Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 17: Mystic sword

The sound of clicking and clicking sounds is the sound of many gears rotating and rubbing, which is extremely harsh.

Immediately, an astonishing sword air permeated the sky, splendid cyan sword light spurted out, pierced the sky-like agitation, and quickly diffused away. As he passed Chen Zong's body, Chen Zong trembled involuntarily. Lu was shocked.

Obviously, this is the breath fluctuation of the Spirit Artifact, and also the breath fluctuation of the Spirit Sword.

Chen Zong glanced and stared at the source of the brilliant blue light eruption. It was a stone platform, a stone platform rising slowly from the cracked ground. The stone platform rose to the extreme, about one meter high, with dazzling and dazzling blue light. Between the jets, a section of the sword's edge seemed to break through the tender buds of the earth, rising inch by inch.


A sword body like a blue **** gold forged and growing sword is reflected in Chen Zong's eyes. The blue light is like the wind, flowing and flowing, and the powerful breath fluctuation pervades all around.

"Good sword!" Chen Zong suddenly rejoiced.

Although it is not clear what grade this sword is, it is certain that it is a spirit sword and that it has more than one grade.

The Baihe sword was broken, Chen Zong lacked the sword weapon in his hand, and the power of a sword was difficult to show, and his strength was obviously discounted.

Therefore, Chen Zong's requirements are not high, as long as he has a good sword, he did not expect to accidentally fall into this space, escaped the pursuit of the purple ghost, and passed the 9,999 sword marks. Seeing a nameless sword style, the power is amazing, and even see a spirit sword, at least the second grade.

Reaching for a hand, Chen Zong's left hand clasped the hilt of the sword, and the sword immediately trembled, bursting out a force of overwhelming force to impact Chen Zong's palm, to break free of Chen Zong's palm.

Chen Zongfang only exhibited the unknown sword tricks and devoted all his strength. Now he is only recovering a little bit, but fortunately, his spiritual knowledge is very strong. He immediately suppressed the rebellious power of this magical tool, and then refined it for his own use.

"Xuanguang Sword!" Chen Zong stared at the blade of the sword. At that moment there were two quaint characters.

This sword is truly a Sanpin spirit sword, which contains the triple power of standard transcendental realm.

The injury to his right hand has not healed yet, and he can only hold the sword in his left hand. Fortunately, when Chen Zong was in the Canglan World, he had once used two swords, and there was not much difference between his left and right hands.

Of course, if possible, Chen Zong is still more accustomed to holding a sword with his right.

With a wave of the sword, the feeling of the sharp blade cutting the air opened Chen Zong's body.

The cyan light shone like a flower in bloom, beautiful and exquisite.

Put away mysterious lightsaber, Chen Zong sat down cross-legged, exercise power, restore spiritual power and all other powers.

With the passage of time, the spiritual power gradually recovered, and the dragon power also recovered. The recovery speed of Ziyun Zhenyan was slower, but it was also recovered by half. As for Qingyun's broken sword energy, the nine lanes were completely consumed and have not been recovered.

Take out the lower grade yuan stone absorption, one by one Qingyun broken empty sword energy re-condensation, until fully recovered.

Mobilize Ziyun Zhenyan, quickly spread to the left little finger, and cover the little finger with calcination. The power full of death contained in it is immediately burned by Ziyun Zhenyan and disappears quickly.

After about a dozen breaths, the little finger returned to its original state and the hidden danger was lifted.

At present, only the wound that was penetrated by the right hand was left, and he was not healed yet.

At this moment, a surge of force crowded out from all directions, as if to push Chen Zong out. Chen Zong did not resist, and his body was like crossing the water surface, breaking up layers of ripples, and dying next, like Space-time rotation.

Chen Zong swept quickly and knew that he had left the mysterious subspace and returned to the ancient battlefield.

However, the evil ghosts on the battlefield that are endless like a tide, have no trace at all, as if they never appeared, as if everything last night was just an illusion.

But the wound on the right palm made Chen Zong understand that last night, it was definitely not an illusion, but real, but now, the night passed by day and night, and the endless battlefield evil spirits all returned to silence, just waiting The next night came when the wind was blowing, and she woke up again, wreaking havoc on the earth.

When the spiritual knowledge was swept away, Chen Zong searched for the mysterious subspace, but found nothing. He walked in all directions and did not enter again. Perhaps, the mysterious subspace had been deeply hidden.

Having the opportunity, he couldn't find the subspace, and Chen Zong was not attached.

I looked around, distinguished where I came from yesterday, and moved on.

The battlefield under the day is obviously safer, at least there will be no terrible evil spirits raging.

From time to time, Chen Zong encounters abnormal places of heavy pressure, but at most it is three or four times the heavy pressure, which is nothing to Chen Zong at all.

In fact, a strong enough pressure is good for cultivation, it can oppress itself, and then stimulate the potential contained in the body, so that cultivation is promoted.

But unfortunately, the stress is not enough and the effect is not good.

The battlefield of Liegu is very large, and different areas enter different places. In addition, it is not easy to meet each other. Of course, if you find the right direction and go to Liegu battle city, the possibility of encountering Will increase dramatically.

Chen Zongshi showed his legs in a violent wind and hurried on his leg. His body rushed forward, suddenly a meal, as if suppressed by the force of extreme force, and fell in the air.

With a thump, the land under his feet cracked, Chen Zong did not consciously kneel on one knee, and the land under his knees cracked with it.

Heavy pressure!

An overwhelming amount of pressure continued to oppress from above and from all around, as if to crush Chen Zong and crush it into a meat pie.

"ten times!"

"At least ten times as much pressure as the outside world!"

Chen Zong's face was faintly pale, and the blue tendons on his forehead were obviously doing his best to resist this heavy pressure.

The dragon force rushed, the mighty, with the murmur of dragon murmur, the force of force filled the muscles of the bones and muscles, so that Chen Zong's body seemed to be pulled up and swelled a circle, exuding the forceful and fierce fluctuations.

The four spiritual wheels rotate at full speed, the spiritual power spurts out, diffuses between the internal organs, circulates in the body, and performs their duties with Longli, strengthening the body and resisting the heavy pressure.

Straighten your legs and your spine, your body is straight, and for a moment, it sounds like a bowstring sound, full of energy.

"So much pressure, it just happens to practice some real meditation exercises."

For practicing qi, the richness and purity of heaven and earth is most suitable, but for refining, whether the heaven and earth is strong and pure is not the most important thing.

Sufficient external pressure will further stimulate the potential contained in the body, transform it into dragon power, enhance the cultivation and cultivation, and strengthen the physique.

As soon as he thought about it, Chen Zong suddenly filled the spiritual power of the whole body into the spiritual wheel, and the four spiritual wheels also stopped turning.

Without the support of spiritual power, Chen Zong suddenly felt his body sinking, and the pressure on the body seemed to crush the body. Fortunately, a dragon's power still existed, and he barely resisted.

With their feet separated and trampled on the ground, the ground cracked and collapsed, but Chen Zong's body was standing still, and he was under this tyrannical weight.

Turn your arms and quickly draw a circle on both sides of the front, continuously shrinking, ten fingers bounce, bringing up a mysterious trajectory, like a ripple, quickly contracted inside, and finally, your hands stopped before the sea of ​​air, both palms Falling opposite, as if holding something.

Ziyun Zhenyan shuddered, a fiery force was instantly mobilized, and quickly diffused away, swimming up and down the body, blending into the dragon's power, swimming between the bones and muscles, and flowing through the bone marrow, viscera, and so on. strengthen.

Those who practice the body first master the tiger power and exercise the body to the extreme. After the breakthrough, the tiger force transforms into the dragon force, and the dragon force exercises the body for better results.

It ’s just refining the body. If you do n’t have the corresponding resources to help you, if you practice by yourself, you will enter the country more slowly than practicing qi, because your body can only slowly fight.

In addition to assisting with resources, the cultivation environment is also a very important factor. For example, strong external pressure can stimulate the body to stimulate its potential and accelerate the cultivation.

Of course, stimulating your own potential with external pressure is not a good method of refining your body. It will overdraw yourself to a certain extent. Once or twice is fine. If there are more than one, there is no great supplement. Replenishing self-consumption will overdraft, affecting subsequent cultivation, making cultivation difficult to improve, and even affecting its own foundation.

Chen Zong has never used any of these methods before. Now, this is the first time.

The pressure is on, it is constant, and the pressure is endless. Chen Zong resists the pressure, constantly runs the true yin exercises, mobilizes a dragon to fight the pressure, in order to stimulate his own potential, and also mobilizes Ziyun Zhenyan ’s Part of the strength to strengthen the practice of Zhenyan exercises.

It has not been long since Chen Yan practiced physical exercises, but Chen Zong has been able to improve from a beginner to what is now the second stage of Long Lijing. In addition to his superhuman understanding, there are also Ziyun Zhenyan to help.

To some extent, Ziyun Zhenyan is equivalent to a long-term refining resource. There are no side effects. No, if there are side effects, it is very hot. It travels through the viscera, bones, veins, muscles, Between the membranes, Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be roasted and calcined by the fire. The kind of enthusiasm, from the inside to the outside, almost burned his body to ashes.

Ten times the weight of the outside world and the power of Ziyun Zhenyan, two-pronged approach, one is to stimulate potential, the other is to temper the dragon power, nurturing the body, strengthening the body.


"Where exactly is this ancient battle city?"

"Unclear ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Look slowly and see if you can find any clues?"

"I wonder if that person died last night?"

"I can't find a sanctuary, and I'm not that strong. In my opinion, it's very likely that it has become a delicious demon."

"I don't care if he dies, but it's just a pity that there is a fire in that place."

The four figures quickly ran on the ruin-like ground, casting their statures, and flying forward like a blast. The first one was a five-fold restoration of the transcendental realm, and the other three were the fourfold restoration of the transcendental realm.

The interlocutors are the three quintessences of the extraordinary world.

If Chen Zong saw them, they would realize that they were the ones who did not let themselves enter the shelter last night. Until now, they still remember the strange fire of Chen Zong's body.

After all, the heaven and earth are very rare and precious. If they can be obtained, there will be many benefits. At least they can master one more method.

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