Sword God

Vol 21 Chapter 45: 5 feet unbreakable (below)


Jianguang Lotus is a masterpiece of light, full of endless gold, just like a golden day, giving birth to a terrible power that floods the world.

Space and time seem to stand still for a moment, that is not really still, but the illusion that the power that erupts in an instant is too overbearing, and the invisible momentum affects the surrounding air.

According to rumors, the true peerless powerhouse can even block and suppress one party's time and space with its imposing manner.

But that's just a legend, Chen Zong won't think too much, especially now.

Using the Red Flame Streaming Sword, Chen Zong ’s attack power soared. The sword light lotus, which was about to collapse under the seventh wave of blood poison arrows, not only reunited, but also became more horizontal. Live, and shatter all blood poison arrows.

The hardness of each blood poison arrow is astonishing, which is comparable to Chinese spirits, but they are shattered one after another.

After blocking the ten waves of blood poison arrows offensive by the flying bat demon guard, Chen Zong did not stay in place, but wielded a sword, man and sword did not distinguish each other, and one sword was shot out of the air.

Fight back!

With the heart of the sword, although there can be five feet without breaking the sword circle, but the opponent is very strong, passive resistance is not Chen Zong's style.

Having said that, if there were no seven Demon Emperors on the Demon Dragon, Chen Zong would really like to use this hundred-level nine-tier Demon Demon to sharpen the sword circle.

Jin Yan streamer tore through the sky, the speed is amazing, beheaded.

Chen Zong, who uses the Red Flame Streaming Sword, has an attack power that fully reaches the level of a high-level demon emperor. He uses his heart to control the sword and moves his sword to the heart. The speed of the sword is extremely amazing.

The strength of each flying bat demon guard is more than twice as strong as the ordinary superior nine-tier extreme demons, and together they are enough to fight against and even cause damage to the lower demons, but they are not Chen Zong's opponents at this time.

Can't escape!

Around Jianguang, three flying bat demon guards and the flying wing demon wing under him were cut off directly.

Hematology is performed, and six blood beads are instantly made, three from the flying bat demon guard, and three from the flying wings.

From the time when the flying bat demon shot ten waves of blood poison arrows to Chen Zong's counterattack to kill the three people, the time was very short. The other flying bat demon guards responded extremely quickly and immediately spread out. They distanced themselves from Chen Zong and opened their bows and arrows again. Remotely locked.

"Kill!" General Demon Flame's voice was extremely cold, as if he could freeze the void.

The flying bat demon guard is the guard team under his seat, but he himself has been selected from thousands of troops and carefully trained, each one is very precious, and all three are killed at once. The general of the demon flame country is naturally very unhappy. , Killing ideas.

With an order, the Blood Poison Arrows broke through again, each passing through the sky, leaving a straight line of scratches. Six Demon Emperors behind General General of the Flame Flame also flew out, as if Six lightning flashes.

Two middle-level demons and four low-level demons.

In addition, these six demon emperors are also strong men trained by General Demon Flame. They have worked for many years under his Majesty, and they are extremely well-coordinated with each other and have a good understanding.

Ninety-seven blood poison arrows were crushed by Chen Zong in an instant, and six powerful demons were also killed.

The four low-level demons were killed with swords from four directions: southeast and northwest.

A middle-level demon appeared in the sky, wielding his sword and beheaded, and the blade of light fell like a waning moon into the sky, and it could cut everything.

Immediately, another middle-level demon emperor appeared from below, and slashed out with a sword. The intersection of the knife light and the sky formed a cross.

If you do n’t do it, you will have a lore, and you will have nowhere to dodge.

General Demon Flame stared at Chen Zong to see how this human race responded. Unconsciously, a spear appeared in his hands, and a black flame spread quickly from the palm of his hand.

Chen Zong's eyes were bright, but there was no panic in the face of the six monster emperors joining forces to kill.

Heartbeat, sword to!

The six sword lights broke through, smashing the attacks of the six demons.

The sense of extreme crisis suddenly exploded in the heart. In front of me, a fiery black light burst, and each explosion, the speed increased by three points, as if the world was smashed, with the power of destruction, relentless Bang to Chen Zong.

General Demon Flames shot.

One shot is all-out effort to seize the moment when the six demon emperors clothed the lore, and there is no escape.

Only six demon emperors joined forces to complete the lore, which is not complete. Now, it is the real lore and the inevitable lore.

In the face of this attack, other high-level demons will definitely die, because the strength of General Moyan is among the top high-level demons.

In this attack, General Demon Flame held the meaning of killing, and this human race must not be allowed to continue to live.

From the moment the shot was made to the present, the time is short, and General Demon Flame has seen the terribleness of this human race.

Its own strength is not yet at the Emperor Level, but I do n’t know why it can exert the Emperor ’s level of strength, and the sword held in its hands contains terrible power, which makes the opponent ’s attack power reach the high level .

This can explain how the previous eight demon emperors died.

This shot condensed the power of General Demon Flame's whole body, erupting by 10%, the power was extremely powerful, and the grasp of timing was wonderful.

General Demon Flame has 100% confidence, and with this gun, he will kill this human race.

Holding the Chiyan Liufeng Sword with both hands, a burst of power broke out, and the white-gold breath surged out, which stimulated the power of Chiyan Liufeng Sword to the greatest extent, and the purple cloud and black star inflammation swept out in an instant.

With a boom, a sword chopped, as if breaking new ground.

This sword is also the strongest sword that Chen Zong can explode.


The sky is falling apart!

A shot and a sword collided, as if two meteorites collided, and the meal was instantaneous. The terrible ripples were like a violent surge. Wherever they passed, every trace of disillusionment radiated a breath of terrifying destruction.

The roar was shaking, and every inch spread in the void, like the ring of stars created by the explosion of the planet, annihilating everything.

The face of the six demon emperors changed drastically, and they flew back in a hurry, lest they be affected. The power is too terrible to bear.

The explosion tragically swept across 10,000 meters and destroyed everything.

The flying wings have long shaken their wings, and are far away.

A figure flew backwards from the explosion and flew back a few kilometers to stay in shape. It was Chen Zong. The terrible impact of the force caused Chen Zong's sword to almost come out of his hand and the tiger's mouth seemed to be torn. Again, it hurts a lot.

It felt like his arms were broken into many knots. His body was in pain, his blood was swollen, his spirits were scattered, his whole body was in a very bad state, but Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, like the coldness of the deep ocean.

Under the tyrannical idea, all the forces in the body reunited in an orderly manner, mobilized again, the power spread, and the tear-like pain also calmed down.

On the other side, the huge figure also flew back hundreds of meters, and the arrogant force made the General Demon Flame very uncomfortable. The giant demon dragon under his foot desperately fanned his wings to curb the backward movement.

This blow failed to kill the human race. General Demon Flame was surprised. The long gun trembled, and the gun mantle penetrated more than 10,000 meters and stabbed at Chen Zong again.

The flying bat magic guards once again shot the bleeding poison arrow, and the six demon emperors also swiftly killed with their swords.

Chen Zong was once again trapped by strong enemies.

If it was only the flying bat demon guard and the six demon emperors, Chen Zong had no fear, even if they joined forces, they could use their sword to kill them.

But the demon emperor still standing on the back of the giant demon dragon brought a lot of threat to Chen Zong.

In particular, the cooperation between the seven demon emperors is seamless and seamless, making Chen Zong want to kill one of them alone.

Can't kill the seven demon emperors, but they can attack the flying wings.

Chen Zong avoided the joint of General Demon Flame and the six Demon Emperors and killed the Flying Bat Demon with a sword.

Kill kill!

While avoiding the seven demon emperors, they hunted down the flying bat demon guards, one after another, the flying bat demon guards were beheaded and killed by Chen Zong, and the flying wing demon wings were also beheaded, and they were refined into blood beads, earning income Within the ring.

General Demon Flame was extremely furious, and each flying bat demon guard was carefully selected by himself, and one death was a big loss, not to mention that more than ten have been killed now.

The enraged General General of Flames suddenly leapt from the back of the dragon, bursting out to kill Chen Zong at the fastest speed, and a shot broke like a meteor crossing.

With a bang, the power was amazing.

The speed of General Moyan's angry outburst is extremely amazing, and Chen Zong is difficult to compare, but in terms of flexibility, Chen Zong has to outperform the other ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ dodge, do not bump into General Moyan, and take advantage of this Chance to slaughter the flying wings and the flying bat demon guard on the back.

Kill kill!

While cutting and slaying, he performed blood alchemy, and continually refined blood beads to be included in the ring.

Only as a last resort, Chen Zong is unwilling to use the Sword of Silence, because it will consume his vitality.

Once things start, it's hard to end.

Yi Qianqiu received the sword of silence and exchanged his own vitality for more powerful power. Although it was a choice under anger and helplessness at that time, after all, it was not a temptation of powerful power.

Although Chen Zong thought that he had strong willpower, he didn't dare to try it easily.

After being cut and killed 30 flying bat demon guards and 30 flying wings by Chen Zong, the remaining 70 were immediately avoided by the order of General Demon Flame, and they all went away, some ashamed, but better than It's good to be killed.

"Go." When the decision was made, Chen Zong burst into full speed and left immediately.

The seven demon emperors have excellent cooperation and strong strength, which is not what they can defeat at present. The longer the time is spent, the more their mind is consumed, and it will be difficult to cast the sword with the heart. The strength will be Dropped significantly.

"Chasing!" It was impossible for General Demon Flame to escape from this race, and the full speed chase immediately erupted, and the six Demon Emperors also exploded at full speed, followed by General Demon Flame.

General Demon Flame was the strongest and fastest, and soon caught up with Chen Zong, and shot through the void with a shot.

Chen Zong wielded his sword to resist, used ingenious skills, and with the help of General Magic Flame's one shot, he made his speed soar again, and distanced himself from General Magic Flame again, swiftly far away.

"Don't want to escape." The raging General Demon Flame pursued again.

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