shelters.

Because the sanctuary just provides a protection, so that people can safely spend the night of the battlefield and avoid being hunted down by evil spirits.

In the subspace, it is expected to benefit.

Gongfa martial arts elixir weapons and so on are all possible.

Of course, it is possible to get nothing.

Confirming that this is a sub-space, Chen Zong's mind became active.

The Liegu battlefield opened not long, and he should be the first person to enter this space, and the things inside should not have been taken away.

Just, where is it?

Chen Zong walked up to the first pillar and looked carefully, looking at the lines like sword marks on it, before he knew it, he was absorbed in it.

Vaguely, Chen Zong seemed to see a vague figure, holding a sharp sword, a sword drawn out, the path seemed simple, but implied mysterious, extremely smart and extremely sharp, each sword with an indescribable charm.

Each sword mark represents a sword, crisscrossed.

I don't know how long in the past, Chen Zong sobered up, and then looked intently, and felt that the sword marks on this pillar were not so chaotic, they became orderly, and a certain law came out.

Thoughtfully, Chen Zong walked to the second pillar and continued to watch.

Each of the nine pillars is covered with sword marks, which are similar and different. From this, it can be seen that the sword marks on the nine pillars are from the same person.

"Not a deep sword." After reading the sword marks on the nine pillars, Chen Zong thought.

With Chen Zong's accomplishments in swordplay, we can clearly see some of the mysteries. The sword marks are traces left by simple swordplay.

How simple is the sword technique?

Is the basic swordsmanship.

Basic swordsmanship is the basis of swordsmanship, the simplest move, but under the sword of the unknown strong man, it becomes not simple at all, and contains a unique mystery.

This mystery makes Chen Zong feel indistinguishable. Obviously, the opponent's accomplishments in swordsmanship must be better than himself. As to how much, he cannot determine.

Sitting cross-legged, Chen Zong carefully realized, and an instinct told himself that the sword marks on the nine pillars were the key.

If you ca n’t understand it, even if you enter the subspace, you are just hiding from the evil spirits outside.

After calming down, Chen Zong's eyes swept across the eight pillars, and after sweeping all the sword marks on it, it seemed as if he would deeply imprint them in his mind, and then closed his eyes, his breathing became long and almost silent.

At the same time, the power of Ziyun Zhenyan is slowly recovering.

Time passes slowly.

In Chen Zong's mind, there seemed to be a sword light passing by, which was simple and straightforward.

Immediately, the second sword lights up, assassinates, runs through everything.

Third way!

Fourth way!

Fifth way!

There are more and more sword lights flashing in my mind, more and more dense, crisscrossed, like a million swords, all shining, each sword light is similar or different.

Chen Zong looked extremely dignified, that thousands of swords of light, as if to open his mind.

Gradually, thousands of sword lights slowly approached, and finally condensed into one. The sword lights were extremely magnificent, extremely dazzling, and filled with amazing brilliance, great light, shining in the heavens.

Chen Zong's body was also affected, as if he were not under his control. A spirit surged, and the power of the heart sword and the power of Qingyun also permeated and merged into one.

It also refers to a sword. It seems that when it is empty, it seems to be assassinated when it is empty. It is as if it has no strength, like a ray of light, but when the sword light breaks through the air, the momentum The mighty, like a roar of wind and thunder, shook the earth, sending out terrifying power and destroying everything.

With a bang, a cyan sword shone away, as if a sword split the space in the hall into two.

Chen Zong also felt the strength in his body, was drained in an instant, and a emptiness permeated the whole body.

Even so, the feeling that the sword killed instantly fell into the soul like a brand, allowing Chen Zong to grasp it.

"Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine changes merged into one sword move ..." Chen Zong muttered to himself while swallowing the elixir to restore his spiritual power.

It turns out that the nine sword marks on the nine pillars add up to 9,999. Each one is very simple, just the marks left by the basic sword skills, but they are all different.

Chen Zong only realized that when he was enlightened, each sword mark was actually a change in swordsmanship. When all the sword marks were enlightened and fused together, he could understand that it was actually a sword move.

A terrible sword move was issued with all his strength.

With a humming sound, the metamorphosis was abrupt, and when the nine pillars trembled, the sword marks on it emitted light, and the whole hall seemed to be shaking with it.

At the same time, a small pavilion is built on the edge of a high mountain cliff in Qingtian. It faces the sea of ​​clouds beyond the cliff, and the sun shines into the colorful brilliance.

In the pavilion, two people sat on the floor, separated by a small round stone table, on which there was a crystal clear white jade gourd and two extremely fine white jade wine glasses. The glass was filled with amber wine, and the spirit rose. , Rushed up, coiled like a dragon shadow.

One of the middle-aged people in Tsing Yi was about to lift a glass of wine, and then suddenly hesitated, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Li Xiong, why are you happy?" The black robe man sitting opposite the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi saw a smile on the corner of his mouth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and asked curiously.

"Interesting thing." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi smiled slightly, took a glass of wine and sipped: "I left a sword in the space of the ancient battlefield and was realized."

"But your swordsmanship?" Heipao raised his eyebrows and looked surprised: "Someone in the middle and lower areas can understand, it's incredible."

"There, I left the first move and dismantled it into 9,999 changes. I need to understand all the changes before I can see them." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi put down his glass and smiled slightly: " But in fact, what I really left is a spirit sword. I only need to find the organ to get the spirit sword. As for the sword trick, I never thought that someone could understand it, but it was a whim at that time. I did not expect that someone could understand it. through."

"Your swordsmanship is mysterious, different people enlighten, and their sword moves are different, but I don't know what kind of sword moves this person can realize?" The black robe man was a little curious, he was not curious about the sword move, It's the sword move itself.

"If there is a fate, I will know it in the future." The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi smiled slightly.

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