Sword God

Vol 21 Chapter 46: Demon Eater (1)

Earth Demon Fifth Floor!

"A tribe who is not even a feudal emperor, even dares to come to Moyuan and find his own way."

"All killed."

A demon-like strong man surrounded the three extreme enclaves of the Nine Heavens Extreme Realm. The three races were very embarrassed and suffocated. They all seemed to be harmed, but they still clenched their weapons and depended on each other. Their eyes were murderous , Staring at the demons around.

"I don't recommend killing it, catch it alive and detain it for more people to see."

"Yes, we have many people who haven't seen what a human chief looks like."

A few words will determine the end of these three human races.

Each of the strong human races who entered Dimoyuan had learned the language of the demons, so they could hear everything the demons around them heard.


The three of them drank together, and only a few powers broke out, killing the demons around in desperation.

What a humiliation to be caught alive and exhibited like an animal is worse than death.

Kill one to protect the capital, kill two to earn.

"Should also struggle."

"In human terms, what is called stubborn resistance."

As soon as the Demon mastered the situation, he did not fear the deathly counterattack of the three severely damaged human races, but laughed at them.

Unexpectedly, as the three human races approached, they reversed their spiritual power, poured into the chakras, and detonated the chakras.

The self-detonation of the three extreme enemies of the Nine Levels of Extreme Realm was nothing short of amazing.

The terrible force destroyed the surrounding area instantly, covering several kilometers.

Some unsuccessful Demon powers were immediately affected, and those at the center of the explosion had no bones left.

Dozens of demons, more than ten died from the self-detonation of three strong human races, a dozen were not badly injured, while others were alive and did not suffer any harm, but some were embarrassed and even more furious.

The bones of the three human races are missing, and this anger cannot be released.


Earth Demon Fifth Floor!

An all-white jade figure stood proudly in the sky, blocking attacks from all directions, and immediately shot it with one palm.

The palm of the hand is shaped like a white jade, and one palm blasts out, facing the wind, and descends from the sky, toward a demon emperor, and directly bombards the demon emperor like a meteorite.

Ming Yudi!

The strength of Emperor Mingyu was a mid-level feudal emperor, with powerful strength. Under the running skills, the jade white pervaded his whole body, and his body possessed amazing defense and amazing combat power.

Skybreaker Emperor has a sword in his hand and breaks through the sky. If the sky can be broken, it is terrible. If a sword is cut, dozens of Demon Strong will be wiped out.

These powers seem to be more than half of the medium demons.

On defense, Emperor Mingyu is very strong. On attack, Emperor Jiandi is stronger.

As for the mad ghost, he killed a lot of demons with one sword in hand, but at this time was being chased and killed by the demons.

A mad ghost is a newly-appointed emperor. On the level, it is only a lower-level demon.


Earth Demon Fifth Floor!

Chen Zong's figure crossed the sky like a meteor. Behind him, a tall figure chased wildly like a black meteor, blasting a violent shot again and smashing the sky.

This kind of marksmanship power, whether it is the Heavenly Emperor Sword Emperor or the Ming Yu Emperor who is famous for his defense, cannot be hard-wired, and it will be broken instantly.

But General Demon Flame was extremely angry, and each shot would not only be resisted by the opponent, but would also be leveraged to become the opponent's accelerated assistance, and once again widen the distance from himself.

However, without a gun, even if they chase the opponent, they cannot be intercepted.

The general of the Demon Flame is extremely powerful, and the power of each shot is terrible, but in terms of skill and application of force, it cannot be compared with Chen Zong who masters the sword with heart.

While fleeing, Chen Zong smiled secretly. If the Red Flame Flowing Edge Sword was not affected by the power of the Canglan World Rules, he could not fully exert his power. With only one sword, he could kill the General of Flame .

Chen Zong is extremely fast and constantly borrows power. Except for General Demon Flame, other demon emperors cannot catch up at all, and the distance is getting farther and farther.

The sky ahead seemed more gloomy, filled with a sense of sensation, which made people tremble.

"Human race, stop." General Demon Flame shouted suddenly.

Chen Zong ignored it and stopped, unable to defeat General Demon Flame.

The body flies through the sky like a meteor, and the next breath, as if there are waves of waves, and the body seems to be swallowed, it disappears in front of the general of the flame.

General Demon Flame's figure was a meal, and brought out the violent airflow, but it seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall, spreading around ten meters in front of him and disappeared.

I saw General Demon Flame staring in front of him, looking extremely dignified.

After a short while, the six demon emperors hurried up.

"General." The six demon emperors saluted together.

"General, what about the race?" A middle-level demon asked.

"Forbidden ground." General Moyan answered very simply.

"Forbidden ground?" The six demon emperors first stunned, then carefully looked forward, and then saw a huge black stone monument below, his face suddenly changed.

"Forbidden Demon!"

The six demon emperors trembled in unison, and the chill swept across the body from the deepest part of the body.

In the eighth floor of the Earth Demon Ground, in addition to the Demon Fire Country and various tribes, there are a lot of dangerous places where the monsters inhabit and extremely dangerous forbidden areas.

Among them, it was the forbidden land that made many strong demons strong and scared and ranked first.

How dangerous the Demon Eater's Forbidden Land is, it is not very clear to the General of the Demon Flame. His six demon emperors are also not very clear, but its fierce name has been passed down for countless years.

Among the known records, the previous generation of the Lord of the Flames had led His Majesty's ten higher demon emperors to enter and wanted to find out.

As a result, only the last-generation Lord of the Flame Flames survived the Demon Eater's forbidden land, was severely wounded, and his psychic power was greatly affected, which was caused by the soul's damage.

After the last generation of the Demon Flame Lord returned to the Demon Flame Kingdom, he left a last word that he could not enter the forbidden area. Only because the soul was damaged too much and could not heal his death, did this generation of the Demon Flame Lord.

Otherwise, it is not so easy to give way to the life and strength of the demons.


When his body came into contact with an invisible force, Chen Zong felt bad.

What's even worse is that even if you have a super strong sense, you don't feel it. Even if you are chased by a strong enemy, you can't focus on perception, and you shouldn't have any sense at all.


And the moment when his body touched that invisible power, it seemed as if he was caught by an invisible arm, unable to resist the slightest, and dragged in.

It was like walking through the void. Then, his body dropped. Chen Zong quickly stabilized his body, but found that it seemed as if he was restricted by mysterious power and could not fly.

Immediately, Chen Zong was even more horrified to discover that the eight spirit wheels in his body seemed to be blocked by any force, and they moved in the slightest.

In other words, Chen Zong's Qi training is blocked and cannot be used.

Fortunately, the practice of refining was not affected, so it fell a few hundred meters high. With the practice of refining, Chen Zong landed unscathed without any damage, and even his blood was not affected by any shock.

This is a barren land. When you look at it, you can't see the margins. The sky is **** red, deep and depressed, and it feels more heavy than the eighth floor of the Earth Demon, making it difficult to breathe.

Although I saw nothing, there was always a faint crisis haunting my heart.

In other words, there are many dangers lurking in this place, which are enough to threaten their lives, but they have not yet appeared.

Unsure of where he is, Chen Zong inspected himself while being vigilant.

Lianqi Xiu is banned and cannot be used. Chiyan Liufeng Sword is also affected. It is banned in the body and cannot be summoned, which means that Chen Zong has a strong hole card.

The power contained in the Han Feng Sword is also banned, but it can still be used. It can only be used as an ordinary sword.

All in all, everything related to the practice of qi has been banned.

After losing Qi Qi Xiu and Chi Yan Liu Feng Jian, etc., Chen Zong's strength dropped significantly. Some things that were not considered threats in the past now have threats.

Whether it is dangerous, everything is relative.

Fortunately, the spiritual consciousness is still strong and unaffected by the slightest influence, and the cultivation of the body is also not affected by the slightest influence. In this inexplicable place, he is not without any strength.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong only felt that the breath was cool and in the body, as if a cold current was poured into the lung cavity and swept away in the body, and the coolness seemed to have a hint of fishy smell.

Gaze swept away, looking forward, not seeing anything else, but the vast expanse of barrenness, the earth was black, so black that it was heartbreaking, and the blood red of the sky reflected, as if **** purgatory.

Han Fengjian hung in the left waist ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ stepped forward, Chen Zong continued to advance.

Walking on the black barren ground, through the touch of his feet, Chen Zong can feel that the land is very hard, which is many times better than the refined steel.

Han Feng's sword came out of the sheath, and the light flickered across the ground. It seemed that Mars had sputtered away. The sword had returned to the sheath, but a sword mark more than one meter long was left on the ground, about an inch deep.

The Han Feng Sword is a spirit of the fourth grade. Even though the internal power is suppressed by the mysterious power here, it cannot be used, but the sword itself is amazing in material. Cutting off the refined steel is like tearing a piece of paper, leaving only an inch on the ground. Left and right sword marks.

Although Chen Zong did not use much power, it also showed that the hardness of the ground was amazing, and it was more than twice as hard as the ground on the eighth floor of the ground.

This makes Chen Zong more vigilant.

The more such a place, the more miraculous it is, and the more vigilant it is, because there are unpredictable dangers lurking here.

I don't know how long to walk, there is always a barren front, you can't see the margins, and for a long time, it will make people furious.


The ripples rippled like water, and the skulls also appeared from the center of the ripples, which made Chen Zong's body shape, and his pupils contracted like needles.


As if descending from the void, the heads of these monsters are like devil wolves, but they are full of barbs, and they look even more stingy. Moreover, a skull is one meter long and very huge.

When the giant wolf that Chen Zong considered to be a monster appeared, the huge body was even more surprising.

What makes Chen Zong feel weird is that these gigantic giant wolves are different from the monster wolf of the Earth Demon. The chest cavity glows, and there seems to be a luminous source inside, which continuously releases scarlet light, so that Chen Zong can see To the wolf's sternum.

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