Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 18: Great breakthrough in refining


The crackling sound was harsh, and the land under Chen Zong's feet shattered even more.

You know, the hardness of the land under ten times the pressure is much better than other places, and it is even more amazing than the refined steel. Rao is also constantly cracking under the feet of Chen Zong. The strength can also be expected, the pressure is terrible.

Ten times the pressure is constant and will always exist. This pressure falls on the body, not only acting on the body surface, but also compressing the viscera through the membrane, muscles, and bones.

It can be said that Chen Zong went up and down, all under pressure, and even spiritual knowledge was affected.

Zhenyan refining body exercises with a fiery dragon power, like a dragon in the body shuttle, wherever you go, the heat is pervading, as if calcining everything, like a thousand hammers to make real gold.

Whenever the hot dragon force hits and becomes obsolete, Chen Zong can feel the muscles swell, and that place is full of tyrannical power. Once it bursts out, it seems to be able to blast everything.

The skin exposed outside the robe became reddish due to the relationship between the work method and the hot dragon power, and there was a burst of high temperature. When the sweat just came out, it would immediately dry out and turn into water vapor.

With Chen Zong's practice, he can feel a heat flow seeping from the deepest part of the body and blending into the hot dragon power, which strengthens the dragon power, and during the transport, it penetrates the viscera and the muscle and muscle membranes of the bones and muscles to gradually strengthen it. .

The whole body trembled slightly, the bones and bones trembled, and the dragon's groan seemed to be a little high again.

Dragon Power Realm Double Peak!

The improvement of the practice of physical training is often more difficult than the practice of qi.

Of course, both have their benefits.

Relatively speaking, the practice of Qi is more about talent, but the reliance on refining the talent is not so obvious, and it depends more on perseverance.

Of course, it is better if you have a certain talent for refining.

The five internal organs and the six organs were squirming, emitting thunders and throbs, and the muscles of the bones and muscles also trembled.

Under the pervasiveness of Ziyun Zhenyan, a faint of consciousness suddenly burst out from the back of his mind, like a stream of light passing through the darkness, blooming instantly, and then captured by Chen Zong.

"True flame burns, refines my body!"

As if Hong Zhongru was a big lu, it seemed like a gigantic initiation, all kinds of Mingwu burst out in an instant.

With a bang, a purple flame spewed out of Chen Zong's body. The fire flickered and filled the whole body. The blazing flames radiated a burst of hot high temperature, making the surrounding air as if ignited. Melt the steel into molten iron.

The heat is so heavy that it seems like endless ripples, and even the land underneath it has become drier and cracked.

The high temperature was amazing, but Chen Zong's robes were intact, as if unaffected, and Chen Zong himself didn't feel the amazing heat.

With the lavender flame spreading and covering the whole body, the dragon power was also calcined and became more pure. After a while, Chen Zong felt that although his total power had not increased, the purity was doubled. .

In other words, the same double peak of the dragon power realm, the power of the dragon power that broke out has doubled, and it is even more terrible.

More powerful dragon force swept the whole body, Chen Zong could feel that his viscera and musculoskeletal membrane were constantly strengthened under this more pure dragon force.

Dragon power realm double limit!


Chen Zong has already mastered the true intention of the true yin exercises, and practiced them to the extreme.

This means that Chen Zong's overall strength has increased.

After all, now Chen Zong ’s strength is supplemented by physical training, and the strength of physical training cannot keep up with physical training. Therefore, the improvement of physical training strength is not particularly obvious to the increase of his overall strength, but it is undeniable that Chen Zong ’s Survivability is stronger.

In addition, the practice of Zhenyan exercises to the extreme mastery will also allow Chen Zong's future exercises to improve faster.

Cultivation practice is a small breakthrough, from the second stage of Dragon Power Realm to the peak and then to the limit, and the true cultivation practice comprehends the meaning of the practice. This practice can be regarded as a huge gain.

At the time Chen Zongzheng planned to terminate the practice, there were sudden changes.

I just felt that Ziyun Zhenyan, who had been entangled in the sea of ​​Qi, suddenly broke away from the control of Chen Zong, and immediately broke away from the sea of ​​Qi, directly impacting the muscles and muscles.

Originally, Chen Zong only had a preliminary grasp of Ziyun Zhenyan, and every time he mobilized the power of Ziyun Zhenyan, only part of it, not all.

But now, it's all the entire Ziyun Zhenyan mobilized, no, it should be said to be active.

That purple cloud really inflamed into a stream of flames, rushing into the muscles of the bones and muscles, so that Chen Zong could not help but trembled, and gave out a humming sound. The instantaneous blazing high temperature is more than the true inflammation of the body. Beyond many, let Chen Zong have a kind of musculoskeletal muscles being burned into coke.

The burning pain was indescribable, and even more painful than Sword Ling.

The blood was boiled in a flash, and it was extremely hot.

As the dragon power runs, the flame-like purple cloud Zhenyan also merges into the dragon force, and as the dragon force sweeps all over the body.

Suddenly, the robes and hair of Chen Zong's body were burned, and a purple flame permeated the entire human skin. The flame was strange, like a cloud of mist.

In vitro and in vivo, all are filled with Ziyun Zhenyan, which is integrated into the dragon power and constantly combined.

Roasted and calcined, Chen Zong felt that his body was like a piece of steel, which was constantly being tempered, and it was tempered in a very aggressive manner.

Although such a quenching method is effective, it has to bear great suffering and torture.

After another lap, Long Li kept running, and better combined with Ziyun Zhenyan. After ten laps, Long Li and Ziyun Zhenyan did not distinguish each other.

In other words, the current dragon force is not the previous dragon force, but the strong horizontal dragon force carrying Ziyun Zhenyan. Its power is more than ten times stronger than before.

With the complete integration of Longli and Ziyun Zhenyan, Chen Zong's qi and blood surged, the internal organs thundered like thunder, muscles and membranes swelled endlessly, and that dragonlike rushed like a purple fire dragon shuttle.

Breath soars!

The early stage of Dragon Power Realm Triple!

Chen Zong's refining practice has ushered in another breakthrough, or a breakthrough between large levels.

But this breakthrough did not stop.

Rush Rush!

Strong strong!

Long Power Realm Triple Mid!

Long Power Realm Triple Late!

It wasn't until the third stage of Long Lijing that Chen Zong's breakthrough stopped, and his arrogant breath also stabilized.

After stopping the operation of Longli, Chen Zong quickly took out the entire robe from the ring and quickly put it on. The outer coat was still blue.

The eyebrows and head were bare and somewhat funny, but Chen Zong felt a slight itch. The hairs such as eyebrows and hair, like the young seedlings emerging from the ground, quickly drilled out and recovered to their original length.

With Xiuwei breaking through to the third stage of the Dragon Power Realm, and integrating Dragon Power into Ziyun Zhenyan, it became a more powerful horizontal Ziyan Dragon Power. Ten times the pressure on his own pressure suddenly reduced a lot.

In fact, it is not that the pressure is relieved, but that oneself becomes stronger and more able to bear.

One practice, unexpectedly ushered in such a big breakthrough, so that Chen Zongxin was overjoyed, stepped forward, and his body walked out of this place ten times as much pressure. When he walked outside, he felt only a light body, as if he could ride. The wind flew.

Chen Zong could feel that his body had become stronger and more horizontal. The film seemed to contain a hint of luster, more tenacious, and able to resist more powerful attacks.

The power of the dragon contained in the body does not know how many times stronger than before.

"So Ziyan Longli is not inferior to my spiritual power." Chen Zong secretly said.

Although the practice of refining the body is the third stage of Long Lijing, and the practice of Qi training is the late four stage of Qi Qi, the dragon force incorporating Ziyun Zhenyan is very domineering, and it is not inferior to spiritual power. exceed.

However, in terms of practicing Qi Xiu, he has the sword-like meaning of Qingyun Mitian who can reach the spirit of the middle class, but there is no appropriate martial arts in the refining field to truly exert the refining power. This is a disadvantage.

However, in any case, the breakthrough in refining the body is indeed an unexpected surprise, and the life-saving ability has been greatly improved. Furthermore, there is a very important point. The integration of Ziyun Zhenyan and Longli is equivalent to being completely refined by Chen Zong. It can also be used separately from Longli.

In addition, even if it is consumed, Ziyun Zhenyan will not be able to recover slowly as before, but can use Zhenyan exercises to accelerate recovery, which is another benefit.

"I hope to find the practice of refining martial arts so that we can fully cultivate the refining system." Chen Zong said secretly.

Take out a few pieces of ore from the Na ring, and then take out the original Baihe sword. Chen Zong urged Ziyun Zhenyan, melting several pieces of ore and the broken Baihe sword into molten iron, and then combining them with strong spiritual knowledge. Formed a simple scabbard.

The scabbard quickly cooled down and finally solidified. Chen Zong took the Xuanguang sword from the ring and inserted it into the scabbard, which just fit, and then hung the long sword around his waist.

The mysterious light sword enters the sheath, and the violent power fluctuations are also restrained and silent, which is difficult to feel.

Carrying the Sanpin Spiritual Art Xuanguang Sword, there are also breakthroughs in practice and improvement of exercises, and the strength has been significantly enhanced ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong's confidence has increased a lot.

But the thought of the violent and evil purple ghost of last night was too rude. Without a single blow, I defeated all my strength, even a fistful of magic weapon was crushed, and my palm suffered. Invasion, terrible force invaded the body and sabotage.

Even if his strength has been significantly enhanced now, Chen Zong is not half confident about fighting against that purple ghost, at least seven strengths of transcendence.

Taking the cultivation of the Canglan world as the realm to convert, the fourth stage of the transcendental realm is equal to the second stage of the spiritual realm, and the seventh stage of the transcendental realm is equal to the first stage of the heavenly paradise. Such a huge gap, if you can survive, it is completely a miracle.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's keen eyes glanced at a group of people on the right side, with four pupils contracting slightly.

At the same time, the head of the four also found Chen Zong, and his sharp eyes flashed with an amazing cold mang, apparently recognizing Chen Zong, and then the other three also felt something. Looking back, when they saw Chen Zongshi First, a moment of surprise, and a look of surprise, immediately, his face sneered.

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